I was reading naqiah's notes on FB when I realised that we actually have the same childhood..
Since young,I was brought up very very very strictly.Both by my mum and dad.They always beat and scolded me for all the things I did wrong eventhough I am still so young.
I remembered,everytime I stomped my feet when I dun like something,they will take anything they can get within reach and hit my feet many many times until I cry and promised I wont do it again.That happens for so many times and the same promises was made everytime I was beaten.
When I was in primary school,my mum always fetched me everyday.If I were to take the school bus,she will be there on the kitchen window waiting for us.Whenever I forgot to bring something to school,I would call and she would always come to bring it for me.
Countless times when I fall sick she will always be by me taking care of my every welfare,asking all the time if I am alright.
Now.At the age of 19.She still does sent me off to the doorstep when I want to go to school or work or just out with friends.SHe still accompany me to see the doctor when I fall sick.She still help to iron my clothes when I am late.,She still will help pack my bags when I am late.She still constantly remind me of all my daily agenda.She still says good luck to me when I am going for a test,exam,interview or presentation.She still asked me how my papers were after every exam.And now,she wakes up every morning just to pack for me food to bring to work.
Now,I prefer to keep quiet when she is angry.Now,I dun stomp my feet anymore when I am upset.My mum,she does instill that in me..
My dad.He has always been working.He is only 40 but he already looked tired and old.He is working too much but it is all for us.His family.I am so very sure that he never thought of his health and tiredness when he go to work in the middle of the night.
Dad work as a marine technician and I am so very proud of that,He used to asked me 'arent you ashamed telling ur friends I worked as that?' and with a stern expression I said 'No!' Why would I be ashame if thats where he got his money to provide us with.Everytime when he will talk about boats and ships and all,he will always talk proudly about him doing this and that.So,I have no reason at all to be ashamed.
He always gets calls in the middle of the night or when he is out with us to get back to work at this this this time.And MOST of the time,he will go and take up the job..It doesnt matter what time he has to work.When all of us are fast asleep,he is at werk alone doing all his work.
I always get what I want whether its sooner or later.And all,are from my parents.They always try to make us happy by getting what we want but I think I havent really been a very very good daughter to accept all they have done for me.Daddy always call me during my IAP to check on me because he know that I am all alone here.And trust me,to have him call and hear his voice makes me happier more than anything else.When I look at something expensive with eyes that says I really really want it,daddy will asked me to go get it but I will always turn it down if its too expensive.Sometimes I realise I just aint a good girl to deserve what we wants to give me.The other time at Msia,mumy gave me a bag.I looked inside and saw 3 formal wear and when I looked at the receipt,I really really feel like crying,I already had tears in my eyes.It was in Ringgit but I was just touched that daddy actually went to a shop to shop for his daughter's formal wear and he did get all the nice and perfect size for me.
Though I dun show it,I always wished this. I want to grow up fast.I want to work fast and I want to dedicate my life for my parents.I want dad to stop working soon enough.I want to be the one to worry about the bills and expenses.I want to be the one to give them the money for their daily usage.I want him to stop worrying about everything,I want to see him start looking like his age back..I want to know that every second he is safe at home with us,his family.
I may not be the best daughter.And I may not be all that filial but I am trying to be.I wanna spend all my earning on them.Since I cant show them gratitude in any other way,I chose this path.I want them to live their lives easily and healthily.I want them to sleep when its night time and I wake up when its daylight.I dun want them to worry about anything.If they were the one who took care of me when I was little,i want to be the one to take care of them now.
I am 19 but I am not ashame to say that I still do ask for kisses from them and I also still kiss them..For I feel that their kisses mean and feel something way significant and special than any other thing.I will always love and remember my parents.Eventhough I kept really really quiet about everything,I see all their sacrifices and what they have done for us. I am where I am now because of them.I pray and thank ALLAH I am granted such wonderful parents.
As I am writing this and thinking about all the great things they have done for me,I teared.I was thinking that I havent done enough to repay their kindness.I love them so much..I really really do so much...
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Dunia aku tidak pernah kekurangan kawan.Aku sentiasa dikelilingi dengan orang-orang yang dapat ku panggil teman.Ada yang penyayang,baik hati,setia,saling menghormati,murah hati dan macam-macam lagilah.
Semenjak aku mula bersekolah,ya itu semenjak usia ku 4tahun,aku sudah mengumpul kawan tetapi,sebagai anak kecil,apalah yang aku tahu tentang makna sebuah persahabatan.Tetapi pada usia begitu,teman sepermainanku ramai.Usia menginjak setiap tahun dan tanpa tahu maknanya kehidupan,aku sudah pun cukup berusia untuk ke sekolah rendah.Teman begitu ramai.Tetapi selepas setiap akhir tahun,temanku sentiasa berubah-ubah orang.Aku tidak lagi bertegur sapa dengan teman lama dan mereka juga begitu.Jika ada pun,kami pasti akan rasa kekok.
Setiap tahun,pada setiap usia,aku membuat kawan baru.Mereka datang dan pergi.Sehingga usiaku 14 tahun,aku masih tidak lagi faham erti persahabatan.Teman hanya figura yang menemani kita sewaktu rehat,sewaktu main dan sewaktu belajar.Jika aku jumpa mereka diluar,tidak pernah sekali pun aku menegur mereka.Ia seperti persahabatan dibuat oleh ku hanya dibataskan di sekolah.
Semakin aku meningkat dewasa,semakin fikiran tahu untuk menentukan yang betul dan salah dan pabila aku rasa aku sudah cukup sensitif,baru aku tahu apa rasanya kehilangan,keseorangan,kasih sayang antara manusia dan persahabatan.Sejak itu,semua persahabatan yang terjalin pasti akan aku genggam seeratnya supaya ianya berkekalan.Aku yakin ia akan berkekalan.
Tetapi perhubungannya tidak selalunya indah.Dengki,cemburu,pergaduhan,semuanya berlaku dan kerana ini,sebuah persahabatan yang aku genggam akhirnya terlerai.Aku tangisi persahabatan yang selalu hilang.Akukah yang bersalah?Akukah yang tidak cukup baik?
Aku pergi ke poly.Kawan baru lagi.Tetapi kali ini, aku memilih kawanku.Jika dulu semua orang boleh menjadi kawanku,sekarang,aku memilih.Bukan aku sombong tetapi pengalaman mengajar aku supaya jangan bergaul terlalu bebas.Buat apa mencari teman jika semuanya tidak akan kekal.
Setiap kali aku berkenalan dengan sesiapa mereka pasti akan mengatakan aku sombong.Mengapa menilai kalau tidak tahu sedikit pun tentang diri aku?Kawan-kawanku sekarang,berapa ramai aja yang akan kekal.Aku pasti ada yang akan pergi juga dari hidup aku.Tetapi aku sudah terlalu bersedia untuk berhadapan dengan kehilangan mereka.
Aku?Selagi orang ingin berkawan denganku,selagi ini pintu hatiku terbuka untuk menerima.Kalau kau setia,itu bonus.Kalau tidak,biarlah kita hanya teman biasa walaupun hati aku akan rasa pedih jika mereka pergi kelak.
Persahabatan sebuah hubungan yang indah dan amat bermakna tetapi mengapa manusia selalu menjatuhkan maknanya sehingga membuat aku gerun dan melihat persahabatan sebagai sesuatu yang tidak berharga..Tiada siapa yag ingin menukar persepsiku kah?
Semenjak aku mula bersekolah,ya itu semenjak usia ku 4tahun,aku sudah mengumpul kawan tetapi,sebagai anak kecil,apalah yang aku tahu tentang makna sebuah persahabatan.Tetapi pada usia begitu,teman sepermainanku ramai.Usia menginjak setiap tahun dan tanpa tahu maknanya kehidupan,aku sudah pun cukup berusia untuk ke sekolah rendah.Teman begitu ramai.Tetapi selepas setiap akhir tahun,temanku sentiasa berubah-ubah orang.Aku tidak lagi bertegur sapa dengan teman lama dan mereka juga begitu.Jika ada pun,kami pasti akan rasa kekok.
Setiap tahun,pada setiap usia,aku membuat kawan baru.Mereka datang dan pergi.Sehingga usiaku 14 tahun,aku masih tidak lagi faham erti persahabatan.Teman hanya figura yang menemani kita sewaktu rehat,sewaktu main dan sewaktu belajar.Jika aku jumpa mereka diluar,tidak pernah sekali pun aku menegur mereka.Ia seperti persahabatan dibuat oleh ku hanya dibataskan di sekolah.
Semakin aku meningkat dewasa,semakin fikiran tahu untuk menentukan yang betul dan salah dan pabila aku rasa aku sudah cukup sensitif,baru aku tahu apa rasanya kehilangan,keseorangan,kasih sayang antara manusia dan persahabatan.Sejak itu,semua persahabatan yang terjalin pasti akan aku genggam seeratnya supaya ianya berkekalan.Aku yakin ia akan berkekalan.
Tetapi perhubungannya tidak selalunya indah.Dengki,cemburu,pergaduhan,semuanya berlaku dan kerana ini,sebuah persahabatan yang aku genggam akhirnya terlerai.Aku tangisi persahabatan yang selalu hilang.Akukah yang bersalah?Akukah yang tidak cukup baik?
Aku pergi ke poly.Kawan baru lagi.Tetapi kali ini, aku memilih kawanku.Jika dulu semua orang boleh menjadi kawanku,sekarang,aku memilih.Bukan aku sombong tetapi pengalaman mengajar aku supaya jangan bergaul terlalu bebas.Buat apa mencari teman jika semuanya tidak akan kekal.
Setiap kali aku berkenalan dengan sesiapa mereka pasti akan mengatakan aku sombong.Mengapa menilai kalau tidak tahu sedikit pun tentang diri aku?Kawan-kawanku sekarang,berapa ramai aja yang akan kekal.Aku pasti ada yang akan pergi juga dari hidup aku.Tetapi aku sudah terlalu bersedia untuk berhadapan dengan kehilangan mereka.
Aku?Selagi orang ingin berkawan denganku,selagi ini pintu hatiku terbuka untuk menerima.Kalau kau setia,itu bonus.Kalau tidak,biarlah kita hanya teman biasa walaupun hati aku akan rasa pedih jika mereka pergi kelak.
Persahabatan sebuah hubungan yang indah dan amat bermakna tetapi mengapa manusia selalu menjatuhkan maknanya sehingga membuat aku gerun dan melihat persahabatan sebagai sesuatu yang tidak berharga..Tiada siapa yag ingin menukar persepsiku kah?
Monday, December 21, 2009
2 days journal
I was watching HSM3 when suddenly I thought 'It would be super nice if we could all have such a graduation.I mean,it would be such a memorable graduation.Before everyone of us got busy with our own path of life.Studies;local or overseas,work;local or overseas.I didnt think about it that much after the movie ended but today,I listened to the graduation song again and I fall in love and mind me,I actually cried at the end of it.I was wondering how I am gonna leave everything on my graduation ceremony and day.I wouldnt want everything to go away.
I want to smile and laugh knowing that that is all because of my friends here.But you know.Graduation is something that will come by everytime you end school,so, whether you like it or not,its a must to go through.
Isnt there a prom night for us all?Haha..Maybe we can have all the ECC with MIT or anything..Hahah..Hha..The last dance and the last night with these dear people.At least a memorable one before we say our goodbyes.
You see.,I watch another video and I cry..Dammit! Tqah.Stop being so sensitive,,,Ya ampun..AKu nie!!!!! Isk!!
Self note.What have I exactly achieved this year..AHHAHA...Only 1 thing
And that is Projeck Cerpen.Whether I win or not,I achieved something and that is the guts to enter the competition and doing well in it..Alhamdulillah.
