Thursday, August 11, 2011

Its the Fasting month again,

So, its the fasting month. Already 11 days in this holy month of Ramadan. Alhamdulillah.

Ramadan this year was what I would say a very challenging one. Reason being is that I am finally working in a freezing office where everyine around me are non-Muslim. So food and drinks here and there. Not that its tempting me but just that you know, they always say 'when its too cold, you tend to be more hungrier'..

Another reason to a challenging Ramadan is just Work itself. Dealing with 'cekik-darah' staffs and vendors and clients are very frustrating.. Very very frustrating.

But well, Ramadan kan.. Nak marah2 bingit2 pon takde energy and mood. Hahaha.. So yeah, what I can say is that I am a very patient person this Ramadan. Kalau tak memang aku da maki agaknyer pompan tu tadi..:)

Anyway..I have been thinking alot these few days.. Been asking myself where am I heading to. Got some options but still thinking.

Been haunted with the past again and again and as painful as it feels, I am grateful I am strong enough to stand up again. I dun want to think about what happened in the past with anybody.. I am grateful and wish to think about what is happening at the present.

Thank you mum and dad for loving and taking care of me.. Thank you sis and bro for everything. Thank you work for letting me earn my income. Thank you dear for being there.. Just being there..

I love you guys.. Alot:)

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