So basically, today I have 2 very interesting to blog about. Here goes:
Firstly, I have this urge to listen to MJ. Wanted to listen to Heal the world and cause this comp is loading the video too long, I decided to just browse through the related songs in the sidebar and ended up clicking the Haiti song sang by the many many artist. Listen to them and watch the video and little do I know, I have tears streaming down my cheeks. Been thinking about the world and how bad it has become.. Naturally and not. Its scary when you think about it but its really upsetting to see news about people dying every single day in the papers due to all this. It really kills.
As a kid, when you see people say they want world peace as a wish, I will go like why that? Isn't there something more better ou could wish for. And as I grew up when people ask me what I wish for, I say WORLD PEACE! Simply because , now I realise the meaning behind it. Theres no point in asking for more money and never ending happiness when the world is not even safe and peaceful. When everybody is hating and bearing the hard grudge. Grudges pollute the world and it never became a safe and peaceful to live on anymore.
I really wish that if people were to die, its because of natural disaster or sickness instead of obvious human factors.
Second being, I came across Connie Talbot's video on youtube and was blew away by how amazing she sounded at 10 and how beautiful she grew up to become. I was simply in love with her when I first saw her when she was 6 , when she auditioned for Britain's Got Talent. Since I did not know at all which year that was, I simply thought she's still a young girl until today. She's 10 and shes so amazing. That much I would say
And I wonder, where did all this talent come from. So young yet so much talented.
And so now.. I am in so much envy but needless to say.. Nothing can beat GLEE.. and thats what I think.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
After so long..
Hey my lovely bloggy~
At work currently and all I've been doing since morning were GLEE-ing..
My addiction, rather obsession for glee has left boyfie rather scared. Actually it scares the hell out of me too.. Not that I mind at all. Dreaming of Heather Morris hugging me. Then Mark Salling giving me a peck.. I wonder whats next, man.. Can I just simply get them all for Christmas? I wish~~
So, life? Been through the up and downs of life of which now is the lowest down but I ain't complaining. GOD gave me downfall for a reason. Either as an obstacle of life or as a punishment in life. Its ok. Who am I to complain aniway.
Boyfie has always been one great guy. Being by me in almost every single step of the time. Though meeting always seems like a problem but always reminding me that he's always having my back, now.. Thats sweet as hell.. I love you as much I am allowed too..:)
Social life? I crave for them but my current situation just limit my social life a little much bit. But hey, theres always the internet, phone, whatsapp and more.. You are never that far away with technology.
Hmmm~ I need a time out for a walk in the garden, a calm sip of drink, a very much healing massage and time with my love ones. I am super blessed to be surrounded by those loved ones and never have I complain about having them with me. Cause, their presence mean alot to me in every single step of the way.
Life is fun.. When you bear no grudges for the one who broke your heart. When you throw away anger from the one who's responsible for it. When you realise that all negativity happened is due to partly your own fault. For example, I bear no grudges after granting myself time to think over why my heart got broken.. It's simply because i dun make a good girlfriend to that guy I said I love.
Because 1 think I realise, saying you love is an entire different thing to actually loving that particular someone. Loving him means seeing the best in him and loving me is just vice versa. Guess I couldn't get that. And also, they say.. GOD has a pair for everyone. HE knows better, so what do I need to feel angry and upset for when I don't clearly know what is in store for me just yet. Lets just take things as it is.
To boyfie. I love you alright. Thanks so much for everything. And one day if what we wished for happened, it happened. Simply said.
At work currently and all I've been doing since morning were GLEE-ing..
My addiction, rather obsession for glee has left boyfie rather scared. Actually it scares the hell out of me too.. Not that I mind at all. Dreaming of Heather Morris hugging me. Then Mark Salling giving me a peck.. I wonder whats next, man.. Can I just simply get them all for Christmas? I wish~~
So, life? Been through the up and downs of life of which now is the lowest down but I ain't complaining. GOD gave me downfall for a reason. Either as an obstacle of life or as a punishment in life. Its ok. Who am I to complain aniway.
