I had fun.:)
I miss my bloggy..Ive got a few things to just talk about..And I feel happy wanna talk about it..
First up..The other Friday night,Daddy brought us all out for a late dinner.He asked for opinion..And since noone had any idea of where to eat,I thought why not we all go to Simpang Bedok and eat..Since Ive never known where that is..And for the fact that I've heard that the food there is all nice,so I thought,why not and go see and taste for myself.. And so,of we went..We went and since its friday night,you can imagine how pack the place is..Walked around and saw mad jack.Went in and start ordering our foods..Imagine our expressions when swe look at the price..But still,we ordered..
But you know,thats not the main reason for me blogging about it..The reason was actually because love the service and also the food there..tHE FOOD IS AWESOME..vERY VERY NICE..The meat,hmmm...Tender..The sauce..WOOOO~ perfecto .. And for some who know how much I despise bad services, the services at mad jack made my meals a very happy and smily one.. The crews as in waiters are very very friendly and I've got nothing more to say but just that the service was excellent. It really was..Its just very very very great..:) So,mad jack was..excellente~
Second now..Saturday,we went to Msia..JB to be precise..We watched movie and we watched 'Clash of the titans'... Woohooo~~~~ And my oh my..The sound was excellent! The animation and all was just as nice..The movie was just purely excellent..Well, I would give it 4.5/5.. the other 0.5 was lost at the one particular scene..But other than that,I sure was enjoying myself..Goody good!!
And now..I've got to go and now deary bf..He just called and since the reception is super bad,I gotta call him bad!! Gtg bloggy.. I love you..
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