So for thsi year,I wont really say I have achieved nothing because I have achieved something.Again is that the experience at ShangriLa.Working with important people and dealing with people from all over the country.WOW!Thats another thing I have greatly achieved..What I truly gain this year is experience.All kind of experience.Now at work,Coca Cola,I am still finding and gaining experience.This I know is an experience so valuable only that I havent really have my heart and soul into it.
The friends I made this year will never be forgotten.I realised something.We all will part but theres always facebook and MSN and handphone to make us all connected.So,if everyone keep the piece of friendship,everything will turn out nice and wonderful.:)
The memories I shared with family and friends,that I will never forget.The sweet,the bitter.I still have pictures to keep everything with me.
Attachment is the last path to getting my Diploma.Such a relieve..Not! As much as we I want to throw all books and studies,I don't want to leave school just yet and start for work.Does this mean my study life has ended?No more having to carry notes and books to school.No more having to sit in class hoping the kecturer is not coming.No more having them nag and blabber like as if anyone was listening.No more hoping that class was cut short so we could all hang out .No more feeling all so happy because on the particular day we have 2hours break.Just no more..
And I very much bersyukur for all the rezeki Allah have given me..I very very very much bersyukur for it.
`I didnt check my post'
I want to smile and laugh knowing that that is all because of my friends here.But you know.Graduation is something that will come by everytime you end school,so, whether you like it or not,its a must to go through.
Isnt there a prom night for us all?Haha..Maybe we can have all the ECC with MIT or anything..Hahah..Hha..The last dance and the last night with these dear people.At least a memorable one before we say our goodbyes.
You see.,I watch another video and I cry..Dammit! Tqah.Stop being so sensitive,,,Ya ampun..AKu nie!!!!! Isk!!
Self note.What have I exactly achieved this year..AHHAHA...Only 1 thing
And that is Projeck Cerpen.Whether I win or not,I achieved something and that is the guts to enter the competition and doing well in it..Alhamdulillah.
So for thsi year,I wont really say I have achieved nothing because I have achieved something.Again is that the experience at ShangriLa.Working with important people and dealing with people from all over the country.WOW!Thats another thing I have greatly achieved..What I truly gain this year is experience.All kind of experience.Now at work,Coca Cola,I am still finding and gaining experience.This I know is an experience so valuable only that I havent really have my heart and soul into it.
The friends I made this year will never be forgotten.I realised something.We all will part but theres always facebook and MSN and handphone to make us all connected.So,if everyone keep the piece of friendship,everything will turn out nice and wonderful.:)
The memories I shared with family and friends,that I will never forget.The sweet,the bitter.I still have pictures to keep everything with me.
Attachment is the last path to getting my Diploma.Such a relieve..Not! As much as we I want to throw all books and studies,I don't want to leave school just yet and start for work.Does this mean my study life has ended?No more having to carry notes and books to school.No more having to sit in class hoping the kecturer is not coming.No more having them nag and blabber like as if anyone was listening.No more hoping that class was cut short so we could all hang out .No more feeling all so happy because on the particular day we have 2hours break.Just no more..
And I very much bersyukur for all the rezeki Allah have given me..I very very very much bersyukur for it.
`I didnt check my post'
The final of Princess Almas
Princess Almas and Prince Luv lead their lives per normal everyday since they got back together.They meet when Prince Luv was not busy with any agenda.Princess Almas thought,maybe this was what fate has for her.She might br meant for Prince Luv.Never once have Prince Luv utter a word about the past and the pain she caused him the other time.Everyday he shower her with all the love and care.Just like Prince Luv to be doing those.
One day as they were having tea at the near garden,both Princess Almas and Prince Luv hear the laughter of a couple.They turned to the laughter and both saw Prince Sky with Princess Chera.Princess Almas turned away and as much as she wants to deny it,it was jealousy and hurt she felt but for the sake of the man in front of her,she put up a smile and tried not to br bothered by them.
Prince Luv saw the change in the Princess movement.If justnow,she was free to move,now,she stays rigid and her smile,they weren't that sweet as earlier.
'Prince Sky!' Prince Luv called out
"Oh yes Prince Luv and Princess Almas.It has been quite sometimes since I see you,' replied Prince Sky as he and Princess Chera walked towards Princess Almas and Prince Luv.
"Aniway,meet my bride-to-be, Princess Chera.I pressumed you know her."added Prince Sky
As the love birds walked away a moment later,Princess Almas poured another cup of tea for Prince Luv.
"You still loved him ?" the sudden question from Prince Luv surprised the Princess.
"I have promise to dedicate my life to you so we shall not say a word about it.I have completely forget about him," replied Princess Almas calmly.
The conversation about the Princess's feeling ended there.The afternoon was then spend with love and laughter.Princess Almas knew,this was the love she should defend.Her love for Prince Sky was a mistake and it shouldnt have happened.
And like every other princess-ly story,Princess Almas and Prince Luv livehappily ever after...
One day as they were having tea at the near garden,both Princess Almas and Prince Luv hear the laughter of a couple.They turned to the laughter and both saw Prince Sky with Princess Chera.Princess Almas turned away and as much as she wants to deny it,it was jealousy and hurt she felt but for the sake of the man in front of her,she put up a smile and tried not to br bothered by them.
Prince Luv saw the change in the Princess movement.If justnow,she was free to move,now,she stays rigid and her smile,they weren't that sweet as earlier.
'Prince Sky!' Prince Luv called out
"Oh yes Prince Luv and Princess Almas.It has been quite sometimes since I see you,' replied Prince Sky as he and Princess Chera walked towards Princess Almas and Prince Luv.
"Aniway,meet my bride-to-be, Princess Chera.I pressumed you know her."added Prince Sky
As the love birds walked away a moment later,Princess Almas poured another cup of tea for Prince Luv.
"You still loved him ?" the sudden question from Prince Luv surprised the Princess.
"I have promise to dedicate my life to you so we shall not say a word about it.I have completely forget about him," replied Princess Almas calmly.
The conversation about the Princess's feeling ended there.The afternoon was then spend with love and laughter.Princess Almas knew,this was the love she should defend.Her love for Prince Sky was a mistake and it shouldnt have happened.
And like every other princess-ly story,Princess Almas and Prince Luv livehappily ever after...
The final of Princess Almas
Princess Almasa and Prince Luv lead their lives per normal everyday since they got back together.They meet when Prince Luv was not busy with any agenda.Princess Almas thought,maybe this was what fate has for her.She might br meant for Prince Luv.Never once have Prince Luv utter a word about the past and the pain she caused him the other time.Everyday he shower her with all the love and care.Just like Prince Luv to be doing those.
One day as they were having tea at the near garden,both Princess Almas and Prince Luv hear the laughter of a couple.They turned to the laughter and both saw Prince Sky with Princess Chera.Princess Almas turned away and as much as she wants to deny it,it was jealousy and hurt she felt but for the sake of the man in front of her,she put up a smile and tried not to br bothered by them.
Prince Luv saw the change in the Princess movement.If justnow,she was free to move,now,she stays rigid and her smile,they weren't that sweet as earlier.
'Prince Sky!' Prince Luv called out
"Oh yes Prince Luv and Princess Almas.It has been quite sometimes since I see you,' replied Prince Sky as he and Princess Chera walked towards Princess Almas and Prince Luv.
"Aniway,meet my bride-to-be, Princess Chera.I pressumed you know her."added Prince Sky
As the love birds walked away a moment later,Princess Almas poured another cup of tea for Prince Luv.
"You still loved him ?" the sudden question from Prince Luv surprised the Princess.
"I have promise to dedicate my life to you so we shall not say a word about it.I have completely forget about him," replied Princess Almas calmly.
The conversation about the Princess's feeling ended there.The afternoon was then spend with love and laughter.Princess Almas knew,this was the love she should defend.Her love for Prince Sky was a mistake and it shouldnt have happened.
And like every other princess-ly story,Princess Almas and Prince Luv livehappily ever after...
One day as they were having tea at the near garden,both Princess Almas and Prince Luv hear the laughter of a couple.They turned to the laughter and both saw Prince Sky with Princess Chera.Princess Almas turned away and as much as she wants to deny it,it was jealousy and hurt she felt but for the sake of the man in front of her,she put up a smile and tried not to br bothered by them.
Prince Luv saw the change in the Princess movement.If justnow,she was free to move,now,she stays rigid and her smile,they weren't that sweet as earlier.
'Prince Sky!' Prince Luv called out
"Oh yes Prince Luv and Princess Almas.It has been quite sometimes since I see you,' replied Prince Sky as he and Princess Chera walked towards Princess Almas and Prince Luv.
"Aniway,meet my bride-to-be, Princess Chera.I pressumed you know her."added Prince Sky
As the love birds walked away a moment later,Princess Almas poured another cup of tea for Prince Luv.
"You still loved him ?" the sudden question from Prince Luv surprised the Princess.
"I have promise to dedicate my life to you so we shall not say a word about it.I have completely forget about him," replied Princess Almas calmly.
The conversation about the Princess's feeling ended there.The afternoon was then spend with love and laughter.Princess Almas knew,this was the love she should defend.Her love for Prince Sky was a mistake and it shouldnt have happened.
And like every other princess-ly story,Princess Almas and Prince Luv livehappily ever after...
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Im not working!
At home now and hahah...I am on MC..And I can tell you,I am weak all over..I dunno..Im just weak! After todae..Which is tomorrow,it will be all work for me..So no more playing around at work..Its all serious..Hmmm!!!!!
Hmmmm...What else..i DUnno what to write...Oooh ya...Wanna know something?I actually printed out some pics to keep me accompany at work..hahhaa..And yea2..Looking at them just make me smile and happy.At least I dun feel all alone at work! hhha..:)yayaya....
So heres what I wanna say alright?
Ive alwaes love writing.It has been my all time interest since I was in primary school.Im not really sure how it happened but then one thing for sure,everytime I enter a writing competition in school,I would mostly win.But there were also times I didnt get anything.In other words,I lost.And I think,thats how this passion came about.Competition continued till I was in Secondary.I write my karangan and when a writing competition is on,I would definitely be at the crime scene..Hhha..And winning it everytime is so much much a pleasure.It all brings up when I was in Sec3.I always score high high marks for my karangan and there was once I've got a comment from my teacher saying that I would make a good writer.And guess what?That was when I tell myself,one day,I will be one!
And so..Entered poly and yayayaya..Projek Cerpen on TV many times..Want to enter but no! I have no guts at all.No guts at all!But this year,I dunno what happened but I was forcing myself to enter.I entered.The having to think of a story line with given genre,the limited time to write the story..Well,that was stress..But well well,I managed to overcome it.When my entry was one of the 10 winnig entries.I was soooo much delighted.It was like a dream come true.Well,it did came true.Hah.
But when my face appeared on tv,that just tells me how shocked these people are about my interest.Hahha..Everyone was shocked to see me on tv winning an entry.They congratulate me and said they were proud of me and they cant wait to watch the production..Welll,thanks..A big thanks to those who really do feel happy for me and am proud of me..I am too myself.
Only that..Its really surprising that I can surprise people all that much..So ok people..I love writing! I dun hide it.Only that I dun show it!If you wanna watch my production,then just wait alright! havent been called for the production so Im not sure myself when the show will be..But once I noe of the detail.I will tell you guys thru FB!
Once again,thanks!
Hmmmm...What else..i DUnno what to write...Oooh ya...Wanna know something?I actually printed out some pics to keep me accompany at work..hahhaa..And yea2..Looking at them just make me smile and happy.At least I dun feel all alone at work! hhha..:)yayaya....
So heres what I wanna say alright?