Boyfie has always been one great guy. Being by me in almost every single step of the time. Though meeting always seems like a problem but always reminding me that he's always having my back, now.. Thats sweet as hell.. I love you as much I am allowed too..:)
Social life? I crave for them but my current situation just limit my social life a little much bit. But hey, theres always the internet, phone, whatsapp and more.. You are never that far away with technology.
Hmmm~ I need a time out for a walk in the garden, a calm sip of drink, a very much healing massage and time with my love ones. I am super blessed to be surrounded by those loved ones and never have I complain about having them with me. Cause, their presence mean alot to me in every single step of the way.
Life is fun.. When you bear no grudges for the one who broke your heart. When you throw away anger from the one who's responsible for it. When you realise that all negativity happened is due to partly your own fault. For example, I bear no grudges after granting myself time to think over why my heart got broken.. It's simply because i dun make a good girlfriend to that guy I said I love.
Because 1 think I realise, saying you love is an entire different thing to actually loving that particular someone. Loving him means seeing the best in him and loving me is just vice versa. Guess I couldn't get that. And also, they say.. GOD has a pair for everyone. HE knows better, so what do I need to feel angry and upset for when I don't clearly know what is in store for me just yet. Lets just take things as it is.
To boyfie. I love you alright. Thanks so much for everything. And one day if what we wished for happened, it happened. Simply said.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Currently listening to Glee's Lea Michele- Jar of heart... Would say the song suits the mood so perfectly.
Maybe I will just dedicate this blog post to baby..:)
Baby.. we both can't remember how we met each other but what we knew was that we met 7 years back and since then we've been the bestest of friend. You always been the figure I know I can count on and also one whom I always pour all my happiness and sorrows to.. I would say you know me best than any other..
The first time I told you I love you, I wasn't sure if that was what I want cause I was still traumatized by whatever had happened. You led me along every single small step we took and patiently taking in all my complains and whining and mistakes.
Today I can proudly say that I love you so much.. I dun care what people wana say about us being together but as long as we are both happy with each other, I think thats all that matters.
Here I wanna apologise for all the wrongs I've done and I know they are alot.. I am sorry b.. I love you lots and it will stay just the way it is.
Now listening to Glee-Pretending (Finchel)
Maybe I will just dedicate this blog post to baby..:)
Baby.. we both can't remember how we met each other but what we knew was that we met 7 years back and since then we've been the bestest of friend. You always been the figure I know I can count on and also one whom I always pour all my happiness and sorrows to.. I would say you know me best than any other..
The first time I told you I love you, I wasn't sure if that was what I want cause I was still traumatized by whatever had happened. You led me along every single small step we took and patiently taking in all my complains and whining and mistakes.
Today I can proudly say that I love you so much.. I dun care what people wana say about us being together but as long as we are both happy with each other, I think thats all that matters.
Here I wanna apologise for all the wrongs I've done and I know they are alot.. I am sorry b.. I love you lots and it will stay just the way it is.
Now listening to Glee-Pretending (Finchel)
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Its the Fasting month again,
So, its the fasting month. Already 11 days in this holy month of Ramadan. Alhamdulillah.
Ramadan this year was what I would say a very challenging one. Reason being is that I am finally working in a freezing office where everyine around me are non-Muslim. So food and drinks here and there. Not that its tempting me but just that you know, they always say 'when its too cold, you tend to be more hungrier'..
Another reason to a challenging Ramadan is just Work itself. Dealing with 'cekik-darah' staffs and vendors and clients are very frustrating.. Very very frustrating.
But well, Ramadan kan.. Nak marah2 bingit2 pon takde energy and mood. Hahaha.. So yeah, what I can say is that I am a very patient person this Ramadan. Kalau tak memang aku da maki agaknyer pompan tu tadi..:)
Anyway..I have been thinking alot these few days.. Been asking myself where am I heading to. Got some options but still thinking.
Been haunted with the past again and again and as painful as it feels, I am grateful I am strong enough to stand up again. I dun want to think about what happened in the past with anybody.. I am grateful and wish to think about what is happening at the present.
Thank you mum and dad for loving and taking care of me.. Thank you sis and bro for everything. Thank you work for letting me earn my income. Thank you dear for being there.. Just being there..
