I've violated my own rules.Two of them..Both of which,I cant help but violate.
Yea..I'm back my dear friends.But not with a changed me..Haha..Not that anyone would miss me right??haha...
Ok...here I go..
I miss my mcg mates soooo much..Dunno why but I truly do miss you guys alot..I miss Zura and Fah also much2..hee.
Been spending my days with books,family and lavender..Heehhe..Had such a great time with them even though all I do is stay at home and maybe out some other time..But I had fun..It feels like heaven not having to worry about stuffs..Not having to think about people who don't think about you and think about things which doesn't mean a thing to other people..And so..yeap, I'm smiling now..
And ya..The guy I truly2 love so much is seeing someone now..Instead of being pissed,I'm amazed that I can be smiling..Well,I am soo happy for him for finding someone..And haha...I still do love him..So much..
I'm feeling a very huge,tall barrier between us..It seems that when I look at you,I'm looking at someone else..Not your fault..Perhaps its mine..!!haa...But it seems that forcing a feeling to go away sucks..It never work for me...Right?hee....So I shall be patient ya..That's what I do best.!!
And I miss my deary sistaz...Can't wait to meet them soon..!!Can't wait to burden them more with my miseries and problems..Haha...There I said,18 means nothing to me!!
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