Friday, November 6, 2009


Two more weeks minus of today.And if those attachment people are happy that their attachment is coming to an end and they are coming back to school..Then for me,an FYP student..I don't like the idea of going out to work and not be in the school environment.Damn!I hate changes.I dun want to go attachment can? *Sigh

But then..Its not all that bad right?I mean,how bad can it go?Its just 3 months and then I am all done with my poly life..Right? 2 years ago,thats what I want..But now,I dun want to be out of Poly can?

Hmm..Actually..I am feeling very very tak kuase la now..Hahah..But my bloggy is so quiet so ya lor.haha..erm!OK ..Im done here..I am bored to death..I wanna sleep from reading my research

1 comment:

Purple Wan said...

Trust me... attachment isn't as bad as what u think. U will be surprised! I was a poly student & I truly enjoyed my 6-month poly attachment. My current 6-month uni attachment is going to end soon & I'm dreading it. Attachment do leave me with some good memories too!