Anyway,I miss him..3 weeks of which we hadnt meet,been close and talk much.Sometimes I wonder how I can have the will to even bear this kind of relationship..Haa..JAHAT SEY ME!But I am sure its all because of love..LOVE do stupid things to people..And me too,no exception!How I long to just see his face.Its tiring just wondering how long more I'll be meeting him.I want my bf back can??*Cries*
I've been like such a bitch this week.I dunno!OK..Ive been with other guys other than bf this week.Not that bf dunno la.I mean I was with Shamin like usual.He know that.MCGian guys he dunno but its nt like I was flirting with anyone.I didnt even hug anyOne lor during MPA.And with a particular someone I dun wish to name here.I asked bf for permission and he grant it.Thinking about all this,I kept pestering myself why on Earth I'm with them and not bf..
Now,he's at home sleeping..I think,because the daes in camp this week was tiring.Haiz,what else can I do.I cant basically tell him not to sleep and layan me right?I miss him so much..But not being able to do anything to tell him how much,well,it just suck!
And someone is not happy about his camp today..Hhaha..Well,thats just you huh?Sengaje kan!Come back and tell me all about your not so fun camp alright..Take cares! Well,7 more days to the end of MAY and I'm already seeing how the following month is gonna be..Hha..Lets anticipate!
But before..Heres the pic taken during my impromptu bdae celebration with zura and post-presentation

*Screw everything and everyone
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