I love you guys.. Alot:)
Ramadan this year was what I would say a very challenging one. Reason being is that I am finally working in a freezing office where everyine around me are non-Muslim. So food and drinks here and there. Not that its tempting me but just that you know, they always say 'when its too cold, you tend to be more hungrier'..
Another reason to a challenging Ramadan is just Work itself. Dealing with 'cekik-darah' staffs and vendors and clients are very frustrating.. Very very frustrating.
But well, Ramadan kan.. Nak marah2 bingit2 pon takde energy and mood. Hahaha.. So yeah, what I can say is that I am a very patient person this Ramadan. Kalau tak memang aku da maki agaknyer pompan tu tadi..:)
Anyway..I have been thinking alot these few days.. Been asking myself where am I heading to. Got some options but still thinking.
Been haunted with the past again and again and as painful as it feels, I am grateful I am strong enough to stand up again. I dun want to think about what happened in the past with anybody.. I am grateful and wish to think about what is happening at the present.
Thank you mum and dad for loving and taking care of me.. Thank you sis and bro for everything. Thank you work for letting me earn my income. Thank you dear for being there.. Just being there..
I love you guys.. Alot:)
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Hello bloggy..
I know i know.. its been ages..
Lets just talk about some stuffs ok..
I've turned 21. Yea.. Freedom! Yeah-right!! So.. 21.. 12May this year was specially awesome than any other day. I wouldn't ask for it to go any other way. Thank goodness.. Surprises by dear and cake from family was awesome..:)
I got wofly from dear. Hhah.. He's actually a small-stuffed wolf! I loved it the moment I saw wofly's face because he is just sooooo adorable.:)
Hmm.. What else?
Work.. Im so stressed up thinking about work. Oh my.. Just stop it work.. Im sooo tired. Just very tired if working. Im not sure of whats the cause.. Either Im tired of the environment or Im tired with everything else and want a change.
Oh ok ok...
I am madly in love and obsessed with Heather Morris.. Glee comes in second. Heh.. She is freaking hot.. and oh my.. Glee not only gives the best dance, vocals and drama but feature many hot actor/actresses.. Aww~
ok.. I wanna concentrate on glee.. Bye babies..:)
I know i know.. its been ages..
Lets just talk about some stuffs ok..
I've turned 21. Yea.. Freedom! Yeah-right!! So.. 21.. 12May this year was specially awesome than any other day. I wouldn't ask for it to go any other way. Thank goodness.. Surprises by dear and cake from family was awesome..:)
I got wofly from dear. Hhah.. He's actually a small-stuffed wolf! I loved it the moment I saw wofly's face because he is just sooooo adorable.:)
Hmm.. What else?
Work.. Im so stressed up thinking about work. Oh my.. Just stop it work.. Im sooo tired. Just very tired if working. Im not sure of whats the cause.. Either Im tired of the environment or Im tired with everything else and want a change.
Oh ok ok...
I am madly in love and obsessed with Heather Morris.. Glee comes in second. Heh.. She is freaking hot.. and oh my.. Glee not only gives the best dance, vocals and drama but feature many hot actor/actresses.. Aww~
ok.. I wanna concentrate on glee.. Bye babies..:)
Friday, April 8, 2011
Life thinking
Its been ages since I last update.Lets just do it now ya. So, whats up with life? I am busy with work.. Everyday. Dang! It comes to a point where I even bring work home..Like what I am going to do today..Blurg! Now now.. This is bad bad.. Haiya.. Social life? I am drifted apart from all my close ones..I think its been years(exaggerated) that I've last seen Liyana and Kin.. I've had a few brief text-exchange with a few others.. Just a brief one because I am always rushing.. Wrong timing I would say. Khai? Hmmm.. Last I saw him was yesterday.. Hahah.. Actually Iam seeing him almost everyday.. So I dun miss him all that much la.. Hahaha.... (Joking) I miss him lots lots though baru 5min lepas jumpe.. ahah.. Well.. Life has been exciting and alhamdulillah, everything goes well. No pain, no anger.. Syukur*.. What I have been up to..? Hmm.. Other than the fact that I am always rushing and making sure my work and job are done perfectly, I am actually also looking and analysing life. They say, once a big drastic change happen to you, only then will you realise how you always take life for granted. So basically, start of with Khai. Well, too many people are seeing us both together.. I am sure too many have seen our message exchange on fb and stuff. If I should say, he is my special someone now. But.. I am still a single girl.. I do not want to jump into any relationship and get myself another heartpain or anything.. Khai, lets just take a step at a time alright.. Love you many2.. Life? They say promises are meant to be broken.. I find that bullshit! and whoever who came up with that nonsense.. Well, you're just an arse! This past days, I have thought of what I have actually done all my life and what life has offered to me.. Syukur..I am appreciating whatever I am given and granted and hope that things goes well for me.. And even if I am down with probs and difficulties, I hope I can pick myself up and stay strong..:) The other time, my manager told me that friends are very important. Even when you are married, do not ever let go of your friendship with friends..Because they are very precious.. How true.. Lastly..I miss you friends alot..