Ive alwaes love writing.It has been my all time interest since I was in primary school.Im not really sure how it happened but then one thing for sure,everytime I enter a writing competition in school,I would mostly win.But there were also times I didnt get anything.In other words,I lost.And I think,thats how this passion came about.Competition continued till I was in Secondary.I write my karangan and when a writing competition is on,I would definitely be at the crime scene..Hhha..And winning it everytime is so much much a pleasure.It all brings up when I was in Sec3.I always score high high marks for my karangan and there was once I've got a comment from my teacher saying that I would make a good writer.And guess what?That was when I tell myself,one day,I will be one!
And so..Entered poly and yayayaya..Projek Cerpen on TV many times..Want to enter but no! I have no guts at all.No guts at all!But this year,I dunno what happened but I was forcing myself to enter.I entered.The having to think of a story line with given genre,the limited time to write the story..Well,that was stress..But well well,I managed to overcome it.When my entry was one of the 10 winnig entries.I was soooo much delighted.It was like a dream come true.Well,it did came true.Hah.
But when my face appeared on tv,that just tells me how shocked these people are about my interest.Hahha..Everyone was shocked to see me on tv winning an entry.They congratulate me and said they were proud of me and they cant wait to watch the production..Welll,thanks..A big thanks to those who really do feel happy for me and am proud of me..I am too myself.
Only that..Its really surprising that I can surprise people all that much..So ok people..I love writing! I dun hide it.Only that I dun show it!If you wanna watch my production,then just wait alright! havent been called for the production so Im not sure myself when the show will be..But once I noe of the detail.I will tell you guys thru FB!
Once again,thanks!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
many many events
So many things happened since the last day I blogged..Lets see; LA production:Terasa, FYP and attachment,Family Day out and afew other more I cant remember or wanna publish on net..haha..
Ok..So a brief for all ya..
LA 2009: Terasa was awesome..I mean..I am happy with everything that was performed that night..I am proud of everyone and especially my ASM and the crew..I am happy with everyone..At least now I can proudly say that I will be leaving you guys behind with good memories at least..My body will leave you guys but not my soul..Hahaa..I will alwaes ingat you people ok..
FYP was done..A hectic one...Too many things to be done..All rushed in 3 days..Now..Thats real work..haha..It was kinda last minute since I need to do double of everything..But then,at the end of it all when I gave DT,YinTong my cd of works,I can once again sigh with relieve..Another work done..But then again.Thats not the only part of the day..The having to say goodbye to the people in the lab that was the hardest..I tried savouring the whole atmosphere the 1 hour I had left after finishing my work.After 6,the phototaking session was fun and all but the moment I have to face my back to those people knowing that that will be the last of us..It was painful.This time none of us walk away..But we have to leave wach other due to own responsibilities and path of life..Enough said..Now I need a tissue coz I wanna cry..I miss S440 too much and the ppl and the DT and the laughter and the peace..
Attachment..Just 4th day today but I wanna cry already..It feels like batin ku diseksa! WTH! but ya...
Day out with family was damn well..I mean..It was really nice nice nice! hahaa..The time to spend with them was so perfect! hahaa..
So..ya..Thats basically how it was...Until then people..Smiles!
Ok..So a brief for all ya..
LA 2009: Terasa was awesome..I mean..I am happy with everything that was performed that night..I am proud of everyone and especially my ASM and the crew..I am happy with everyone..At least now I can proudly say that I will be leaving you guys behind with good memories at least..My body will leave you guys but not my soul..Hahaa..I will alwaes ingat you people ok..
FYP was done..A hectic one...Too many things to be done..All rushed in 3 days..Now..Thats real work..haha..It was kinda last minute since I need to do double of everything..But then,at the end of it all when I gave DT,YinTong my cd of works,I can once again sigh with relieve..Another work done..But then again.Thats not the only part of the day..The having to say goodbye to the people in the lab that was the hardest..I tried savouring the whole atmosphere the 1 hour I had left after finishing my work.After 6,the phototaking session was fun and all but the moment I have to face my back to those people knowing that that will be the last of us..It was painful.This time none of us walk away..But we have to leave wach other due to own responsibilities and path of life..Enough said..Now I need a tissue coz I wanna cry..I miss S440 too much and the ppl and the DT and the laughter and the peace..
Attachment..Just 4th day today but I wanna cry already..It feels like batin ku diseksa! WTH! but ya...
Day out with family was damn well..I mean..It was really nice nice nice! hahaa..The time to spend with them was so perfect! hahaa..
So..ya..Thats basically how it was...Until then people..Smiles!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
LA and Shangri-La
Bunking in day is tomorrow.TOMORROW! Good news?Hhaa..I hope it is..If many of the bakal viewers cant wait to watch the production..For me,I can wait to do this prod..2 days left and I am scared to death..I mean,just thinking that its nearing that bring me down to tears..Faith? Confidence?I seem to be losing all..Towards who?Myself?Others..? I'll answer that..I dunno.i dunno what I should be feeling right now.I dun have any confidence and faith in doing this..But oh well,I have to give my all for this 2hr show..Just to see smiles on 1200 or more plus the casts and directors and scripwriter's faces..
How about the smile on my face..?Well,just let them smile,and I will do so..
Anyway..Shangri-La was awesome..2 days there and I have learnt many many things..It is such a wonderful nice pleasant experience to be able to work with these big companies in organising and making the event a siccessful one..Also,talking,smiling and joking to foreigners..Putting on our very best image and smiles..Just fantastic..And can I say something? I just made some new friends from the event.These people whose names we dunno of,seems to be your bestest friend during the event.We just simply take care of each other..And personally,I feel..That memory,its just undescribably nice..
Just a brief summary of what happened on both days alright..People from over the world are coming in to Shangri-La to attend conferences,exhibitions,meetings,seminars,talks,receptions and other other those kind of thing.I've faced smiley-friendly guest and I've also encounter no-nonsense guest..It was nice you see meeting people from all aspects of life..Meeting people who are so important and knowledgeable.I love the experience..For today,since there were too many left-over foods,we were all forced to finish up large servings of dishes and tarts and all..And and..Shangri-La is well known for their PUFFS!!!! YUMMY YUMMY YUM!
Thats just basically it ya...I guess my next post will be somewhere next week.After production..So long peeps.
How about the smile on my face..?Well,just let them smile,and I will do so..
Anyway..Shangri-La was awesome..2 days there and I have learnt many many things..It is such a wonderful nice pleasant experience to be able to work with these big companies in organising and making the event a siccessful one..Also,talking,smiling and joking to foreigners..Putting on our very best image and smiles..Just fantastic..And can I say something? I just made some new friends from the event.These people whose names we dunno of,seems to be your bestest friend during the event.We just simply take care of each other..And personally,I feel..That memory,its just undescribably nice..
Just a brief summary of what happened on both days alright..People from over the world are coming in to Shangri-La to attend conferences,exhibitions,meetings,seminars,talks,receptions and other other those kind of thing.I've faced smiley-friendly guest and I've also encounter no-nonsense guest..It was nice you see meeting people from all aspects of life..Meeting people who are so important and knowledgeable.I love the experience..For today,since there were too many left-over foods,we were all forced to finish up large servings of dishes and tarts and all..And and..Shangri-La is well known for their PUFFS!!!! YUMMY YUMMY YUM!
Thats just basically it ya...I guess my next post will be somewhere next week.After production..So long peeps.
Friday, November 13, 2009
But oh well,I am sure after the whole thing ends,I feel find myself heave a sound of relieve.Its already tiring just looking at my schedule.Not even yet executing it..But thats what happen when you are a final year student.When you are occupied with one task,the next thing you know,you will be occupied with another and another.Thats what I am experiencing now..Complain?Well,I can do so like how I always did.But again,I'm tired of even wanting to complain about anything.I keep my quietness to myself.I keep my pain to myself.Now,feeling like wanting to vent it out? I feel a little bit lazy..There are people who will be reading my bloggy so instead of embarking such ugly journey,lets just give all good beautiful ones instead..
Layar Andayu 2009 training is left with only afew..The past rehearsals and all were great.I mean,who doesnt have cockups?Everyone does.But the cast,knowing their mistakes and weaknesses,work them out better the next time.Me,myself, see the improvement.Today,a week from todae,will be the day of the production.I am pretty sure most of everybody are nervous but still cant wait to put on a show..I cant wait myself.Hhaha..But then.Since we are granted another week,lets all make full good use of it..
People will be coming..1200 people again this year.My family and friends are all coming despite knowing that I am not acting.Hah..They are not there to see me but to see the whole production.And Insya'allah..we promise a worth beneficial one..
And so ..yet again.Instead of having to give 100% on the production alone..I have to give extra..Way way extra because I will not be with them on the most important date.This is not to my desire.Its for my school and also my future ahead.I really need to do it.But worry not..I will be giving all my priority to LA.No matter how tired I am,I will rush down to school every night after work to attend the training..THis is when,trusting really has to be given and present..I trust them..hahaha..
I'm scared just writing this post.Thinking about the production in a really making me scared..hahaha...But well well oh wel..I am hoping for the best!!!!!
But oh well,I am sure after the whole thing ends,I feel find myself heave a sound of relieve.Its already tiring just looking at my schedule.Not even yet executing it..But thats what happen when you are a final year student.When you are occupied with one task,the next thing you know,you will be occupied with another and another.Thats what I am experiencing now..Complain?Well,I can do so like how I always did.But again,I'm tired of even wanting to complain about anything.I keep my quietness to myself.I keep my pain to myself.Now,feeling like wanting to vent it out? I feel a little bit lazy..There are people who will be reading my bloggy so instead of embarking such ugly journey,lets just give all good beautiful ones instead..
Layar Andayu 2009 training is left with only afew..The past rehearsals and all were great.I mean,who doesnt have cockups?Everyone does.But the cast,knowing their mistakes and weaknesses,work them out better the next time.Me,myself, see the improvement.Today,a week from todae,will be the day of the production.I am pretty sure most of everybody are nervous but still cant wait to put on a show..I cant wait myself.Hhaha..But then.Since we are granted another week,lets all make full good use of it..
People will be coming..1200 people again this year.My family and friends are all coming despite knowing that I am not acting.Hah..They are not there to see me but to see the whole production.And Insya'allah..we promise a worth beneficial one..
And so ..yet again.Instead of having to give 100% on the production alone..I have to give extra..Way way extra because I will not be with them on the most important date.This is not to my desire.Its for my school and also my future ahead.I really need to do it.But worry not..I will be giving all my priority to LA.No matter how tired I am,I will rush down to school every night after work to attend the training..THis is when,trusting really has to be given and present..I trust them..hahaha..
I'm scared just writing this post.Thinking about the production in a really making me scared..hahaha...But well well oh wel..I am hoping for the best!!!!!
Friday, November 6, 2009
It has been so long since I last update my blog properly..Kesian dear bloggy..hahaa..
So,as you guys know..I am still doing my FYP and I will be busy for the next 2 weeks.Hmm.So, its gonna be a very tiring week for me,this week and next.14 days straight! haha..but oh well,its ok.Setakut-takot me pon,I actually cant wait for production.I dunno why.Maybe its just that I cant wait to see all those that we have all worked so hard for,being paid off.Haha..I know everything is gonna be well..I know..Allah listens to my wishes..
Next,my days are all basically spend with angst,sadness and smiles.I shall not elaborate on each specific emotions but I will just say this.Without those,life will not be all that wonderful,right?But then,too much of those,I dun really like it.Its what you call not healthy..That is the same to the fights and arguments that oftenly happens.Too much of those,are not good.I hate having to re-evaluate my feelings and emotions again and again.
Next,sometimes,I hate to be too good and too nice.I know I am and I know I have the right to throw tantrum at times and be pissed at times but then again,I dun do so because I am scared.Because usually when I speak up,something bad is gonna happen.What I mean by those are fights,arguments and all.People will start hating me if I throw tantrum or when I try to tell them what Im not happy about.Its like I am not given the chance to explain or have feelings that are negative.Is that what it meant by free of speech and emotions? Because I dun feel I am free to feel all those wherever I am.
