And so,I asked mumy the other day that if she were to gave birth to my elder bro,what would be his name and she said 'Hadi'..Haha..I laughed at the immediate answer cause apparently,I've got a bf with that name..Hahha...But still.Hadi for my brther would be nice..
If some 2nd or 3rd child thinks that being the eldest is so much fun,then try to be one...You will know that you dun like it soon after..I've always thought that being the 1st was awesome..It was..I won't really say I've got priviledges but theres just the perks..Haha..(nonsense,I know)..But difficult..You always have the young ones to look after and for my family,I'm responsible for my siblings behaviour and all..And given kid's attitudes nowadaes,making them the best I want is not an easy job..Those comes in package for being the first.If you wanna know what I'm talking about,then go figure.
Talk back about my brother..Mumy said that he might be erm..around 20,21?Since,I know my bro will love me alot..I kow I can be so pampered with him and I can have someone I can talk to about anything..I know I could tag him along to wherever hes going..And I know I will love him alot..Hah..
And so....Now..I've got a bro....Yay!!!An imaginary one..Since I can't possibly get a real one.I get myself am iaginary one and I can make him be whatever I want my abg Hadi to be..Haha..And now,he happen to be in NS..Hhehhe..
Mumy and everyone else in the family think I'm crazy..Maybe..I dun care..I like sooo desperately want a bro.Maybe you people will think I've got screwed up brain but I dunno.I so want a brother..I need a brother whom I know I can go to when I cry and he be my shoulder to cry on..Waaa...Cute...Since,I've been born the eldest,I won't complain..It's fate but hoping and having an imaginary one is not wrong right..?Hah

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