I know it seems like so not me to not have been updating my dearest blog..Sorry bloggy..I love you..
OK..So,what kept me occupied to be so busy updating is this:Book!Novel!Book!Novel!and more books!and more novels!So ya...For those who know that I read,you know what a freak I am when I've a book in hand..
So,I'm just goonna summarise my week..For those who wanna know about my week..Welcome to read,for those who dun want to..SCRAM!!!!!
Was the last day of exam..Great day that was..
I stayed at home like normal..Nothing interesting happen
Erm..I was at home again..
I went to facial with mummy.Of which after that I made her follow me to school to return the library books.Then off to Northpoint's library and like that la my day..
Spent the day reading and have bf to come over after book out was awesome..
Ermm..I went out with bf..Went to a few places and yup,no money used..Saving la kater kan.!!!ahhaa...Only our ezlinks needed..Hha...Cool!!Tell me,which couple will go out and not spend money on anything?hehe..We did!!!
And yeap...I've finished the school library book..Hard something and Nightshade Nightsmoke..Ive just finished stage by stage from Jan Jones..A cool book I would say but its too here and there if you know what I mean..I find myself lost a few times reading..OK then,3 more books waitig and then I will find my find to National Library to grab another 4..Cool or wat?And you..Suddenly I wanna watch 'GREASE'.Thanks to the Stage by stage and the visit to Esplande Library justnow eh you..Haha..
Ok....So life had been splendidly great...Thanks to the people revolving around me...HAHA...You people know just who you are la k..Ermm...And I want my lavender still..And you..I luper nak cakap..Do not spend too much money!!!!!!!!You know I'm talking about what..
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Saturday, February 21, 2009
I need it!!
Its Saturday and I am at home...Its ok..
It has been 17 days,I counted since I last see the face of yours..Haha..Sometimes I wonder if I have even forgot how you look like..But apparently,I havent..How could I???
17 days??Good-forsaken 17 days..Who dun meet their boyfriend for 17 days?Ok fine..Except for those long distance relationship people..(I wonder how they do it)
I was looking forward to today hoping I could go out with him but haha..He cant!!There's some family thing later on..Its ok..No problem at all..Haa...But why on the beautifully-created-Earth do I have to feel a bit of hurt there?I'd better tell myself to stop all this freaking nonsense before I lose out..
You..Have fun later k..And again,you dun have to worry about me..I noe I can never stop you from worrying but because of that,I never want to be the least distant from you so stop it..Erm..Tomorrow is 22nd..And I just can't wait for today to be over and wait for tomorrow to come but I will patiently wait..Eventhough I cant meet you tomorrow,I love you..and that will never change..
It has been 17 days,I counted since I last see the face of yours..Haha..Sometimes I wonder if I have even forgot how you look like..But apparently,I havent..How could I???
17 days??Good-forsaken 17 days..Who dun meet their boyfriend for 17 days?Ok fine..Except for those long distance relationship people..(I wonder how they do it)
I was looking forward to today hoping I could go out with him but haha..He cant!!There's some family thing later on..Its ok..No problem at all..Haa...But why on the beautifully-created-Earth do I have to feel a bit of hurt there?I'd better tell myself to stop all this freaking nonsense before I lose out..
You..Have fun later k..And again,you dun have to worry about me..I noe I can never stop you from worrying but because of that,I never want to be the least distant from you so stop it..Erm..Tomorrow is 22nd..And I just can't wait for today to be over and wait for tomorrow to come but I will patiently wait..Eventhough I cant meet you tomorrow,I love you..and that will never change..

Friday, February 20, 2009
KE BA BOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Today is Friday and I am seriously impatient for night to come when my phone is gonna ring and the moment I say 'Hello',I will hear the voice of a guy..Ya,a guy..My bf.. Let's hope...I think a week of torture is enough already..Hhehe..