Next,I realise something about me.I play aroud too much.You see,I am attached but I play around all too much.I am suppose to have one guy but I happen to have many guys associated with me.Its like,whenever I talk to friends about a guy, they would have to ask me this, "which guy?". That just explains how sometimes I confused my own close friends about the guys.Not that I am saying I am popular among guys..I despise that statement aniwae.but its just my clique I think.I mean I am more comfortable being around guys because they are much more easier for me to understand and they are not nosy.When I say shut up,they shut up.Hhaa..I make them sounds like dogs!No,thats not what I meant but ya..Guys are better companion for a girl.
Next,people are shouting,yelling,telling me to go to see the doctor but up till now,I havent.Like what boyfriend alwaes says "Da brape bulan lepas you cakap the same thing,nanti nanti nanti!"I dunno why I always keep on delaying going to the doctor.I am not afraid of injections,I am not afraid of medicine(only dun like them).Maybe,the time I have to spend there at the polyclinic.Haha..I am not feeling well.My definition of not feeling well is this: I have flu on/off.I cough so much,I alwaes have a headache attacking 1 side of my head at just random times.There are more at times but right now,I cant really remember all.
Next,I havent been able to really sleep properly.What I mean is,I am back to getting my sound sleep.No waking up between sleeps.I need that in order to be able to wake up the next day.Now,every morning,I have to really discipline and force myself to wake up to go to school.And when I wake up,my body will be very very weak.Its really tiring.I need my real proper sleep with the waking up between the sleeps.I wish I wish..
Next,my appetite nowadaes will be what I categorise it as 'melampau'.I eat way too much that my mum alwaes say this "kau buaye kepe? tadi kan da makan ni nak makan lagi". I dunno.Everytime I see food,that is when I get hungry and my tummy will start to play music.And like right now,I really need to eat.I want to eat.I eat too much,but oh well,thats perfectly ok..The other time when I lost all my appetite,I think now its making up to the other time..And I hope to see an increase in my body weight the next time I weigh.I need to exercise already.Ive alwaes been saying it but then never really do anything about it.Maybe I shall.This coming Sunday.haha..
ok..So I have basically tell my bloggy whats wrong and right with me and how my life is about now.I need to say these few things to these people..:
Bf: I miss you.Meet up soon.Oh I forgot you are not booking out! Hmm!
Couz: Lets meet up soon.I wanna have lunch or dinner with you
Sis:Im sorry I cant follow you get your dress..
Zura:We shall plan an outing once my production is done.
Halifah: you dun think about anything anymore..
myself:dun think about it anymore.Dun let it seduced you.
Before I go off,I need to say something.Sometimes in life,you don't always get what you want.But at those certain times,if you were to try harder,you will get them but there are also those certain times that eventhough how hard you try.you still wont get anything.
So,as you guys know..I am still doing my FYP and I will be busy for the next 2 weeks.Hmm.So, its gonna be a very tiring week for me,this week and next.14 days straight! haha..but oh well,its ok.Setakut-takot me pon,I actually cant wait for production.I dunno why.Maybe its just that I cant wait to see all those that we have all worked so hard for,being paid off.Haha..I know everything is gonna be well..I know..Allah listens to my wishes..
Next,my days are all basically spend with angst,sadness and smiles.I shall not elaborate on each specific emotions but I will just say this.Without those,life will not be all that wonderful,right?But then,too much of those,I dun really like it.Its what you call not healthy..That is the same to the fights and arguments that oftenly happens.Too much of those,are not good.I hate having to re-evaluate my feelings and emotions again and again.
Next,sometimes,I hate to be too good and too nice.I know I am and I know I have the right to throw tantrum at times and be pissed at times but then again,I dun do so because I am scared.Because usually when I speak up,something bad is gonna happen.What I mean by those are fights,arguments and all.People will start hating me if I throw tantrum or when I try to tell them what Im not happy about.Its like I am not given the chance to explain or have feelings that are negative.Is that what it meant by free of speech and emotions? Because I dun feel I am free to feel all those wherever I am.
Next,I realise something about me.I play aroud too much.You see,I am attached but I play around all too much.I am suppose to have one guy but I happen to have many guys associated with me.Its like,whenever I talk to friends about a guy, they would have to ask me this, "which guy?". That just explains how sometimes I confused my own close friends about the guys.Not that I am saying I am popular among guys..I despise that statement aniwae.but its just my clique I think.I mean I am more comfortable being around guys because they are much more easier for me to understand and they are not nosy.When I say shut up,they shut up.Hhaa..I make them sounds like dogs!No,thats not what I meant but ya..Guys are better companion for a girl.
Next,people are shouting,yelling,telling me to go to see the doctor but up till now,I havent.Like what boyfriend alwaes says "Da brape bulan lepas you cakap the same thing,nanti nanti nanti!"I dunno why I always keep on delaying going to the doctor.I am not afraid of injections,I am not afraid of medicine(only dun like them).Maybe,the time I have to spend there at the polyclinic.Haha..I am not feeling well.My definition of not feeling well is this: I have flu on/off.I cough so much,I alwaes have a headache attacking 1 side of my head at just random times.There are more at times but right now,I cant really remember all.
Next,I havent been able to really sleep properly.What I mean is,I am back to getting my sound sleep.No waking up between sleeps.I need that in order to be able to wake up the next day.Now,every morning,I have to really discipline and force myself to wake up to go to school.And when I wake up,my body will be very very weak.Its really tiring.I need my real proper sleep with the waking up between the sleeps.I wish I wish..
Next,my appetite nowadaes will be what I categorise it as 'melampau'.I eat way too much that my mum alwaes say this "kau buaye kepe? tadi kan da makan ni nak makan lagi". I dunno.Everytime I see food,that is when I get hungry and my tummy will start to play music.And like right now,I really need to eat.I want to eat.I eat too much,but oh well,thats perfectly ok..The other time when I lost all my appetite,I think now its making up to the other time..And I hope to see an increase in my body weight the next time I weigh.I need to exercise already.Ive alwaes been saying it but then never really do anything about it.Maybe I shall.This coming Sunday.haha..
ok..So I have basically tell my bloggy whats wrong and right with me and how my life is about now.I need to say these few things to these people..:
Bf: I miss you.Meet up soon.Oh I forgot you are not booking out! Hmm!
Couz: Lets meet up soon.I wanna have lunch or dinner with you
Sis:Im sorry I cant follow you get your dress..
Zura:We shall plan an outing once my production is done.
Halifah: you dun think about anything anymore..
myself:dun think about it anymore.Dun let it seduced you.
Before I go off,I need to say something.Sometimes in life,you don't always get what you want.But at those certain times,if you were to try harder,you will get them but there are also those certain times that eventhough how hard you try.you still wont get anything.
Two more weeks minus of today.And if those attachment people are happy that their attachment is coming to an end and they are coming back to school..Then for me,an FYP student..I don't like the idea of going out to work and not be in the school environment.Damn!I hate changes.I dun want to go attachment can? *Sigh
But then..Its not all that bad right?I mean,how bad can it go?Its just 3 months and then I am all done with my poly life..Right? 2 years ago,thats what I want..But now,I dun want to be out of Poly can?
Hmm..Actually..I am feeling very very tak kuase la now..Hahah..But my bloggy is so quiet so ya lor.haha..erm!OK ..Im done here..I am bored to death..I wanna sleep from reading my research
But then..Its not all that bad right?I mean,how bad can it go?Its just 3 months and then I am all done with my poly life..Right? 2 years ago,thats what I want..But now,I dun want to be out of Poly can?
Hmm..Actually..I am feeling very very tak kuase la now..Hahah..But my bloggy is so quiet so ya lor.haha..erm!OK ..Im done here..I am bored to death..I wanna sleep from reading my research
Monday, November 2, 2009
just a post
I am feeling so much hurt but right now,I am trying my very best to push all those away..I am trying to smile and laugh at evrry single small detail.Fake or real? I dun care..haha
Well well..Actually,I dunno wat to update about..But I just feel a need to post a post todae..haha..
So..what shall I talk about??? hmmm..
Maybe about how bimbotic-ally blonde I was yesterday..I almost died from almost falling down the escalator at Yishun MRT in the morning..Thank GOD I survived.bcoz i didnt fall.haha..Ok and then..I came to school and have Fah laugh at almost everything I said..(Its not easy to have people laugh at what I do) and Fah actually laughed..So that was how stupid I was..I was stupid-ly clumsy and I have this very bimbotic prangai..So ya..Haha..I was one hell of a bimbo for the day..AHHA..
Today..Well,I was abit doink,first part of the day but soon after,I was ok..Alright I guess..Kan? haha..and today..I am feeling almost alright.And before I end.I would just wanna say something I wrote on FB and a lil add-ons..haha
"I am too generous with my smiles that sometimes it caused too much trouble for myself.And people often thought, this smiley face hides nothing known as misery"
Well well..Actually,I dunno wat to update about..But I just feel a need to post a post todae..haha..
So..what shall I talk about??? hmmm..
Maybe about how bimbotic-ally blonde I was yesterday..I almost died from almost falling down the escalator at Yishun MRT in the morning..Thank GOD I survived.bcoz i didnt fall.haha..Ok and then..I came to school and have Fah laugh at almost everything I said..(Its not easy to have people laugh at what I do) and Fah actually laughed..So that was how stupid I was..I was stupid-ly clumsy and I have this very bimbotic prangai..So ya..Haha..I was one hell of a bimbo for the day..AHHA..
Today..Well,I was abit doink,first part of the day but soon after,I was ok..Alright I guess..Kan? haha..and today..I am feeling almost alright.And before I end.I would just wanna say something I wrote on FB and a lil add-ons..haha
"I am too generous with my smiles that sometimes it caused too much trouble for myself.And people often thought, this smiley face hides nothing known as misery"
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Today is such a wonderful day.Well,wonderful..Because I just spent $31.25 on a pair of black pants.Hahhaa..And I also got my sleep earlier on.And because I am abit ok now la k..Hahha..So so..The day was alright so far but just not sure of the time to come todae.Well,I have at least 7 more hours before the day endAnd many many things can happen la.

So so..Yesterday,on the way back home,Fah and me,camwhored.Yeap yeap..ahha..I'm gonna put ion just some of our best shots ok..You wanna see the rest,the FB is already uploaded with photos from yesterday.haha..Maybe thats what makes me abit happy la today kan..Looking back at the pics,I can only laugh and smile..hahaha...
ps:Zura..we take pics soon ok???
Monday, October 26, 2009
I've been feeling a tight slap on my cute pretty face the past days.I was wondering why the slap but then realised 1 thing..And serve me right..I got it there!It was painful,mind you.
As of todae,I will trace back my footsteps.So,no worries alright.I told you people,no more new people in my life and since I let it happen,now I have to tahan the burden.Well,well..At least I learnt my lesson..Not!haha..
So at east for now,Tqah is very available for everyone ok..I'm doing fine and all.If anyone were to ask me wats wrong,1 of your teeth will come out!I promise you.
Oh well,I just hope everything turn out just right and just fine ok..All the best ya..Don't get injured..again!
I miss him
Im done reading a malay novel..Haha..It took me 4 days since I didnt touch the book on Saturday.The story,well,ok la..Not really that erm..fun..I mean,the plot is kinda expected and somemore mcm takde pape yang kemuncak pon..So ya lor..
I've been makan hati these past days.Humiliation and painful words are accepted with a 'THANK YOU'..Take them and then campak jauh2..I'm simply tired and lazy nak act any harsh towards all these craps.Suke ati la..
And me..Now..I duno what exactly is the word for me to describe my whiole feeling and myself..I am confusing myself and dear boyfie..I da tak tau ape lagi nak buat or think or plan..I am already giving up on everything..I dun want to feel like as if I'm being forced to do all these..I dun want this feeling.Cant someone do something to make me forget about all these..I'm too tired already.
