First thing..Happy birthday to ibu(KL)..hahha...Hahah...May you be blessed with good health and everlasting happiness..Sayang ibu..
Second thing..I'm trying to finish up my NT but due to some problems I have(study prob eh), I can't go on...Creep!!!!So I shall go on with the rest of the module first ya...Goodness for that!!
Third thing,its Valentine's Day today..14 February...Not that I celebrate Valentine's but just to all who celebrate it, Happy Valentine's Day and may you be joyful in this happy loving day...To those who do not celebrate Valentine's,just like me, lets not be sad or whatsoeer..Love is everywhere..What more with today being the day of never-enough-love..Hhaha..
Ok so...I was supposed to go out today but due to last minute changes,I'm now at home ,infront of this lovely laptop screen of mine typing an entry for today and am gonna do my project a little while..But its ok...Not that I'm blaming anyone about it..Haha...And yeap,this year,at Valentine's,I do have a boyfriend(again,I dun celebrate this day)...Yiipppeeee!!!!Haha...
Ok so,I'm gonna stay at home,see Valentine's past the day with my deary deary lecture notes and with my handphone and with my lappy....
Ok,so once again...HAPPY LOVING LOVING PEOPLE....

1 comment:
hello kak iqah,
ibu ckp thanks.
she loves you too.
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