OK...I wanna talk malay today..So bear.. Semalam Tqah watch tv ngan mummy and daddy..Sebenarnye Tqah nak duduk je kat luar temankan mereka sebab tak minat sangat dengan crite yang daddy tonton kat Star movies..Dah disebabkan Tqah dekat luar,Tqah tonton lah sekali crite tu sebab pelakon utame nyer tu,laki tu macam sakit jiwe gitu..Hahha..Tonton punye tonton,termelekat pulak kat tv tu..Hahh...Lepas crite tu abes,Tqah bilang mummy,crite tu bagus sangat..Macam kalau tonton kat wayang,mesti berbaloi nyer..Tqah tak tau macam mane nak cakao sal crite tu tapi crite dier bagus sekali...Kalau nak tahu crite ape Tqah tonton,Tqah tonton crite 'Perfume:Story of a murderer'...Hhaha...cool!!
Hari nie Tqah gune mase satu ari dari pagi sampai ke petang untuk abeskan satu crite kat buku Nightshade Nightsmoke...Tqah abes bace Nightshade..Best tau crite dier..HAHA....Nora Roberts nyer buku mmg semue bagus..HAha...Tqah sukeeeee banget buku nie...Best...Tapi Tqah rase Tqah tak kan bace dule la buku nyer sebab Tqha kene blajar untuk OOAD paper Isnin nie..
Ok....Skarang I would wanna be a good girl and wait patiently for dear bf to call..If he is going too...Kalau hes not going tu,then takpe...Tqah paham dier penat..
OK...I wanna talk malay today..So bear.. Semalam Tqah watch tv ngan mummy and daddy..Sebenarnye Tqah nak duduk je kat luar temankan mereka sebab tak minat sangat dengan crite yang daddy tonton kat Star movies..Dah disebabkan Tqah dekat luar,Tqah tonton lah sekali crite tu sebab pelakon utame nyer tu,laki tu macam sakit jiwe gitu..Hahha..Tonton punye tonton,termelekat pulak kat tv tu..Hahh...Lepas crite tu abes,Tqah bilang mummy,crite tu bagus sangat..Macam kalau tonton kat wayang,mesti berbaloi nyer..Tqah tak tau macam mane nak cakao sal crite tu tapi crite dier bagus sekali...Kalau nak tahu crite ape Tqah tonton,Tqah tonton crite 'Perfume:Story of a murderer'...Hhaha...cool!!
Hari nie Tqah gune mase satu ari dari pagi sampai ke petang untuk abeskan satu crite kat buku Nightshade Nightsmoke...Tqah abes bace Nightshade..Best tau crite dier..HAHA....Nora Roberts nyer buku mmg semue bagus..HAha...Tqah sukeeeee banget buku nie...Best...Tapi Tqah rase Tqah tak kan bace dule la buku nyer sebab Tqha kene blajar untuk OOAD paper Isnin nie..
Ok....Skarang I would wanna be a good girl and wait patiently for dear bf to call..If he is going too...Kalau hes not going tu,then takpe...Tqah paham dier penat..

Thursday, February 19, 2009
Hahaha...In less than 16 hours time,I am gonna sit for DDI exam..And my ih my..I need my A for DDI..I dunno how on the great world they calculate all the marks but I am hoping and working towards my A for DDI...Help me...!!!
I've been studying since 3..Yeap,no denying,I was distracted like most of the time,due to mum playing facebook(im just helping out since she's using my lappy),helping out bro in his homewerk and helping abit here and there..No complaints and all because I will feel much worse if I dun do anything at all..And my studying is going quite well,Alhamdulillah...Eventhough I started slow.
Hmmm...What else...
I've been hoping for work to come to me...You see,I'm going to KL this March and I need money and I've not been called to work for so long already and its killing me..Not that I want to..But its the money you know..And to get that money,you need to work..So its basically that..
And and...I've started to read Nightshade Nightsmoke already...One of Nora Roberts's book and one of my favourite writer...Woo..And its going good...I am soooo going to National Library after exams are over..Its been ages since I last put my foot in there..
I've just finished one cup of black coffee..To see if it can actually help to keep me awake..First sip,I tell mummy that I can never drink black coffee coz I have sensitive tummy and my tummy take bad effect about it so quickly and again,I hate pains!!So,no more black coffe for me and I can't consume anymore...I dun like the pain in my tummy..
Ermmm....I'm tired and I wanna have some sleep but I'm writing an entry now,to see if I can still focus after this... am tired..tired..tired..but I know I can still get some things in my head now..I know I can!!!Yeap,,I can!!!