The weekends.Well,I usually like it the first few weeks of FYP but now,I dun like it.Simply because I dun want to be away from anyone.F!@#!I'm clinging on again..
Haiz..I shall end here now..Apparently,my mood died!
I've been makan hati these past days.Humiliation and painful words are accepted with a 'THANK YOU'..Take them and then campak jauh2..I'm simply tired and lazy nak act any harsh towards all these craps.Suke ati la..
And me..Now..I duno what exactly is the word for me to describe my whiole feeling and myself..I am confusing myself and dear boyfie..I da tak tau ape lagi nak buat or think or plan..I am already giving up on everything..I dun want to feel like as if I'm being forced to do all these..I dun want this feeling.Cant someone do something to make me forget about all these..I'm too tired already.
The weekends.Well,I usually like it the first few weeks of FYP but now,I dun like it.Simply because I dun want to be away from anyone.F!@#!I'm clinging on again..
Haiz..I shall end here now..Apparently,my mood died!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
too daring
This week,mood ok so far..But..I've been crazy enough to do daring things..Damn la Tqah!
This week is abit packe la ok..Monday nthg after school.Tues and Wednesday training.Thursday gt *******.Friday got nothing.I think la..Saturday got training.Haiz..Its really tiring..
The daring things Ive been doing is....not gonna tell!Haix..Acctually not alot la..2 things only..But its two days in a row la eh..Berani sangat la eh minah nie! hmph!Doing things for the first time..I dun want..BUt atas desakan orang2 nie..I have to do it.Th first one was ok la..Second one,Im afraid man..Its like gonna change things if it tak go well.Haiz....TELL ME TELL ME!!!macam mane nie?
And Aqim..You dun wan to complain rabaak2 about my post tapi u wrote it there on my tag board..So whats the difference of nt complaining at all..
Human of all lives..Todae,not in the bestest mood.Dammit ok! But Im trying to control myself.
Quiet and weird..I hate it!
This week is abit packe la ok..Monday nthg after school.Tues and Wednesday training.Thursday gt *******.Friday got nothing.I think la..Saturday got training.Haiz..Its really tiring..
The daring things Ive been doing is....not gonna tell!Haix..Acctually not alot la..2 things only..But its two days in a row la eh..Berani sangat la eh minah nie! hmph!Doing things for the first time..I dun want..BUt atas desakan orang2 nie..I have to do it.Th first one was ok la..Second one,Im afraid man..Its like gonna change things if it tak go well.Haiz....TELL ME TELL ME!!!macam mane nie?
And Aqim..You dun wan to complain rabaak2 about my post tapi u wrote it there on my tag board..So whats the difference of nt complaining at all..
Human of all lives..Todae,not in the bestest mood.Dammit ok! But Im trying to control myself.
Quiet and weird..I hate it!
Ive been coming to school for the past 2 days plus todae 3 days for nthg exactly..I am still not getting my new project assignment and it is frustratingly irritating because all I have been doing this past days is play bejeweled..checked facebook for the most upteenth time..and sleep.this is so irritating.My pillow have been such a perfect dear friend..It comfort me when Im pissed.It protect my head when I fall asleep.And haha..I just love you dear pillow.
And and..7 weeks of FYP and let me tell you people something Ive done successfully.And that is..Memorising some new songs,,hahahaaa...so lets see..wat songs:
I run away- Britney Spears
Bombastic love-Britney Spears
Bottle Pop-Pussycat Dolls
You belong with me-Taylor Swift
Hati yang kau sakiti-rossa
Cinta bertasbih- Melly
Remembrance of who I am-Britney Spears
Tears-Britney Spears
In the end-Kat Deluna
Unstoppable-Kat Deluna
Gubrak-Intan Nuraini
99 times-Kate Voegele
And I know thats just not that..Theres more..I knew it!haha..but for now..Just that alright..haha...And I am planning to listen and hafal more..haha..WTH i know..Hhehe..
Oh well..I am bored...
And and..7 weeks of FYP and let me tell you people something Ive done successfully.And that is..Memorising some new songs,,hahahaaa...so lets see..wat songs:
I run away- Britney Spears
Bombastic love-Britney Spears
Bottle Pop-Pussycat Dolls
You belong with me-Taylor Swift
Hati yang kau sakiti-rossa
Cinta bertasbih- Melly
Remembrance of who I am-Britney Spears
Tears-Britney Spears
In the end-Kat Deluna
Unstoppable-Kat Deluna
Gubrak-Intan Nuraini
99 times-Kate Voegele
And I know thats just not that..Theres more..I knew it!haha..but for now..Just that alright..haha...And I am planning to listen and hafal more..haha..WTH i know..Hhehe..
Oh well..I am bored...
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
School reopens
When the lavender is out..
School reopen yesterday so that means the peacefullness we FYPians have been having and enjoying for the past 6 weeks has vanish!
I went to Koufu to eat yesterday due to some reason.And as soon as I've reached the place,Halifah and me have to go hunt for seats and as soon as she caught one empty table with 3 chairs,we run for it like as if our life depends on it.After securing the seat,only then did we look around to see if anyone saw our stupid actions..but then..everyone was busy buzzing and eating.As we were eating,I tried something out with Fah.We tried talking to each other at the top of our voices to see if anyone would turn to look at us with annoyance but apparently,the 10mins of our own anoyance,didnt annoy anyone as nobody turned!
Secondly,ydae morning,as usual I came in..Checked my mail,checked my fb,checked my blog and lastly,I went to youtube to get my daily music entertainment.I was quite annoyed that when it came to the third music, the streaming have to stop and run stop and run due to the lagging connection.And I,have never experience lagging internet connection for the past 6 weeks.But now?
Thirdly,I used to go to the toilet and then maybe take my time as there is a full length mirror in it.And the toilet used to be very clean and quiet and nice but now the toilet alwaes smell and then its never quiet and its not nice anymore..So instead of a frequent trip to the toilet,I only go when I really really really cannot take it anymore..Urgh!
Forth,every morning now,the trip from MRT to school will be fast moving..No more morning stroll for us because everyone is walking everywhere and everyone is speeding..So we have to also..
So next again,like what Melvyn have said earlier on,we feel like we are in a zoo cage.Seen by many people outside..Whats with visitors and now the students? Somehow the passing by is a bit irritating..Its aggitating everyone..
Well2..Ive done my part complaining..After all that is said,Ive got a last note..
There is nothing we can all do about this but just be patient! I never like all these either but then what else can we do? Complain? Impossible! Hhhaa..We are students of NYP...Bear with it..5 more weeks, its all gonna change..Whether its for the worst or better.
School reopen yesterday so that means the peacefullness we FYPians have been having and enjoying for the past 6 weeks has vanish!
I went to Koufu to eat yesterday due to some reason.And as soon as I've reached the place,Halifah and me have to go hunt for seats and as soon as she caught one empty table with 3 chairs,we run for it like as if our life depends on it.After securing the seat,only then did we look around to see if anyone saw our stupid actions..but then..everyone was busy buzzing and eating.As we were eating,I tried something out with Fah.We tried talking to each other at the top of our voices to see if anyone would turn to look at us with annoyance but apparently,the 10mins of our own anoyance,didnt annoy anyone as nobody turned!
Secondly,ydae morning,as usual I came in..Checked my mail,checked my fb,checked my blog and lastly,I went to youtube to get my daily music entertainment.I was quite annoyed that when it came to the third music, the streaming have to stop and run stop and run due to the lagging connection.And I,have never experience lagging internet connection for the past 6 weeks.But now?
Thirdly,I used to go to the toilet and then maybe take my time as there is a full length mirror in it.And the toilet used to be very clean and quiet and nice but now the toilet alwaes smell and then its never quiet and its not nice anymore..So instead of a frequent trip to the toilet,I only go when I really really really cannot take it anymore..Urgh!
Forth,every morning now,the trip from MRT to school will be fast moving..No more morning stroll for us because everyone is walking everywhere and everyone is speeding..So we have to also..
So next again,like what Melvyn have said earlier on,we feel like we are in a zoo cage.Seen by many people outside..Whats with visitors and now the students? Somehow the passing by is a bit irritating..Its aggitating everyone..
Well2..Ive done my part complaining..After all that is said,Ive got a last note..
There is nothing we can all do about this but just be patient! I never like all these either but then what else can we do? Complain? Impossible! Hhhaa..We are students of NYP...Bear with it..5 more weeks, its all gonna change..Whether its for the worst or better.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Thrown away memories
Tonite,I have thrown away all my past memories..why? because the longer I keep them the harder it will be for me to part with it in the future.What do I have to say about it? I am still thinking about all the things I threw away together with those memories..
There's something I wanna say..This few days,my mood, it suck.I dunno.The slightest joke can affect my everyday whole mood.I dunno.Is something bothering me all that much or what? I dunno..It is very irritating to have this feeling..It suck.
I just wanna curl up and cry.
There's something I wanna say..This few days,my mood, it suck.I dunno.The slightest joke can affect my everyday whole mood.I dunno.Is something bothering me all that much or what? I dunno..It is very irritating to have this feeling..It suck.
I just wanna curl up and cry.
Friday, October 16, 2009
I am not rude
I am often said to not being able to be angry for long.Maybe not even 5mins because when people come to me and disturb me a little bit,I will tend to smile and laugh..Yes,I do tend to smile and laugh..So people think I cant really get serious and be in a bad mood..Thats because I chose to.
I am 19 now and throwing tantrum to people who dun deserve them is very rude.Someone said that I am rude but when it come to manners,I know I dun lack anything.If you wanna say that I am very very vulgar,I accept that.Because that means nothing but if you wanna say that I am rude,you are just indirectly saying that my parents dun instill good manners in me.Of which they have done such a good job at doing so.So if you wanna say that I am rude,think twice..or maybe more than that..
I am 19 now and throwing tantrum to people who dun deserve them is very rude.Someone said that I am rude but when it come to manners,I know I dun lack anything.If you wanna say that I am very very vulgar,I accept that.Because that means nothing but if you wanna say that I am rude,you are just indirectly saying that my parents dun instill good manners in me.Of which they have done such a good job at doing so.So if you wanna say that I am rude,think twice..or maybe more than that..
Monday, October 12, 2009
new friends and fyp
I was sitting down trying to see what else I needed to include in my Thursday presentation when suddenly an image stood right infront if my eyes.A particular image of only 2 people including me know very well..
FYP..Well,I thought I would somehow hate it because after 2 n a half year of being with Zura,finally we are apart.But then I made new friends.As days past in FYP,I begin to know some people of whom,I only know they were there but never really bother to talk to or simply try to make friends with.But because of this FYP,I gained these friends.Someone I thought I would never know,happened to be someone whom I can talk to.I mean,sometimes there are certain things you cant talk to your close close friends but I can talk to this person.Its just that I am much more comfortable to talk about these certain issues to this someone.
I once said,enough of new friendship because I wouldnt want to have many only to have them all walk away after that.Too much heartache I wouldnt want another.I tried ny very best to keep my distant away but then it takes 2 days,just 2 days before I know I was gliding towards this friend.I hate to love friends because I know when I do,it will only hurt me to see this friend then go.That explains why I have limited number of friends.Because I choose to just like them as one.This friend said remind me once that we would keep in touch even after we all left the campus and when we all have our own life to lead.I didnt know why but that,it touched me.
The image that stood right infront of me or rather still fresh in my mind,will I keep it just within myself.Noone need to know that.And I really mean noone.So my dear readers,dun ask me anything alright.
One thing I can say is that somehow I am grateful that I am given this path to do my FYP with all these people.People whom without once will they stop me laugh and smile.I am grateful for them.And its because of them,so far,my FYP have been very wonderful.