Saturday, March 12, 2011
A very entertaining day,,
Hello World:)
I am a very happy girl alright.. Who syas single life is boring? It is not given you have the right company.. Well I have pplenty of right company.. It came to an extent where even the meanest thing dun affect me. So next time ppl, dun bother being mean.. Because I am not affected..
Today I went out with dear Khai to the IT Show.. And we were all like ants.. But fortunately, since we both do not have soo much of big built body, we could get our way ou kinda easily.. Hha..
So what happened was that we went to every single store they have there and got ourself mesmerized by how low or rather cheap things can actually go.. And shocked the hell out of ourselves.( mind you this is my ferst visit to an IT Show ) .. Got bro a Cruzer 4GB thumbdrive for 8.50.. Got myself earpiece at 9.80..
The best part about this is that we actually sanggup travel all the way to bugis to get a 10buck 8GB mp3.. haha.. Lucky Bugis is only a station away.. Heh..
OK.. The guy itself.. He surprised me with quite a few things today.. The time when he got me stg tho I told him NO.. He actually accompanied me from one level to another level.. From one store to another store. Not even complaining of being tired or irritated or watever.. He can even joke about all this..
And seriously I've never thought that just window shopping with a guy could be that much fun.. Well maybe because no guy could actually tahan the way I shop.. HHaa.. Maybe..
Well, it was a very enjoyable day. Very entertaining day too I would say..
Thank you baby...:)
I am a very happy girl alright.. Who syas single life is boring? It is not given you have the right company.. Well I have pplenty of right company.. It came to an extent where even the meanest thing dun affect me. So next time ppl, dun bother being mean.. Because I am not affected..
Today I went out with dear Khai to the IT Show.. And we were all like ants.. But fortunately, since we both do not have soo much of big built body, we could get our way ou kinda easily.. Hha..
So what happened was that we went to every single store they have there and got ourself mesmerized by how low or rather cheap things can actually go.. And shocked the hell out of ourselves.( mind you this is my ferst visit to an IT Show ) .. Got bro a Cruzer 4GB thumbdrive for 8.50.. Got myself earpiece at 9.80..
The best part about this is that we actually sanggup travel all the way to bugis to get a 10buck 8GB mp3.. haha.. Lucky Bugis is only a station away.. Heh..
OK.. The guy itself.. He surprised me with quite a few things today.. The time when he got me stg tho I told him NO.. He actually accompanied me from one level to another level.. From one store to another store. Not even complaining of being tired or irritated or watever.. He can even joke about all this..
And seriously I've never thought that just window shopping with a guy could be that much fun.. Well maybe because no guy could actually tahan the way I shop.. HHaa.. Maybe..
Well, it was a very enjoyable day. Very entertaining day too I would say..
Thank you baby...:)
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Oooh lala~~ wedding~~
I was bored at home..Thinking and thinking what I should search and suddenly remembered about the details of my future wedding.. Hhaha..
Lets just berangan abit ok..
Like everyone else knows.. I am deeply in love with purple and lavender.. So I would want just such theme.. Just lavender, and purple.. White and sunflower..
My bouquet ok.. No roses on my wedding please.. Just lavender and sunflower..Because lavender is my very favourite and sunflower just brighten and makes everything else looks sunny and joyous..