And niwae,guess I'm not gonna update my blog tomorrow..No,I mean today coz its already the 19th and that means,its my baby bro's 11th birthday..Yeap,yeap..My baby bro..He is the best bro I can ever ak for..Eventhough he gets on my nerves sometimes..Heh..But thats what siblings to best to each other..
I've been studying since 3..Yeap,no denying,I was distracted like most of the time,due to mum playing facebook(im just helping out since she's using my lappy),helping out bro in his homewerk and helping abit here and there..No complaints and all because I will feel much worse if I dun do anything at all..And my studying is going quite well,Alhamdulillah...Eventhough I started slow.
Hmmm...What else...
I've been hoping for work to come to me...You see,I'm going to KL this March and I need money and I've not been called to work for so long already and its killing me..Not that I want to..But its the money you know..And to get that money,you need to work..So its basically that..
And and...I've started to read Nightshade Nightsmoke already...One of Nora Roberts's book and one of my favourite writer...Woo..And its going good...I am soooo going to National Library after exams are over..Its been ages since I last put my foot in there..
I've just finished one cup of black coffee..To see if it can actually help to keep me awake..First sip,I tell mummy that I can never drink black coffee coz I have sensitive tummy and my tummy take bad effect about it so quickly and again,I hate pains!!So,no more black coffe for me and I can't consume anymore...I dun like the pain in my tummy..
Ermmm....I'm tired and I wanna have some sleep but I'm writing an entry now,to see if I can still focus after this... am tired..tired..tired..but I know I can still get some things in my head now..I know I can!!!Yeap,,I can!!!
And niwae,guess I'm not gonna update my blog tomorrow..No,I mean today coz its already the 19th and that means,its my baby bro's 11th birthday..Yeap,yeap..My baby bro..He is the best bro I can ever ak for..Eventhough he gets on my nerves sometimes..Heh..But thats what siblings to best to each other..
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Just something..
Today,I turned down yet another offer to go out.How bad can I get ya..Not that I want to turn it down but I have to due to certain things.
I'm feeling rather shittty today..I dunno why..And I think I'd better pray alot and ask for help from HIM.Sesungguhnya,hati ini tak tenteram dan senang akhir-akhir ni..Ya Allah,tolong aku..
Tomorrow seems to be the last day available to study for NETWORK TECHNOLOGY...How?
I'm tired..very tired..
Tqah da betul-betul penat..Kalau ditanya tak mahu dijawab,Tqah rase ade baiknya Tqah diam aje..Da terlalu penat rasenye nak menahan rase sakit..
Tqah perlu kan seseorang untuk Tqah luahkan rase hati tapi siapa?Tqah tahu ade ramai tapi bile berdepan,lidah Tqah kelu,tak boleh nak bicara ape-ape..Tak sanggup nak beritahu isi dan rase hati Tqah.Tqah selalu macam gini sehingga Tqah da penat nak fahamkan orang lain dan Tqah da pnat nak berusahe menegakkan yang betul..Tqah mintak satu aje dari orang2 sekeliling Tqah, kalau kalian rase kalaian kawan Tqah dan kalian sayangkan Tqah,cube lah faham kondisi Tqah yang tak tentu arah sekarang,rase hati Tqah yang sentiase tak keruan.Walaupun Tqah tak pernah bilang ape-ape dengan kalian,Tqah harap kalian faham yang Tqah sekarang tak ade hati nak bicarekan soal hati Tqah.Kalau ade sesiape yang sudi berhenti sejenak dan fikirkan kate2 Tqah ni,terime kasih banyak2.Tqah amat menghargai..Tapi pade mereke yang tak mahu ambil endah,Tqah tak kesah,malah Tqah tak salah kan pon...Itu hak sendiri..
I know what I wrote in red seems to be very different from the usual me..ut hey,I'm not crapping nor am I just pranking..I mean every single word I typed..Kalau faham,bagus la tapi kalau tak,takpe..
Akhir sekali,Tqah sayang sangat dekat seorang lelaki yang bernama Sufyan Hadi...Terime kasih awak untuk semue yang awak da beri pade saye...