I know I should be doing my project instead of this but then I just find a need to write what I am feeling at the moment and now I have managed to,I can smile with relieve.Because that image,it is still playing in my mind..And till when it will continue to play,I am not sure..
To those who are wondering of the image.I've just got something to sae.When I think of the image back then,I smiled with pleasure but just a min ago,when it stood there in front of me,I dunno why but I feel a lil bit uptight. but nonetheless,I feel happy and when such things happen,there had never been once when I would feel this: REGRET!
ps:i didnt check my post.so if theres any spelling or grammatical mistake,I apologise.
FYP..Well,I thought I would somehow hate it because after 2 n a half year of being with Zura,finally we are apart.But then I made new friends.As days past in FYP,I begin to know some people of whom,I only know they were there but never really bother to talk to or simply try to make friends with.But because of this FYP,I gained these friends.Someone I thought I would never know,happened to be someone whom I can talk to.I mean,sometimes there are certain things you cant talk to your close close friends but I can talk to this person.Its just that I am much more comfortable to talk about these certain issues to this someone.
I once said,enough of new friendship because I wouldnt want to have many only to have them all walk away after that.Too much heartache I wouldnt want another.I tried ny very best to keep my distant away but then it takes 2 days,just 2 days before I know I was gliding towards this friend.I hate to love friends because I know when I do,it will only hurt me to see this friend then go.That explains why I have limited number of friends.Because I choose to just like them as one.This friend said remind me once that we would keep in touch even after we all left the campus and when we all have our own life to lead.I didnt know why but that,it touched me.
The image that stood right infront of me or rather still fresh in my mind,will I keep it just within myself.Noone need to know that.And I really mean noone.So my dear readers,dun ask me anything alright.
One thing I can say is that somehow I am grateful that I am given this path to do my FYP with all these people.People whom without once will they stop me laugh and smile.I am grateful for them.And its because of them,so far,my FYP have been very wonderful.
I know I should be doing my project instead of this but then I just find a need to write what I am feeling at the moment and now I have managed to,I can smile with relieve.Because that image,it is still playing in my mind..And till when it will continue to play,I am not sure..
To those who are wondering of the image.I've just got something to sae.When I think of the image back then,I smiled with pleasure but just a min ago,when it stood there in front of me,I dunno why but I feel a lil bit uptight. but nonetheless,I feel happy and when such things happen,there had never been once when I would feel this: REGRET!
ps:i didnt check my post.so if theres any spelling or grammatical mistake,I apologise.
Friday, October 9, 2009
The week
Another Friday.And that means week5 is coming to an end.and personally,I find this week ending so fast.Haiz.. Next week is Wekk6 meaning its presentation week and I am the lucky number 1 to present on Thursday.Hmm...
So lets see and recap what I've done the past week alright..?
Monday: It was yet another day.I am not quite sure what actually happened but I guess the day tirned oout just fine.OOh yea..I kena 'scolded' by bf because I reached home very very late at night after training.
Tuesday: A very nice day..A day I would say that is full of fun until the time for napfa.Haha..So had napfa in the afternoon and then trg.Training..Dun wanna talk abt it..
Wednesday:The day started off bad.I find it super pathetic..fire drill in school.WTF kan!The day ended well I remembered.
Thursday:It was a smiley day.I tried to put a positive note..I smile and I tried to put problems behind
Friday: It started off ok..But then things happened and suckish it was..Dun wanna talk about it.Bt then I receive an awesome call from someone..haha..I love it!
And I am hoping that the weekend is gonna be ok..I shall hope and hoping..I hope next week's presentation gonna be a good one..
All the besy ppl.And have a nice weekend.
ps:I am counting down
So lets see and recap what I've done the past week alright..?
Monday: It was yet another day.I am not quite sure what actually happened but I guess the day tirned oout just fine.OOh yea..I kena 'scolded' by bf because I reached home very very late at night after training.
Tuesday: A very nice day..A day I would say that is full of fun until the time for napfa.Haha..So had napfa in the afternoon and then trg.Training..Dun wanna talk abt it..
Wednesday:The day started off bad.I find it super pathetic..fire drill in school.WTF kan!The day ended well I remembered.
Thursday:It was a smiley day.I tried to put a positive note..I smile and I tried to put problems behind
Friday: It started off ok..But then things happened and suckish it was..Dun wanna talk about it.Bt then I receive an awesome call from someone..haha..I love it!
And I am hoping that the weekend is gonna be ok..I shall hope and hoping..I hope next week's presentation gonna be a good one..
All the besy ppl.And have a nice weekend.
ps:I am counting down
Friday, October 2, 2009
Today is Friday
Hmmm mmm..Tqah is smiling so widely..I dunno why.Or maybe I do only that I wouldn't want to let on..Hahha..Secret secret..:) So far today, things goes well and normal.I wasted my time on fb at the earlier part of the day and now I am blogging.ahah..Cool right fyp? haha..Ya right.bluek!
OOh talking about fyp,I dun think I can finish up my targeted work by my own allocated time.Tu la,procrastinate lagi.haha.. But...I started on my presentation already..If I rajin then I will maybe start on the set-up by today.If not..hehe..next week monday ok.Next week is like the last week for everything to be done.Haa..Atiqah can do it!!!!!!!
I dunno what else to write so I would just hope that today is gonna be a good day alright..I hope i hope i hope..please please please,.....haha...Let the few days before this week ends be a gd gd one ...*i am hoping*
OOh talking about fyp,I dun think I can finish up my targeted work by my own allocated time.Tu la,procrastinate lagi.haha.. But...I started on my presentation already..If I rajin then I will maybe start on the set-up by today.If not..hehe..next week monday ok.Next week is like the last week for everything to be done.Haa..Atiqah can do it!!!!!!!
I dunno what else to write so I would just hope that today is gonna be a good day alright..I hope i hope i hope..please please please,.....haha...Let the few days before this week ends be a gd gd one ...*i am hoping*
Thursday, October 1, 2009
just lazy updates
My body is all aching everywhere..Dumb dumb!
Ok..So..I am lazy to update because nothing much is happening.Oh..Wait..Actually something happened on Tuesday but..haha..its ok ah..Silent silent..No need tell anyone.I dun wish to tell nione pon.
Argghh!!!Oh ya...Daddy just bought a big screen tv with karaoke set..Now you tell me..How lovely and noce and baik is my daddy..Hhahha..I love him lots lots..hahaha....Love you baba.....*kiss kiss kiss*
HAHAHAA..and I miss some ppl..I am counting.5 daes b4 your coming back..come back safely.I will be waiting..hAIz...lame sey tak dgr from him..Haiz..
Da la..I very the mendak nak mampos..I shall blah ferst..And aniwae..I m still waiting for calls from someone..haha..tak dpt2 nie..bdh btol! lbt sak tunggu.!*patience*
Ok..So..I am lazy to update because nothing much is happening.Oh..Wait..Actually something happened on Tuesday but..haha..its ok ah..Silent silent..No need tell anyone.I dun wish to tell nione pon.
Argghh!!!Oh ya...Daddy just bought a big screen tv with karaoke set..Now you tell me..How lovely and noce and baik is my daddy..Hhahha..I love him lots lots..hahaha....Love you baba.....*kiss kiss kiss*
HAHAHAA..and I miss some ppl..I am counting.5 daes b4 your coming back..come back safely.I will be waiting..hAIz...lame sey tak dgr from him..Haiz..
Da la..I very the mendak nak mampos..I shall blah ferst..And aniwae..I m still waiting for calls from someone..haha..tak dpt2 nie..bdh btol! lbt sak tunggu.!*patience*
this week
2 days to survive before Fah comes back from Kelantan..And I hope she found peace and fun ther..haha..
OK..so me? hmm..the week have been nice and fun..ha..see this fah..IM HAVING FUN!! haha..ok..thanks to those who are responsible in making my week wonderful.haha...cool..
Going to Cik Nani's house was nice.Got Seri..haha..I love that small gerl..Like really.haha..so yeap..
I am having fun in fyp.I am happy that I'm in the process of coming up with something for my week6 presentation.Good Tqah..I shall just hope nothing last minute happen ya..I hate this already..I need my A.
Going to MCG jalan raye this Sunday..Relative's houses beside mummy blom pegi pon.Im going out oon Sunday and ya..I guess I need all the rest I can get on Saturday and also Sunday night to prepare myself for Monday school and training.
Now..I wanna go break..HAHA..Shall update again later2 ok..haha..Byes and loves..
OK..so me? hmm..the week have been nice and fun..ha..see this fah..IM HAVING FUN!! haha..ok..thanks to those who are responsible in making my week wonderful.haha...cool..
Going to Cik Nani's house was nice.Got Seri..haha..I love that small gerl..Like really.haha..so yeap..
I am having fun in fyp.I am happy that I'm in the process of coming up with something for my week6 presentation.Good Tqah..I shall just hope nothing last minute happen ya..I hate this already..I need my A.
Going to MCG jalan raye this Sunday..Relative's houses beside mummy blom pegi pon.Im going out oon Sunday and ya..I guess I need all the rest I can get on Saturday and also Sunday night to prepare myself for Monday school and training.
Now..I wanna go break..HAHA..Shall update again later2 ok..haha..Byes and loves..
Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I did this on the first week of fyp..I dunno if you guys understand but haha..ya..the pink one was done justnow..It was actually meant to show Ivan but then since I find it nice,I decided to put it as my desktop background..haha..And ya..He did the flowers while I write my name..haha..Cool...
Today so far,erm..it was ok la eh..ahah...Tqah was sick but was super high after she'd taken her first panadol..Haha..yes people,instead of being sleepy she is high..haha..I have weird body system..haha..
Actually thats exactly what I wanna say..So ya...ahaha..I'm off love ones..Tqah got things to do...As naughty as she can get,she's a good gerl..She does her work..Unlike some people..haha
I am sleepy and very very sleepy..And since someone in Kelantan wants me to update,I shall update...If you even call this nonsense im doing updating..So..here it goes..
Hari Raya was ok la..Nothing much..OK ok je la kan..
I'm in FYP now and I guess my decaying process is gonna finish soon..I am soo bored eventhough I know I've got tons of things to do..Well,I started off my project already ok!Now..Researching on port-mirroring..Haiz..What the hell!I'm too tired and lazy to do this..But well..Tqah need her A ya..Hha..Ya right..
What else ya? erm.. Ooh..Aniwae fyp wasnt that boring ok..I exaggerated abit..It was fun at times..AT TIMES! but most of the time..Hahah..ok la.
Training was resumed yesterday and my was I tired.I duno ley..Like all the burden and responsibility back on my shoulder..Throwing it off in the cupboard at home for 2 weeks was such relieved but then having to pick it all back up..Haiya..Well,,No comment about training progress alright..These kinda thing,shouldn't be posted up in blogs.It should be posted only in the heart for your own reflections and sakit hati and smiles..:)
I wish I've got many things to blog about but I am clueless..Oh oh..ya ya..Should I change my blogskin or not?If I should,will it be ok if I change it to a lavender purple skin????The whole blog basically will look very very soft..So,how people?
Napfa is on the 6th October..Mental reminder for myself.So TQAH,pass ook..Hhaa..Ya right..See first la k..:)
Can I say this?I am feeling kinda sick right now.Dammit!I ean it man..I m feeling sick..Eventhough I am jumping around and smiling all the time,I am seriously feeling so sick.I want take2 days break can?I wish..Haiz..Shits..Headache coming back..
Muhammad Syamim!!!!I dun think hes gonna read my blog but...aniwaes.Happy bdae ya dude..Have a wonderful 19 ya..I miss you tau..You gone for so long..HAHA..
And to beloved boyfie,jangan mara2 ok..Isk!!We see how k later...Dun angry2..nanti hilang seri muke..HAHA..OK jk!
