They say. Everything that happened, they happened for a reason.. Allah will not take something from us except if HE has something better in store for us..
You gave this advise to every one who has problems.. Right until it hit you!
Taking in your own advise has never really been easy. Having someone say it to you countless times does not make anything any easier either..
I can't help but wonder.. Generally. Why is it so hard to please human? What am I doing sitting around trying my very best to please someone.. It's either they do or they dun.. A question is either a yes or a no..
It hurts. I am never denying it. But I have to stay strong for them who still believe in me. I have to live life for those who still needs me. However, like I say. Thinking and saying things, they are much easier than believing and truly doing it.
Come what may.. It can hurt like crazy.. I may cry buckets. I may breakdown and stay in depression mode.. But. If the decision made truly makes you happy. Truly pleases you.. Then I shall follow suit. Not bcoz I stopped caring. Not bcoz my heart stopped feeling. It's bcoz i cared so much and bcoz it feels too much for you that I am granting you this..
Until things are finalized, I will stay and hope. And pray. That the odds may be in my favor today.
Monday, July 7, 2014
Monday, June 30, 2014
Gi !@#$%^&*()
Kadang2 aku tanye mane kesabaran diri ni?
Mane pergi hilangnyer kekuatan? Mane pergi hilangnye sabar?
Everything pisses me off. Whats worst if bende yang bukan salah aku pon jadi salah aku. When you get misunderstood but people dun give a $%^&* about it.
It suck big time! Dan sesungguhnye, kesabaran yang sangat menipis dalam badan is like hanging by a thread.
This is the suckiest post ever but I am in no great mood.
Friday, June 27, 2014
Raya14 Collection 1!
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MD001 shoulder33 sleeve56 length134 bust82-90 SGD30 |
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MD002 shoulder33 sleeve56 length134 bust82-90 SGD30 |
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MD003 shoulder35 sleeve57 waist68-96 length88-12 skirt length96 SGD35 |
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MD004 shoulder33 sleeve56 length134 bust82-90 SGD30 |
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MD005 shoulder33 sleeve56 length134 bust82-90 SGD30 |
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MD006 shoulder33 sleeve56 length134 bust82-90 SGD30 |
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MD007 shoulder33 sleeve56 length134 bust82-90 SGD30 |
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D008 shoulder38 sleeve59 length79 bust88-112 skirtlength92 SGD35 |
Sunday, June 1, 2014
Sometimes I wonder about my self!
I questioned myself frequently, ' what kind of girlfriend am I ?'
I get too paranoid over small silly things and I know it is stupid. But kalau diri tu da macam gitu, I nak buat macam mane?
Why is it that I have to ever think of changing the way I am to suit someone? I ask myself this but sometimes I lost my own identity by doing just that. I always look back and ask myself what have I become or rather who am I?
Dramatic isn't it? That's how jiwe ni rase kadang2.
I am not pinpointing to a date or an event or a feeling. I am purely just writing down something I have been thinking about for quite sometimes.
Friday, May 16, 2014
Just random
Once upon a time, there live a boy and a girl. They were the best of friends. Teasing, laughing and sharing every secrets they can never share with anyone else(maybe)
Their friendship was solid rock and each other knows how the other is like. Years past and due to the different environment and pressure, they see less of each other and communicate even lesser. And finally, it all stopped!
4 years later, fate brought them back together and after briefly talking, they decidedly to give a relationship a try. It sure did started off awkward at first but as time past, we slipped into the comfrtness that was once there before it got lost.
And a month later, they couldn't help but to think how wonderful life is and they grew fonder of one another. Loving with everything they have and promissing that this is the real deal.
Story is ongoing.. So, there cant really be a ending.
But I am hoping the ending to this story is as sweet and wonderful as it possibly can
Monday, May 5, 2014
How unfair
How much of a person can you trust?
For me? Actually.. alot..
But it comes to a point where it fails me
it became my worst enemy..
Life can be so unfair sometimes.. I dun want to sound like I am complaining.. But somehow, I know I am..
Bloggy, Life has been interesting.. A deep touch of rainbows everywhere.. I see flowers, I see unicorn.. Thats the kind of life I have now.. I feel really blessed for the human I cross path.
But you know.. Behind every happiness, there's always a small black bad dot. A black dot, small enough to destry you.
Friday, April 25, 2014
A month of up and down
Hello bloggy sayang...
Way tooo many things happened from the last time I posted. Fall out and in back again.. Hatred and pain.. OOh.. Too much..
Anyway.. I am sick again.. Whats with me and being sick kan.. Badan ni mcm nak rebah je.. Ttapi tqah will continue to be as strong as she possibly can!! You go girl! Hahaha..
So bloggy.. I have never been happier. It has been so long since I am able to let go and feel freedom in my hands.. Alhamdulillah my family understand that I am in full need of my on space time. And I am truly grateful that my deary Liyana and Kin are always there for me.. Being my rock through everything. Making me feel wonderful despite everything terrible being hurled at me. They never tried too much.. Just knowing the right thing to say and do at the right time. Oh. How I love them lots..
My colleagues.. Hahhahaha... They are my dearest.. How could I ever have survived all this without them. Since I have many of them here, the rock becomes bigger. I love to bits. I am grateful for their frendship, guidance and advise whenever needed. I might be the most naughty in the clique.. BUt I know deep down, I've always been treated like a baby.. Delicate one at it.. hahaha..
My family.. My everything. How they have stood by me through everything. How they love me through every single nonsense.. I can never and would never be able to replace them.. They are exclusively mine to keep.. (Selfish much? Yeah. I dun like sharing)
To life.. I believe this is a roller coaster ride.. The past month, I have been stuck at the bottom with all the trash and rubbish. But you gave me people who care and love me to help push me up again. You gave me people who gave me strength to smile through every obstacle you throw my way.. I tried my best to endure through the pain. I tried my hardest to not complain.. Sometimes I fail nad i crumble.. But I know right now.. Im strong no matter what ou throw my way.
To you who hated me and my guts.. Theres nothing more I have to say. I used to shower you with the pure emotions I have but I think its exhausted now. LOve became hatred and I have never seen it this way but if this is the game you wanna play, be careful it wont burn you one day.
I consider now a blessing. A blessing I was given to love again.. To smile and be happy again.. For that.. Alhamdulillah..
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Nobody's perfect
Hello bloggy.
You know.. I haven't been feeling too good this past weeks. It was tiring, and too many things happened. Too many feelings and too many events happening over a short period of time.
Bloggy, do you know what it feels like to want something so much but knowing they will never be yours? Why did it cross your path and became yours for a little while for it to be taken away from you soon after? I hate it and I hate everyone who's doing this to me.
Someone said I'm too sweet and too kind. Loving something or someone and not expecting anything back. Well, that's stupidity if I were to call it. Pure stupidity. Who does soemthing without expecting anything in retun?
aching, heart is shredding and itBody is 's the kind of feeling where you wanna run and never stop and never looking back. Hoping that when you sleep, everything just became a dream so when I wake up, they are just nightmares. Not something I would have to live with.
Wouldn't it be beatiful if life is a pencil with an eraser attached to it? You drawing whatever you want and erasing everhting that upsets you.
I never regretted falling in love. Never. But If there's something I regret, that is to love someone too much and letting them get to you. Because you know why? It suck to be dependent on someone? It suck to have your mood-change affected because of someone.
Well. Enough of this nonsense. No amount of complaining, ranting, whining and crying can solve anything. I have to stop being stupid for once and rectify things. But I won't start now.. Because I make mistake and i love this mistake though its hurting me.. That's just because NOBODY IS PERFECT!
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