Disturbed at 830 in the morning only to receive a call to ask me go work..I mean kendarat..heh..Yeap..Informed at the very last minute,I was given only half an hour to get ready before they would come and fetch me..Really..My poor body was screaming for me not to go but I need the money..Haiz.At last I went..
Was brought to Sengkang..Blk 116D...That's where the wedding was held..Looked around and realized that cousins house was nearby..Reached and realized that its just gonna be me and Hamizah..Start doing all those stuffs we were suppose to do and guests start to come..Thought I was the only one not feeling well.Miza got the sickness too..It was such a long day that we actually checked our watch for I think more that 20 times!But heh.With only the two girl youngsters there who were suppose to do our work,we entertained ourselves.Talked,dance,laugh,singing and camwhoring..hha..all done while working..Is that cool or what??But seriously arh..Thanks to her,I've got someone to kill my boredom with for the whole day..
Information: Calling for anyone who wants to make extra money.Kendarat job.Someone who can commit and responsible.Working on days which are needed only.Do inform me if your interested..Guys or girls..
I miss you..
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