Couz is not back yet..Still at Brunei...I am counting the day hes back..Hahaha..
OK people...I shall go now...Headache is overtaking my whole body..I think I might need a nap..So..bye..
Hari Raya was ok la..Nothing much..OK ok je la kan..
I'm in FYP now and I guess my decaying process is gonna finish soon..I am soo bored eventhough I know I've got tons of things to do..Well,I started off my project already ok!Now..Researching on port-mirroring..Haiz..What the hell!I'm too tired and lazy to do this..But well..Tqah need her A ya..Hha..Ya right..
What else ya? erm.. Ooh..Aniwae fyp wasnt that boring ok..I exaggerated abit..It was fun at times..AT TIMES! but most of the time..Hahah..ok la.
Training was resumed yesterday and my was I tired.I duno ley..Like all the burden and responsibility back on my shoulder..Throwing it off in the cupboard at home for 2 weeks was such relieved but then having to pick it all back up..Haiya..Well,,No comment about training progress alright..These kinda thing,shouldn't be posted up in blogs.It should be posted only in the heart for your own reflections and sakit hati and smiles..:)
I wish I've got many things to blog about but I am clueless..Oh oh..ya ya..Should I change my blogskin or not?If I should,will it be ok if I change it to a lavender purple skin????The whole blog basically will look very very soft..So,how people?
Napfa is on the 6th October..Mental reminder for myself.So TQAH,pass ook..Hhaa..Ya right..See first la k..:)
Can I say this?I am feeling kinda sick right now.Dammit!I ean it man..I m feeling sick..Eventhough I am jumping around and smiling all the time,I am seriously feeling so sick.I want take2 days break can?I wish..Haiz..Shits..Headache coming back..
Muhammad Syamim!!!!I dun think hes gonna read my blog but...aniwaes.Happy bdae ya dude..Have a wonderful 19 ya..I miss you tau..You gone for so long..HAHA..
And to beloved boyfie,jangan mara2 ok..Isk!!We see how k later...Dun angry2..nanti hilang seri muke..HAHA..OK jk!
Couz is not back yet..Still at Brunei...I am counting the day hes back..Hahaha..
OK people...I shall go now...Headache is overtaking my whole body..I think I might need a nap..So..bye..
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
So not in the mood
I am thankful sometimes that I have my blog to rant everything too..Human figures?They are only there but they dun really listen..Talk about me not opening up enough? Thats just because you dun try hard enough to listen to my unspeakable actions and my speaking sentences.No finger pointing here..Just a random complaint!
So..thank you soo much bloggy for alwaes being there for me without any complain.And ya..Hari Raya was ok..Nothing much,,Pictures will be uploade at Facebook soon.Maybe tonite..I might malas2 to tag so if you guys just happen to want to take the pictures,just go on and take.I cant be bothered already..
Someone ask me if I go set my hair or was I pretty on the festive day..Well..My answer? I didnt cut nor did I go for treatment like how I promise myself too..Its ok..My hair was naturally done..I let it go most of the time..Well,its my hair which I am proud to show and all..I love it..And to those who dun like it,your problem. Was I pretty..?Alhamdulillah..I like the way I look already.I didnt have to find compliments because I am appreciative of what I was given by HIM.So..apparently,Tqah look the same as every ither day..The day wasnt all that special for an expensive or total makeover..I look the same as always and I like the way I am..Thank you ALLAH..
Today's the 13th month..So..baby..Happy 13th ya..I love you sooo much..Apparently,I search deep down and realized that..Haha..Love you boyfie..
Couz..Going Brunei ah? Erm..Good la..Go safely and come back safely.Your family will be waiting for you with open arms..:)
Basically..I am soo bothered today..Im not in the shitty mood to do anything..Ya...I cant seem to understand what I rean and write.Haiz..But still.Lucky thing for bloggy..And when things go bad...I can only say this...
So..thank you soo much bloggy for alwaes being there for me without any complain.And ya..Hari Raya was ok..Nothing much,,Pictures will be uploade at Facebook soon.Maybe tonite..I might malas2 to tag so if you guys just happen to want to take the pictures,just go on and take.I cant be bothered already..
Someone ask me if I go set my hair or was I pretty on the festive day..Well..My answer? I didnt cut nor did I go for treatment like how I promise myself too..Its ok..My hair was naturally done..I let it go most of the time..Well,its my hair which I am proud to show and all..I love it..And to those who dun like it,your problem. Was I pretty..?Alhamdulillah..I like the way I look already.I didnt have to find compliments because I am appreciative of what I was given by HIM.So..apparently,Tqah look the same as every ither day..The day wasnt all that special for an expensive or total makeover..I look the same as always and I like the way I am..Thank you ALLAH..
Today's the 13th month..So..baby..Happy 13th ya..I love you sooo much..Apparently,I search deep down and realized that..Haha..Love you boyfie..
Couz..Going Brunei ah? Erm..Good la..Go safely and come back safely.Your family will be waiting for you with open arms..:)
Basically..I am soo bothered today..Im not in the shitty mood to do anything..Ya...I cant seem to understand what I rean and write.Haiz..But still.Lucky thing for bloggy..And when things go bad...I can only say this...
Thursday, September 17, 2009
I need a lunch date for 5 days....
Ok..So I am at home now on a weekday night..
I miss some people..
I am tired and sleepy..
Ok..So I am at home now on a weekday night..
I miss some people..
I am tired and sleepy..
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
I was going thru my blog histories when I came across these thing..Haha..Its about what I want to achieved..The blog post was on 8 October 2008 :
1.Go rooftop Esplanade
2.Go all over Singapore to find that dress I fall in love with at Bazaar Woodlands and BUY!!
3.Go movie marathon
4.Singapore Flyer
5.Go Clarke Quay....Dunno for wat
6.Outing with 4 sis
7.Plan Izzati's bbq..Did nothing at all yet
8.Go Vivo..I want the wind and the water
9.Spend the entire day with my dearest dearest boyfriend..(seems like a few hours is not enuf.heh)
Those in Purple is already done..so I'm left with the dress,Clarke Quay and Flyer..Hmmmm..Haha..
1.Go rooftop Esplanade
2.Go all over Singapore to find that dress I fall in love with at Bazaar Woodlands and BUY!!
3.Go movie marathon
4.Singapore Flyer
5.Go Clarke Quay....Dunno for wat
6.Outing with 4 sis
7.Plan Izzati's bbq..Did nothing at all yet
8.Go Vivo..I want the wind and the water
9.Spend the entire day with my dearest dearest boyfriend..(seems like a few hours is not enuf.heh)
Those in Purple is already done..so I'm left with the dress,Clarke Quay and Flyer..Hmmmm..Haha..
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
These are the pics from Saturday that I promised..Its uploaded in Fb also..So you both can choose which one to take from..

Monday, September 14, 2009
Princess Almas went back to the kingdom after 3 days leaving it.Still,her heart condition was never nursed.
That afternoon,as she was sitting down staring into blank spaces together with her maids, there was a knock on the door and there was actually someone who was looking for her.Princess Almas went out in the garden where she has directed her maid to tell the visitor to wait.From afar,Princess Almas could already see the shape of the visitor.
"Yes Prince Luv.May I know what brings you here to see me?" asked Princess Almas with all the courage she have got to face the one man whose heart she had broken.
"I long to see you, Princess.When I came the other time,the king told me you were gone to find some peace."
"I am just fine,I went to the other kingdom to seek peace.And now I am back with some of the peace I've found.Prince Luv,I would like to apologise again for the hurt and betrayal I have caused you.I am very surprised that you would be here today to visit me."
"I shall be true to you Princess,that day when you told the truth,I was terribly hurt that I went off without a single word.I thought I could live without you but it seems that my heart grew fonder of you.I've missed you and us,Princess."
"You would just accept my apologies and take me back,Price Luv? Dun you think that is very heavy a sacrifice for you to take?"
"I have put all those away..I shall not think about it nor will you.Now Princess,will you once again be mine and forget about all the past?"
Princess Almas was very very afraid to answer the Prince.She was afraid if she would make the wrong decision again.She still does love Prince Sky but at the same time,Prince Luv too.Prince Sky already had a replacement for her.And whether they both like it or not,or whether he really loves Princess Chera or not or whether he still loves Princess Almas or not,the obvious is that they can never be together.And it is very very impossible for them to be together.
Princess Almas looked up at Prince Luv.She analyzes his expression.This was the man who made her happy..This was the man who never once made her worried..This was the man whom once upon a time ago,they share a dream and future together.
"Yes I will Prince Luv," finally the decision was made.
I serious seriously am in love with this story.Haha..Eventhough my eng very not here not there but it you readers can understand,then good thing la.I will try to write in perfect English next time ya.Haha..
Anyway,weekend was nice.Saturday was awesome while Sunday was tiring.All in all,it was great.Pics on Saturday shall be uploaded soon..In blog and also Facebook.Yeap???
That afternoon,as she was sitting down staring into blank spaces together with her maids, there was a knock on the door and there was actually someone who was looking for her.Princess Almas went out in the garden where she has directed her maid to tell the visitor to wait.From afar,Princess Almas could already see the shape of the visitor.
"Yes Prince Luv.May I know what brings you here to see me?" asked Princess Almas with all the courage she have got to face the one man whose heart she had broken.
"I long to see you, Princess.When I came the other time,the king told me you were gone to find some peace."
"I am just fine,I went to the other kingdom to seek peace.And now I am back with some of the peace I've found.Prince Luv,I would like to apologise again for the hurt and betrayal I have caused you.I am very surprised that you would be here today to visit me."
"I shall be true to you Princess,that day when you told the truth,I was terribly hurt that I went off without a single word.I thought I could live without you but it seems that my heart grew fonder of you.I've missed you and us,Princess."
"You would just accept my apologies and take me back,Price Luv? Dun you think that is very heavy a sacrifice for you to take?"
"I have put all those away..I shall not think about it nor will you.Now Princess,will you once again be mine and forget about all the past?"
Princess Almas was very very afraid to answer the Prince.She was afraid if she would make the wrong decision again.She still does love Prince Sky but at the same time,Prince Luv too.Prince Sky already had a replacement for her.And whether they both like it or not,or whether he really loves Princess Chera or not or whether he still loves Princess Almas or not,the obvious is that they can never be together.And it is very very impossible for them to be together.
Princess Almas looked up at Prince Luv.She analyzes his expression.This was the man who made her happy..This was the man who never once made her worried..This was the man whom once upon a time ago,they share a dream and future together.
"Yes I will Prince Luv," finally the decision was made.
I serious seriously am in love with this story.Haha..Eventhough my eng very not here not there but it you readers can understand,then good thing la.I will try to write in perfect English next time ya.Haha..
Anyway,weekend was nice.Saturday was awesome while Sunday was tiring.All in all,it was great.Pics on Saturday shall be uploaded soon..In blog and also Facebook.Yeap???
Friday, September 11, 2009
So..Friday's here and that means I am not gonna enter S.440 and see my notebook and desktop and I also do not have to stand the so-cold aircon for 2 wonderful(i hope) days..FYP was o...k..Shall not talk about it..
Training gone all that well..Hope it would always be better.
Life? Hhaha..Well,how else I can ask it to be? It's already like that,created for me,so, wont ask much out of it ya..I just wanna live a happy life like every else does.:)
I wanna sing..I really really desperately wanna sing.Haiz..I wanna ***** but I need to go **** if i wanna *****. Bcoz the ***** i wanna do,is only suitable fir environment like at the **** ..I wanna act again.It looks like I miss acting so much.Haiz..Wonder how I will do not acting after graduation.Hhaa.
OK...I just cant wait for tomorrow.Cant wait!
Training gone all that well..Hope it would always be better.