I'm feeling rather shittty today..I dunno why..And I think I'd better pray alot and ask for help from HIM.Sesungguhnya,hati ini tak tenteram dan senang akhir-akhir ni..Ya Allah,tolong aku..
Tomorrow seems to be the last day available to study for NETWORK TECHNOLOGY...How?
I'm tired..very tired..
Tqah da betul-betul penat..Kalau ditanya tak mahu dijawab,Tqah rase ade baiknya Tqah diam aje..Da terlalu penat rasenye nak menahan rase sakit..
Tqah perlu kan seseorang untuk Tqah luahkan rase hati tapi siapa?Tqah tahu ade ramai tapi bile berdepan,lidah Tqah kelu,tak boleh nak bicara ape-ape..Tak sanggup nak beritahu isi dan rase hati Tqah.Tqah selalu macam gini sehingga Tqah da penat nak fahamkan orang lain dan Tqah da pnat nak berusahe menegakkan yang betul..Tqah mintak satu aje dari orang2 sekeliling Tqah, kalau kalian rase kalaian kawan Tqah dan kalian sayangkan Tqah,cube lah faham kondisi Tqah yang tak tentu arah sekarang,rase hati Tqah yang sentiase tak keruan.Walaupun Tqah tak pernah bilang ape-ape dengan kalian,Tqah harap kalian faham yang Tqah sekarang tak ade hati nak bicarekan soal hati Tqah.Kalau ade sesiape yang sudi berhenti sejenak dan fikirkan kate2 Tqah ni,terime kasih banyak2.Tqah amat menghargai..Tapi pade mereke yang tak mahu ambil endah,Tqah tak kesah,malah Tqah tak salah kan pon...Itu hak sendiri..
I know what I wrote in red seems to be very different from the usual me..ut hey,I'm not crapping nor am I just pranking..I mean every single word I typed..Kalau faham,bagus la tapi kalau tak,takpe..
Akhir sekali,Tqah sayang sangat dekat seorang lelaki yang bernama Sufyan Hadi...Terime kasih awak untuk semue yang awak da beri pade saye...
Saturday, February 14, 2009
A few things to post about today so yeap,lets get started..
First thing..Happy birthday to ibu(KL)..hahha...Hahah...May you be blessed with good health and everlasting happiness..Sayang ibu..
Second thing..I'm trying to finish up my NT but due to some problems I have(study prob eh), I can't go on...Creep!!!!So I shall go on with the rest of the module first ya...Goodness for that!!
Third thing,its Valentine's Day today..14 February...Not that I celebrate Valentine's but just to all who celebrate it, Happy Valentine's Day and may you be joyful in this happy loving day...To those who do not celebrate Valentine's,just like me, lets not be sad or whatsoeer..Love is everywhere..What more with today being the day of never-enough-love..Hhaha..
Ok so...I was supposed to go out today but due to last minute changes,I'm now at home ,infront of this lovely laptop screen of mine typing an entry for today and am gonna do my project a little while..But its ok...Not that I'm blaming anyone about it..Haha...And yeap,this year,at Valentine's,I do have a boyfriend(again,I dun celebrate this day)...Yiipppeeee!!!!Haha...
Ok so,I'm gonna stay at home,see Valentine's past the day with my deary deary lecture notes and with my handphone and with my lappy....
Ok,so once again...HAPPY LOVING LOVING PEOPLE....
First thing..Happy birthday to ibu(KL)..hahha...Hahah...May you be blessed with good health and everlasting happiness..Sayang ibu..
Second thing..I'm trying to finish up my NT but due to some problems I have(study prob eh), I can't go on...Creep!!!!So I shall go on with the rest of the module first ya...Goodness for that!!
Third thing,its Valentine's Day today..14 February...Not that I celebrate Valentine's but just to all who celebrate it, Happy Valentine's Day and may you be joyful in this happy loving day...To those who do not celebrate Valentine's,just like me, lets not be sad or whatsoeer..Love is everywhere..What more with today being the day of never-enough-love..Hhaha..
Ok so...I was supposed to go out today but due to last minute changes,I'm now at home ,infront of this lovely laptop screen of mine typing an entry for today and am gonna do my project a little while..But its ok...Not that I'm blaming anyone about it..Haha...And yeap,this year,at Valentine's,I do have a boyfriend(again,I dun celebrate this day)...Yiipppeeee!!!!Haha...
