Just a flash back..
Its 1 in the morning..I know..I know my sayang will be super angry with me if he sees the time for this entry..I am so sorry but then I cant seem to go to sleep..Trust me..I tried sleeping..Until it comes to a point so long that I gave up and thought that with my lappy on,I'm distracted and feel tired so I could go to sleep.Im sorry.. I was pushing myself to read so that I could drift off to sleep.So I ended up reading Zura's old blog..I clicked wrongly and ended up with the blog..So thinking,watever la..I just wanna help myself to sleep,I began reading..I read alot..So many time trying to close my eyes to sleep but I still couldnt..
But the thing is,I blogged not because of that..I know it can wait till tomorrow but I want to update now..Hoping Im tired from typing and using my eyes to strain..So I could go to sleep. I was reading Zura's blog and was flashed back to those poly times when we all had soo much fun ..I remembered fearing that I cant adapt life in Nanyang..But with the help of those friends,now I feared not being able to adapt outside of Nanyang..Hha..I remembered how those friends help me adapt at every stage of the poly life..Lets see..:
Year 1: We only when for a 3 days orientation but our bond were so strong..We went to school on the ferst day like as if we all friends of 4 years..I made friends...Normal friends..Close friends..Good friends..I remembered the time when I was sick..They took care of me sooo well.Hha..I love them alot2 you know..
*I dun wanna get started with mcg..Its gonna make my blog even longer.. Year 2: This was the year full of challenges and stuffs..These is where friendship were tested..Patience tested and integrity tested.. Trust me..We three fight alot! Stress alot! And fool around even more..Exams, Lab test, common test, projects, assignments.. They got more and more..My sleep got lesser and lesser and I started depending on coffee.. hahaa...But you know..They best part about it is that we all had each other's back..Supporting,motivating and just loving everyone..
Year 3: I remembered the first day me and Zura got to class..We were welcome by zombies.. HAHA..The class was absolutely quiet and attentive..And for a while I thought I was at the wrong class.. Hha..This time..Project after project..Deadlines after deadlines..School turned hectic and life became more stresful! But at the end of the semester, we passed! Zura and me surived those boring lectures, boring labs and difficult semester..It was good..
Year 3 FYP: I went through fyp with a few bunch of people whom I know.A few bunch..2 or 3..I hate it at first but after meeting my nice supervisor,I was confident of doing things well and being able to adapt..Soon I made friends..I made a friend who happen to be soo kecoh in class and soon dragged me in and then soon enough, I am talking to the whole class..Hah..I meet up with Fah most of the and E8 for most of lunch time..I miss those time..Us asking each other how's our progress so far and then bitching about just about eerything that is wrong with fyp though when I think about it now,it was actually nothing.My fyp life was the best of the whole 3rd year life..
Year 3 IAP: This part..HAHAA...Many funny thngs happen. Time when someone confessed to me and stuff..It was just funny. Being attached to Coca Cola was a big honour..Not everybidy got that chance you know..At first I hate the environment mostly because I am placed in a lonely place alone to do my work.I got no friend and just noone to ask anything. But soon after,I made many friendly friends and they were so nice to even want to talk to me.. aha..It was a cool environment..I love it there..But stilL.I cant deny the fact that I countdown to the end of the IAP..haha ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
But now..I am only thinking back of the times..The 3 precious hectic poly life.. The friends. the lecturers , the moments.. I am a graduate now..I proud graduate from Nanyang polytechnic.. I was initially disappointed for not being able to graduate with my desired gpa but I realised that I actually got more that just a 2.9..I got 5 A's..Its not alot for you smart-asses..But for me..Its the hard work I never thought I could ever put in that means alot too me..Aniwae..2.9 is not that far to a 3.. I graduated with those lovely peoples..I graduated with people from e8..People from my year3 class..People from my fyp lab.. I am happy and I love them alot..My poly life. It indeed was a memorable and awesome journey..And since I am a sentimental person..Trust me..Those memoey will be with me for a very long time..

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