So here,lets update about yesterday's training k..
It was fun arh yesterday..It really was..We had games and also debate..
The game:thanks to Aameer,Khaiman and Khai for pulling my shirt to be in your formed-group.Hahaha..Gerek sey korang...
The debate was fun too..Aameer,Naqiah,Amir(Dok),Wani,Syamim and me were in the same group and the rest the other group..Raudha was with us too but she came late and she said she was lost..Hhaha..Cute la..The topic for the debate was "Seni Melayu tenggelam dengan arus kemodenan"..And we are suppose to support the idea..Guess what?We lost..HAhahahah..
But I still had fun la eventhough we lost..Naqiah is the best debater.Amir is the "worst" debater..Hhah..Eventhough we lose,you guys got something..HAHA..I cant stop laughing thinking about it..Really....ok..THE PIC..
Forfeit:he sang 'Kekasih gelapku'
Forfeit:She sang dangdut song(she even dance to it)
Forfeit:he sang 'bad day'(i think)
Forfeit:he sang 'Lemon Tree'

They won the debate

You people are so cute..So sporting la..Hha..Jannah,Wirna and Amir..You people are the people who make me look at seni at a different perspective..Thanks for the friendship you 3 have given me..And I appreciate them alot..May you 3 succeed in your future..Anyway,you 3 are not going yet right..haha
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