Ok so,I'm gonna stay at home,see Valentine's past the day with my deary deary lecture notes and with my handphone and with my lappy....
Ok,so once again...HAPPY LOVING LOVING PEOPLE....

Thursday, February 12, 2009
I've just finished reading Halifah's blog and like her,I'm hooked to games..
I love daddy alot...Alot..Just a random something...
Am I going out Saturday or not?Is daddy gonna ask us out?Or is bf gonna ask me out??
I'm not sure which one I want more now..
I've started off with NT...Alhamdulillah..I can't focus fully but I will try..I've still got the strength left over and for the fact I've got a bit of strength from Zura and Fah.Not that they know whats wrong with me but still I thanks for the strength..At least,Im not dead yet..I mean mentally..
I think I shall continue with some games before I proceed on with a bot of research for NT and do up my notes for everything..Again...Syukur I'm blessed with them..
I love daddy alot...Alot..Just a random something...
Am I going out Saturday or not?Is daddy gonna ask us out?Or is bf gonna ask me out??
I'm not sure which one I want more now..
I've started off with NT...Alhamdulillah..I can't focus fully but I will try..I've still got the strength left over and for the fact I've got a bit of strength from Zura and Fah.Not that they know whats wrong with me but still I thanks for the strength..At least,Im not dead yet..I mean mentally..
I think I shall continue with some games before I proceed on with a bot of research for NT and do up my notes for everything..Again...Syukur I'm blessed with them..
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
sadness in my face!!
I didnt know why I'm feeling so hurt right now when I know I shouldn't have..
I did it again..My very very bad hobby...Haiz..When am I gonna learn and stop doing all this thing..
I am not sure if this is what I should call paranoid..But dear GOD, Im scared...
I can't stop tears from streaming down..But oh my,I'm scared...
At this very moment now,its not happiness I felt but its a feeling I didn't know how to describe..
I'm scared...scared...Insecure..very insecured...How ????
Should I pick up the phone start off with a message to clear all my doubts.?
Or should I stay dumb and see whats just gonna happen next and bear the pain I've been bearing the past week.?
I dunno...I dunno...
As tears flow down
I stay up and pray
for the strength to go on
for the strength to have trust
for the strength to make this work
for the smiles I potray for everyone
for the smiles I keep to make myself going
for the smiles I have that enlighten people up
I go on for people..
I go on for myself..
I've never thought that this will ever ever happen to me but it did at this moment..i shed tears,I wet my pillow,I ..........
I shalln't go on and bother others about how Im feeling...At ths moment,I'm feeling very very vulnerable..I'm telling you,I am very very vulnerable now...
I love you..And I will always do..
I did it again..My very very bad hobby...Haiz..When am I gonna learn and stop doing all this thing..
I am not sure if this is what I should call paranoid..But dear GOD, Im scared...
I can't stop tears from streaming down..But oh my,I'm scared...
At this very moment now,its not happiness I felt but its a feeling I didn't know how to describe..
I'm scared...scared...Insecure..very insecured...How ????
Should I pick up the phone start off with a message to clear all my doubts.?
Or should I stay dumb and see whats just gonna happen next and bear the pain I've been bearing the past week.?
I dunno...I dunno...
As tears flow down
I stay up and pray
for the strength to go on
for the strength to have trust
for the strength to make this work
for the smiles I potray for everyone
for the smiles I keep to make myself going
for the smiles I have that enlighten people up
I go on for people..
I go on for myself..
I've never thought that this will ever ever happen to me but it did at this moment..i shed tears,I wet my pillow,I ..........
I shalln't go on and bother others about how Im feeling...At ths moment,I'm feeling very very vulnerable..I'm telling you,I am very very vulnerable now...
I love you..And I will always do..
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
i miss you
I miss too much
Yes...I was sick..and am still sick...Thanks to the sick bug..I didn't know how it started and yeap, now I'm down with flu,a block nose,cough and headache..Not to mention my suddenly weak body..Haizz...I hate it already...
I just miss you if thats not a sin...
