*I'm posting an entry here not because I'm not doing my work..I am but I need a break for a while..My tummy pain is killing me at this moment..Ya ampun...sakit!!!!!!
OK..here's what make todae,20th January a special day..
1.There is gonna be a DDI quiz later on at 9am
2.There is gonna be RAD lab test later on at 12pm,of which,I'm SCREWED!!
3.There is NTP project submission at 3pm
4.There is NTP demo to our 'wonderful' lecturer at 3pm
5.There is NTP presentation at 3pm
6.To sum it all up,I'm screwed and already dead before I actually am
7.19 years ago,at 0543, I'm sure,a beautiful baby was born by a very beautiful woman.And she was named 'NORAZURA RAZALI'..According to my clock,she is due in about an hour time..
And yeap..So this is how I 'assume' 20th January will be..
To that beautiful baby(an adult now) who will be turning 19 in an hour time,I'm wishing you a very Happy birthday..Its a hard day today but still hope nothing ruin your day and may you enjoy the day ya..I will officially wish you,only at 0543..hha..Moga dimurahkan rezeki dan dipanjangkan umur dan dikurniakan kesihatan yang sesihat sihatnya..

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