It has been 17 days,I counted since I last see the face of yours..Haha..Sometimes I wonder if I have even forgot how you look like..But apparently,I havent..How could I???
17 days??Good-forsaken 17 days..Who dun meet their boyfriend for 17 days?Ok fine..Except for those long distance relationship people..(I wonder how they do it)
I was looking forward to today hoping I could go out with him but haha..He cant!!There's some family thing later on..Its ok..No problem at all..Haa...But why on the beautifully-created-Earth do I have to feel a bit of hurt there?I'd better tell myself to stop all this freaking nonsense before I lose out..
You..Have fun later k..And again,you dun have to worry about me..I noe I can never stop you from worrying but because of that,I never want to be the least distant from you so stop it..Erm..Tomorrow is 22nd..And I just can't wait for today to be over and wait for tomorrow to come but I will patiently wait..Eventhough I cant meet you tomorrow,I love you..and that will never change..

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