Where I would want my wedding reception to be at is by the pool..Why the pool? Simply because I want my guests to have a very relaxing and calm reception. Let them enjoy their food and the wedding in a very peacefun and calm manner. Aniwae.. Water = calm.. :)

Hehe.. My in-my-dream wedding dress.. Nak mampos aku nyer wedding pakai tak senonoh gini?! Hahah.. Wat I actually want is the color to be like the first pic..The gown to be more like the first pic.. The corset like to be the second one.. But what I want to edit is to have the ferst dress to have long sleeves. Just imagine how k people.. Hhaa.. This is just the ferst dress.. The next dress will definitely be MUSLIM-liked. With head scarf and all.. Hehe..That will be white ok..
Hmm.. What else do I miss.?? I guess that will just be abrief description of it. The ring? Just let it be a surprise.. haha. In case anyone want to know the finalised detailed wedding to be like, then tell me k.. I will keep in mind to invite you.. And that might be like.......... 8 9 years? Hahah..
Lets just berangan abit ok..
Like everyone else knows.. I am deeply in love with purple and lavender.. So I would want just such theme.. Just lavender, and purple.. White and sunflower..

Where I would want my wedding reception to be at is by the pool..Why the pool? Simply because I want my guests to have a very relaxing and calm reception. Let them enjoy their food and the wedding in a very peacefun and calm manner. Aniwae.. Water = calm.. :)

Hehe.. My in-my-dream wedding dress.. Nak mampos aku nyer wedding pakai tak senonoh gini?! Hahah.. Wat I actually want is the color to be like the first pic..The gown to be more like the first pic.. The corset like to be the second one.. But what I want to edit is to have the ferst dress to have long sleeves. Just imagine how k people.. Hhaa.. This is just the ferst dress.. The next dress will definitely be MUSLIM-liked. With head scarf and all.. Hehe..That will be white ok..
Hmm.. What else do I miss.?? I guess that will just be abrief description of it. The ring? Just let it be a surprise.. haha. In case anyone want to know the finalised detailed wedding to be like, then tell me k.. I will keep in mind to invite you.. And that might be like.......... 8 9 years? Hahah..
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

This week everthing started out good. Haha.. Good.. Alhamdulillah.. Thank you to the human forms who enlighten my everyday life.. Hehe..
And may I say that I am actually surrounded by many nice guys.. Many..Nice guys.. Hhaa.. Oh man,, Where have you all gone to all these years.. hhaa.. JK!
Thank ALLAH for giving me life till this date to repent and correct whatever wrong I have done.To realise of all wrongs I have purposely or by accidently have done..
Lastly.. thanks baby..:)
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
How are my lovely readers( if theres any) doing?
Life has been a bit on the bad side for me.. Yea.. What a start for 2011 right? Be it working life or personal life.. hahA.. Funny life..
Aniway.. Alhamdulillah.. Everything goes quite oh so well in my life.. There were a few heart break and all, but I am doing good. Actually till now, I shocked myself at how strong I am at handling all this problem.. Haha.. Actually not much of a problem la.. I am a single carefree girl and I like the idea of it.
So what I've been up to recently? HahA.. Other than entertaining this particular person.. I've been bz with work..:)

Thanks Khai.. For entertaining my nonsense and all.. Hhhaa..:)

How are my lovely readers( if theres any) doing?
Life has been a bit on the bad side for me.. Yea.. What a start for 2011 right? Be it working life or personal life.. hahA.. Funny life..
Aniway.. Alhamdulillah.. Everything goes quite oh so well in my life.. There were a few heart break and all, but I am doing good. Actually till now, I shocked myself at how strong I am at handling all this problem.. Haha.. Actually not much of a problem la.. I am a single carefree girl and I like the idea of it.
So what I've been up to recently? HahA.. Other than entertaining this particular person.. I've been bz with work..:)

Thanks Khai.. For entertaining my nonsense and all.. Hhhaa..:)

Sunday, January 30, 2011
The girls..
Oh dear goodness.. May I have the strength and patience to overcome these obstacles..