Yes...I was sick..and am still sick...Thanks to the sick bug..I didn't know how it started and yeap, now I'm down with flu,a block nose,cough and headache..Not to mention my suddenly weak body..Haizz...I hate it already...
I just miss you if thats not a sin...
Sunday, February 8, 2009
First up..Dady's bdae today and I really really feel guilty about it...Purely because I didnt get him any present or anything..Nothing..Haiz..Maybe in this short period of time..I will..Insyaallah.Ok..At least we spend his birthday at Seoul Garden..Haha..And he paid for the entry...HEEEE..haha..We were there for 2 hours plus and I couldnt stop myself from eating and even when nwe were out from there,I know my tummy can still consume more...Hha...But due to the fact that I dun wan any one of us gerls and mumy to make further fool of ourself,I decided to end it there and off we go..
Bf was so sweet to say that I'm sweet..Hehehe...
OK...Go...Im off...Bye..
First up..Dady's bdae today and I really really feel guilty about it...Purely because I didnt get him any present or anything..Nothing..Haiz..Maybe in this short period of time..I will..Insyaallah.Ok..At least we spend his birthday at Seoul Garden..Haha..And he paid for the entry...HEEEE..haha..We were there for 2 hours plus and I couldnt stop myself from eating and even when nwe were out from there,I know my tummy can still consume more...Hha...But due to the fact that I dun wan any one of us gerls and mumy to make further fool of ourself,I decided to end it there and off we go..
Happy Birthday Baba....Love you soooooo much...Tons tonsss lots!!!!
Bf was so sweet to say that I'm sweet..Hehehe...
OK...Go...Im off...Bye..
Saturday, February 7, 2009
I hate pain..I hate pain instilled in me..Even if its a slight pinch,I still hate it..Because I dun want to feel pain..I do not like any sort of pain..But too bad.Sometimes I just have to make do with the pain..
The exact same thing i'm doing now..Bearing the pain at my right arm and also my right pain..Not forgetting the pain trying to breathe with only one side of your nose..The right ear and arm was caused by my dear kitties....Haiz....I swear I wanted to curse but no no!!!Thats bad..Curse not because of them but the pain...Argghh!!!I told you,I hate pain!!I want bf can?
Ok...So now,papers for common Test all down..I mean done..Happy really and I'm really hoping for very good grades..Really2 hope..And eventually it comes down to the same feeling every end of semester when you have to feel the anxiety of waiting to sit for you semestral exam..Suckish it is!!
Oh yea,I borrowed 2 books from the school library and I think you wont be able to see me online that often now but if you do,lucky you!!!Hehhe..
Ok now..Im gone...
The exact same thing i'm doing now..Bearing the pain at my right arm and also my right pain..Not forgetting the pain trying to breathe with only one side of your nose..The right ear and arm was caused by my dear kitties....Haiz....I swear I wanted to curse but no no!!!Thats bad..Curse not because of them but the pain...Argghh!!!I told you,I hate pain!!I want bf can?
Ok...So now,papers for common Test all down..I mean done..Happy really and I'm really hoping for very good grades..Really2 hope..And eventually it comes down to the same feeling every end of semester when you have to feel the anxiety of waiting to sit for you semestral exam..Suckish it is!!
Oh yea,I borrowed 2 books from the school library and I think you wont be able to see me online that often now but if you do,lucky you!!!Hehhe..
Ok now..Im gone...
Thursday, February 5, 2009
My oh my..
Im not in the super-duper mood to study!!!Arrrggghhh!!!SAVE ME!!!!!What more with me being kidnapped by Mafias in the afternoon justnow is still fearing me alot...Like real!!
Aniways,I wasnt kidnapped by mafias but I was kidnapped and was instilled fear by meatballs.Not 1 but 13 meatballs.And Im so not going to look or taste meatballs anymore..Not for the near future at least..There goes Bakso..Bye!Wait!Not done..Zura,thanks for making friends with the mafias,we gt loose..Hahha...CRAP LA TQAH!!aND..:
Erm..Surprisingly I wasnt really struggling today despite having two tests but Im struggling when I have one test for the day..Bodohhh!!!!Geram nyer I tau..
I want sleep!!!!Warrrgghhh!!But havent study!!!!Tsk!Tsk!!
