You know,it feels so great to finally get your brain to function once again after a long day of trying..Heh..
Ya,I was trying so hard to understand my DSA but I cant.Went suddenly,looking at a particular question and an answer from I-dunno-where knocked into my head.Haa..Question after question and I can answer them..And trust me,I was smiling along the way..Haha..Fun!
But then,now I can't understand the last part to it..The 'sorting' thing!!arrgggh!!Too tired I guess..Urgh!
And you!You didnt scare me with the 'crite hantu' ok..!!eww!!know why?because my bro was with me..aha..But its creepy la..I dun need the details all la..
I'm just gonna be me ok..?I shall not force anything out and I shall not avoid anything k..
I miss you dear 'darling' friend!I really2 do..
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