Meet up with Liyana and Kin after work.. Spend some time with them.. No gossiping this time( not that we always do)..But instead, we chose to all talk about ourselves and the families.. Well, I had the ferst talk when I started singing that song.. 'tentang aku,engkau dan dia'.. I miss the girls so much and I love them more.. 8 years and I have treated them like my own familiy and naturally if one is down. I will feel their pain too..
So what happened was, we poured out our misery and pain and problems.. Am proud that all of us were strong enough to not start crying.. First ourselves then family.. Honestly, I was at the very end of the straw.. I am at my very lost and I am very vulnerable at the point of meeting them.But still I manage to smile. I am sure its the power they both have on me whenever I see them.. Haha..:) They have always been like a rock to me.. Thank you so much girls..
A friendship that was evolved accidentally. A friendship so sincere we could accept each other's shortfalls without a problem.
Girls.. It actually came as a shock to me that so many things happened since the last time we met. Almost all of them bad.. All of us having problems befalling us almost at the same time.. But I am sure and I know that we are all strong enough to handle and overcome this.. This much I hope..
Girls.. Just to let you know that I love you girls soooooo much... Thank you for all your company, advices, jokes and problems.. We shall have more impromptu meet ups in the future ya... Love*

Meet up with Liyana and Kin after work.. Spend some time with them.. No gossiping this time( not that we always do)..But instead, we chose to all talk about ourselves and the families.. Well, I had the ferst talk when I started singing that song.. 'tentang aku,engkau dan dia'.. I miss the girls so much and I love them more.. 8 years and I have treated them like my own familiy and naturally if one is down. I will feel their pain too..
So what happened was, we poured out our misery and pain and problems.. Am proud that all of us were strong enough to not start crying.. First ourselves then family.. Honestly, I was at the very end of the straw.. I am at my very lost and I am very vulnerable at the point of meeting them.But still I manage to smile. I am sure its the power they both have on me whenever I see them.. Haha..:) They have always been like a rock to me.. Thank you so much girls..
A friendship that was evolved accidentally. A friendship so sincere we could accept each other's shortfalls without a problem.
Girls.. It actually came as a shock to me that so many things happened since the last time we met. Almost all of them bad.. All of us having problems befalling us almost at the same time.. But I am sure and I know that we are all strong enough to handle and overcome this.. This much I hope..
Girls.. Just to let you know that I love you girls soooooo much... Thank you for all your company, advices, jokes and problems.. We shall have more impromptu meet ups in the future ya... Love*

Saturday, January 22, 2011
Confusion mode on.
Well, it has been on for quite some time now.. Basically I'm just confused now. I sincerely do not know what GOD has written my fate as. I do not know how my life will go on from now onwards. I dunno what mistakes I will make as of now. What deeds I will make as of now. What decision I will make as of now.
I dunno what will happen tomorrow. Will I survive a stressful state? Will I handle a bad breakdown? Who will I have to depend on? Who will be by me when I'm down? Will I make decisions that will only backfire to myself? Will that decision eat me up later? Will I live peacefully after the decisions made?
I need two sided advice to make my decisions. I need a real good one.
Liyana.. Shikin..Mane korang???
Well, it has been on for quite some time now.. Basically I'm just confused now. I sincerely do not know what GOD has written my fate as. I do not know how my life will go on from now onwards. I dunno what mistakes I will make as of now. What deeds I will make as of now. What decision I will make as of now.
I dunno what will happen tomorrow. Will I survive a stressful state? Will I handle a bad breakdown? Who will I have to depend on? Who will be by me when I'm down? Will I make decisions that will only backfire to myself? Will that decision eat me up later? Will I live peacefully after the decisions made?
I need two sided advice to make my decisions. I need a real good one.
Liyana.. Shikin..Mane korang???
Sunday, January 16, 2011
help me, GOD
There were some moment in ife when you wish you have got everything.. Everything. Money, fame, happiness, love. Yes love.
Ever wonder why its always so hard to find love? My thoughts? It because we are choosy people. Demanding all that much.