Ok..I going off soon..A little something for bf:

And finally something for myself....Yay!!!!!:
Credits:People who create and uploaded those pics to sites..
Im not in the super-duper mood to study!!!Arrrggghhh!!!SAVE ME!!!!!What more with me being kidnapped by Mafias in the afternoon justnow is still fearing me alot...Like real!!
Aniways,I wasnt kidnapped by mafias but I was kidnapped and was instilled fear by meatballs.Not 1 but 13 meatballs.And Im so not going to look or taste meatballs anymore..Not for the near future at least..There goes Bakso..Bye!Wait!Not done..Zura,thanks for making friends with the mafias,we gt loose..Hahha...CRAP LA TQAH!!aND..:

I want sleep!!!!Warrrgghhh!!But havent study!!!!Tsk!Tsk!!
Ok..I going off soon..A little something for bf:

And finally something for myself....Yay!!!!!:

Monday, February 2, 2009
Current doing:Study for RAD
As I walked home justnow, I remembered Zura said this "Kalau nanti balik tak hujan,aku tak tau la ape nak cakap"...
HAHHA...I walked home with droplets of water dropped on my blouse.Haha..With a smile on my face,I sang on the way home.
HAHHA...I walked home with droplets of water dropped on my blouse.Haha..With a smile on my face,I sang on the way home.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Im not slacking...Im doing my work but Im just tired for a while..So,Im just blogging..
This week spells D-E-A-D!!!Too many things one after another..I dunno how i'm really really gonna survive this..Ya Tuhan...Beri aku kekuatan dan ketabahan..
I'm scared...REally really scared..Thanks Khai for talking to me justnow..Haha...It has been so long since I last talk to you..So long!!Hahah..And I finally do get to talk to you finally..I mean chat..Hha..I'm still wondering why I can't really clique with people..Why heh?isn't everyone suppose to have different personality?or,is it just me who's being different here?Ermm..I think I'd nicely suit the second one even if I have to live alone..Hah...There's only 4 ppl I counted,not including my family,relatives and blood related people whom I could clique with..Bf,Khai and another 2 I shall not say who..
Am I trying hard to be what Im not or am I not doing anything to make myself be in those cliques cause I'm not feeling any changes here??Hah..Such irony!
Im moving on..With the memories I have with me..With all the poeple hvae in mind..Hhaa...Im moving to my 5th semester this April,insyaallah, so,is that good or bad?People seems to be ok about parting and meeting new people but me?I just have to stay put in that shell and not crack..I dun wan to meet new people..I dun wan to have new friends for I dun think I can contain more than what I already have..
Enough of all this shit!!!Im outta here!!This doesnt sound like the sweet-know-nothing Atiqah!!And I think I better switch to think-and-d0-work mode before my eyes starts to close and before the pillows call..
ps:Baby..I miss you...
This week spells D-E-A-D!!!Too many things one after another..I dunno how i'm really really gonna survive this..Ya Tuhan...Beri aku kekuatan dan ketabahan..
I'm scared...REally really scared..Thanks Khai for talking to me justnow..Haha...It has been so long since I last talk to you..So long!!Hahah..And I finally do get to talk to you finally..I mean chat..Hha..I'm still wondering why I can't really clique with people..Why heh?isn't everyone suppose to have different personality?or,is it just me who's being different here?Ermm..I think I'd nicely suit the second one even if I have to live alone..Hah...There's only 4 ppl I counted,not including my family,relatives and blood related people whom I could clique with..Bf,Khai and another 2 I shall not say who..
Am I trying hard to be what Im not or am I not doing anything to make myself be in those cliques cause I'm not feeling any changes here??Hah..Such irony!
Im moving on..With the memories I have with me..With all the poeple hvae in mind..Hhaa...Im moving to my 5th semester this April,insyaallah, so,is that good or bad?People seems to be ok about parting and meeting new people but me?I just have to stay put in that shell and not crack..I dun wan to meet new people..I dun wan to have new friends for I dun think I can contain more than what I already have..
Enough of all this shit!!!Im outta here!!This doesnt sound like the sweet-know-nothing Atiqah!!And I think I better switch to think-and-d0-work mode before my eyes starts to close and before the pillows call..
ps:Baby..I miss you...
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