*Warning! im getting emotional!*
Days, weeks, months.. They have never really been a good enjoyable one for me. Days after days..Weeks after weeks. Months after months.. Life basically revolve around work.Tiring and stressful. Do I have anyone to talk to? Hmm..Not really? Do I have anyone to share my days with?Not really. We'r not talking family here..
Everyday when I wake up from sleep, I hope something good will happen. Something miraculously wonderful will happen. But again and again I got dissappointment.
Yes, tqah is facing problem. I can solve those problems but I cannot do this alone. Not alone when problems I am facing involve other people. I am tired of people telling me they love me but at the very end all I got is bullshit. I am tired of sweet words when everything else finally just sounds the same.
Currently, at this moment, I am confused. So very much confused.. Who can I talk to? Well, noone.. Just one person. Just that one person. But haiz.. I burden him oh so much already. I dun have the heart to burden him anymore. Haiz...
GOD.. Give me strength and solutions to these problems.
Ever wonder why its always so hard to find love? My thoughts? It because we are choosy people. Demanding all that much.
*Warning! im getting emotional!*
Days, weeks, months.. They have never really been a good enjoyable one for me. Days after days..Weeks after weeks. Months after months.. Life basically revolve around work.Tiring and stressful. Do I have anyone to talk to? Hmm..Not really? Do I have anyone to share my days with?Not really. We'r not talking family here..
Everyday when I wake up from sleep, I hope something good will happen. Something miraculously wonderful will happen. But again and again I got dissappointment.
Yes, tqah is facing problem. I can solve those problems but I cannot do this alone. Not alone when problems I am facing involve other people. I am tired of people telling me they love me but at the very end all I got is bullshit. I am tired of sweet words when everything else finally just sounds the same.
Currently, at this moment, I am confused. So very much confused.. Who can I talk to? Well, noone.. Just one person. Just that one person. But haiz.. I burden him oh so much already. I dun have the heart to burden him anymore. Haiz...
GOD.. Give me strength and solutions to these problems.
Monday, January 10, 2011
Since I have always been getting blocked by my own brain, lets just talk about something more specific and easy ya..
Lets just talk about the new year..
And so, 2011 is here.. Already living in it. Working in HR dread me even more about accepting the new year. Simply because, it means more work. But enough about work.. So yea.. 2011 is here.. As I sat doing my work earlier today, I realised that,,hey..its already the 10th?! So fast right.. And soon its gonna be the chinese new year..
2010. Hmm.. A very interesting year yet again.The year I got myself a diploma. The year I got myself experienced in many kind job post. I enjoy doing them.. I mean, at the very least I know how fun stock taking can be at times ya. I know how important being a receptionist is. I know how difficult it is to earn money. And this is also the year I got myself a permanent job. A job I dun quite enjoy in the beginning, But well, every job has its flaws and strong points ya. So, sometimes I enjoy the laughter and nonsense that there is in the office. Sometimes when having to deal with this people's attitude, I just wanna give up.
In any way. 2010 was indeed a wonderful year again. Alhamdulillah.Im hoping that 2011 could be somehow better..
What I want for myself this year: a happy me to be a terrible terribly gd gerl
Have a blast people this 2011..!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lets just talk about the new year..
And so, 2011 is here.. Already living in it. Working in HR dread me even more about accepting the new year. Simply because, it means more work. But enough about work.. So yea.. 2011 is here.. As I sat doing my work earlier today, I realised that,,hey..its already the 10th?! So fast right.. And soon its gonna be the chinese new year..
2010. Hmm.. A very interesting year yet again.The year I got myself a diploma. The year I got myself experienced in many kind job post. I enjoy doing them.. I mean, at the very least I know how fun stock taking can be at times ya. I know how important being a receptionist is. I know how difficult it is to earn money. And this is also the year I got myself a permanent job. A job I dun quite enjoy in the beginning, But well, every job has its flaws and strong points ya. So, sometimes I enjoy the laughter and nonsense that there is in the office. Sometimes when having to deal with this people's attitude, I just wanna give up.
In any way. 2010 was indeed a wonderful year again. Alhamdulillah.Im hoping that 2011 could be somehow better..
What I want for myself this year: a happy me to be a terrible terribly gd gerl
Have a blast people this 2011..!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, January 9, 2011
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