Life? Hhaha..Well,how else I can ask it to be? It's already like that,created for me,so, wont ask much out of it ya..I just wanna live a happy life like every else does.:)
I wanna sing..I really really desperately wanna sing.Haiz..I wanna ***** but I need to go **** if i wanna *****. Bcoz the ***** i wanna do,is only suitable fir environment like at the **** ..I wanna act again.It looks like I miss acting so much.Haiz..Wonder how I will do not acting after graduation.Hhaa.
OK...I just cant wait for tomorrow.Cant wait!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
So..Lets see..2nd day of fyp and I'm already shouting shouting "STRESS STRESS!!!" Hahaha..But at least its not as bad as last semester.Dunk! Anyway..In case anyones curious,I've received a project of which I believe they are purely just networking..Haa..Not theory stuffs but technical stuffs.So you know why I go around shouting?? haha..
Oook.Yesterday was pure boredom while today is... erm..pure pure boredom..I tried to understand a lil bit about TPA but still could not do anything about it if I dun have the software do ya..I'm gonna be kinda stuck here if I dun have the software ya..
Desktop was changed..I was just plain bored at looking the boring bg..So I changed..Shall upload the pic in a while ya..Right now,I am suddenly much more eager in going home..Haha.See what FYP do to me..Hehe..But in any case..This is one of the hurdle I need to jump across to reach that diploma..Heh..Wel..well..I know I can do it.DOINK!
Zura oh Zura~~~ Hhaa..I wonder how shes doing?Good??? I wanna know all about your attachment yea? haa..Tak sabar nie.
And and..I miss and love my E8 can..haha...Ok gtg..I'm tired and fingers are numb..heh

Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Princess Almas decided to go away from the kingdom for the moment but she only wants to go alone without the company of her maids.After much persuasion,the king let her set foot to another kingdom alone.
Princess Almas was walking around the city disguising as normal civilian.Her broken heart was not mended.Everyday,she live with tears and sadness.She was hoping Prince Sky would not forget her as how she would never forget him.Prince Luv would not come and visit Princess Almas probably because of the pain she caused him.
As Princess Almas was walking to the garden, she set sight on a couple.From far, they look so sweet together but after having second look,he looks so familiar that Princess Almas just have to look again.The guy wasn't smiling and he seems eager to be gone away from the gerl.While the girl was happily and sweetly talking to him,it was obvious that his mind was wandering on other things.And that guy is Prince Sky.
Princess Almas was happy seeing him but at the same time sad as she has made the promise to not be in contact with him again.Princess Almas turn to look at him again before moving away from the place to return to her stay-house.
"Princess Almas?"
Princess Almas turn at that voice.She already had tears in her eyes waiting to pour.
"I saw you with a gerl Prince Sky.You have found a replacement and I am truly happy for your happiness."
"I am not happy with Princess Chera.I want to be with you."
"We promised the King we wont be in contact, I shall go before Princess Chera sees us."
That night,Princess Almas cried her hearts out.She was really sad to see her love gone before her eyes again but she was also happy if Prince Sky could finds a replacement for his own happiness.He deserves to be happy.
Thats basically the continuation of Princess Almas and Prince Sky.There might be a continuation..Sorry for the English.It was superbly bad but I just have to write this story immediately despite my tiredness and no mood.
Nite people.Smile
:happy for you.
Princess Almas was walking around the city disguising as normal civilian.Her broken heart was not mended.Everyday,she live with tears and sadness.She was hoping Prince Sky would not forget her as how she would never forget him.Prince Luv would not come and visit Princess Almas probably because of the pain she caused him.
As Princess Almas was walking to the garden, she set sight on a couple.From far, they look so sweet together but after having second look,he looks so familiar that Princess Almas just have to look again.The guy wasn't smiling and he seems eager to be gone away from the gerl.While the girl was happily and sweetly talking to him,it was obvious that his mind was wandering on other things.And that guy is Prince Sky.
Princess Almas was happy seeing him but at the same time sad as she has made the promise to not be in contact with him again.Princess Almas turn to look at him again before moving away from the place to return to her stay-house.
"Princess Almas?"
Princess Almas turn at that voice.She already had tears in her eyes waiting to pour.
"I saw you with a gerl Prince Sky.You have found a replacement and I am truly happy for your happiness."
"I am not happy with Princess Chera.I want to be with you."
"We promised the King we wont be in contact, I shall go before Princess Chera sees us."
That night,Princess Almas cried her hearts out.She was really sad to see her love gone before her eyes again but she was also happy if Prince Sky could finds a replacement for his own happiness.He deserves to be happy.
Thats basically the continuation of Princess Almas and Prince Sky.There might be a continuation..Sorry for the English.It was superbly bad but I just have to write this story immediately despite my tiredness and no mood.
Nite people.Smile
:happy for you.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Get up and grow
I choose to be random*
I am a happy person because I chose to. Not that I don't have truckloads of things in my mind but its just that I think I'm fortunate enough because I know how to handle my problem at the right given time and people. This few days,my mood hasnt been all that great but still,I smiled my sincerest smile and talk with my sweetest voice.Why? The same old reason,I think you people malas nak dengar da. So..What makes my mood so off? Most of it, its caused by those people around me.They affect my mood.. Haiz. Is it so difficult to put a happy cheerful front for a while.? Is it impossible to just forget about the problem awhile and enjoy life as it is? Its not the end of the world yet if things go wrong..
Right now, things are too complicated for me.Thats because its all not sorted out.No clear indications No clear status No clear explanations.. This is not what I meant when I say 'its ok'. Because this certainly is not ok living in complications and confusion. If this is not what is good then get it off. I am tired controlling tears and putting up an 'ok' expression.Im tired of saying 'cmon' when your only reaction is gonna be something like 'forget it'. So,why am I putting too much effort in something which doesnt concern me,or something which I am playing such a small part in. 1 thing I can say right now is, I am tired.
But still despite all.I am still smiling because I hope by doing so,I could make others,people like you feel lived up again.Feel that you are important and needed. Ask yourself,do you feel like that everytime you hear my voice? Everytime you see me? I doubt so..But despite being heartbroken and sad seeing such state of yours, I tell myself that I cannot show my weaknesses because right now I need to be strong for you. Dammit!! Do you even know or thought of that? Hmm..
So..its much appreciated if people dun be too k-po and ask me about this post alright.I am just writing on my online diary..I wont answer if you ask me.Or you want a shutup from me,you ask la.But I know I can get very pissed if you bring this up. And also..You people jangan nak perasan that this post is for you people ok..Only me my self and I know who I am referring to..
I am a happy person because I chose to. Not that I don't have truckloads of things in my mind but its just that I think I'm fortunate enough because I know how to handle my problem at the right given time and people. This few days,my mood hasnt been all that great but still,I smiled my sincerest smile and talk with my sweetest voice.Why? The same old reason,I think you people malas nak dengar da. So..What makes my mood so off? Most of it, its caused by those people around me.They affect my mood.. Haiz. Is it so difficult to put a happy cheerful front for a while.? Is it impossible to just forget about the problem awhile and enjoy life as it is? Its not the end of the world yet if things go wrong..
Right now, things are too complicated for me.Thats because its all not sorted out.No clear indications No clear status No clear explanations.. This is not what I meant when I say 'its ok'. Because this certainly is not ok living in complications and confusion. If this is not what is good then get it off. I am tired controlling tears and putting up an 'ok' expression.Im tired of saying 'cmon' when your only reaction is gonna be something like 'forget it'. So,why am I putting too much effort in something which doesnt concern me,or something which I am playing such a small part in. 1 thing I can say right now is, I am tired.
But still despite all.I am still smiling because I hope by doing so,I could make others,people like you feel lived up again.Feel that you are important and needed. Ask yourself,do you feel like that everytime you hear my voice? Everytime you see me? I doubt so..But despite being heartbroken and sad seeing such state of yours, I tell myself that I cannot show my weaknesses because right now I need to be strong for you. Dammit!! Do you even know or thought of that? Hmm..
So..its much appreciated if people dun be too k-po and ask me about this post alright.I am just writing on my online diary..I wont answer if you ask me.Or you want a shutup from me,you ask la.But I know I can get very pissed if you bring this up. And also..You people jangan nak perasan that this post is for you people ok..Only me my self and I know who I am referring to..
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
"Orang yang selalu membuat orang lain ketawa itu adalah orang yang selalu menangis"
Somehow, I find the sentence quite ture.I wont really relate it to myself here in the blog la but when I think and wonder about the sentence, I thought that what was said is true.Amusing,huh?
Exams tomorrow and I am hopeless.I havent study..Not really havent la but I have abit only..
I have too many things to say here but it seems like nothing could come up in my head.Ooh ya..Hows fasting everyone? Well,mine went well..And I enjoyed every single day of it.Weehee..
Liyana,Shikin..kluar jom..? hehe..get back to each other ya..
Okie..I wanna study now..Gtg..Love you people...
Somehow, I find the sentence quite ture.I wont really relate it to myself here in the blog la but when I think and wonder about the sentence, I thought that what was said is true.Amusing,huh?
Exams tomorrow and I am hopeless.I havent study..Not really havent la but I have abit only..
I have too many things to say here but it seems like nothing could come up in my head.Ooh ya..Hows fasting everyone? Well,mine went well..And I enjoyed every single day of it.Weehee..
Liyana,Shikin..kluar jom..? hehe..get back to each other ya..
Okie..I wanna study now..Gtg..Love you people...
Sunday, August 23, 2009
I think and I know I am jealous but then..To come to think about it..I'm only human..
Anyway..I am happy if things seems to go perfectly fine for you.I would be happy if things go the way you want it.So..I should stop all this nonsense and be happily living my life as it is now..Changes? Lets just let other people make the decision if it involves me alright.Bcoz at this point,I dun think my decision is needed..So..Oh wells.
Aniwae..Tomorrows an important day!! Waaarrrgghhh!!!! Haha...
All the best baby me!Blurg!
Anyway..I am happy if things seems to go perfectly fine for you.I would be happy if things go the way you want it.So..I should stop all this nonsense and be happily living my life as it is now..Changes? Lets just let other people make the decision if it involves me alright.Bcoz at this point,I dun think my decision is needed..So..Oh wells.
Aniwae..Tomorrows an important day!! Waaarrrgghhh!!!! Haha...
All the best baby me!Blurg!
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Its the first day of Ramadan today.So..Wishing all Muslims a happy happy month alright.:)
Its the 22nd today and although I cant celebrate my first year with him,I am grateful and happy for this.I mean, I am happy that we could be together to see this day.Haha..And I hope for the long long future too..:)
I am thinking of someone and I'm wondering hows that someone is doing..Haiz...All I can do is pray and hope you take care..:)Come back quick!
Its the 22nd today and although I cant celebrate my first year with him,I am grateful and happy for this.I mean, I am happy that we could be together to see this day.Haha..And I hope for the long long future too..:)
I am thinking of someone and I'm wondering hows that someone is doing..Haiz...All I can do is pray and hope you take care..:)Come back quick!
Friday, August 21, 2009
Lelaki cadangan
Prince Sky and Princess Almas..They don't keep contact anymore.Hhaa...
*Dan aku sudah pernah bilang
pacarku bukan cuma kamu saja
ku mempunyai dua hati yang tak bisa untuk ku tinggali
Dan aku sudah pernah bilang..
Janganlah kamu terlalu sayang..
dan bila nanti kau menghilang..ku masih punya lelaki cadangan*
This song..Super kurang ajar..Buut I like..Haha...The title of the song "lelaki cadangan..Sung by T2..hEHE..
Can I say something..I ngah takde mood to study..No mood for fb..No mood for niting..I only wanna do one thing now..And that is singing..I want to sing..Is there any karaoke box or something..
*Dan aku sudah pernah bilang
pacarku bukan cuma kamu saja
ku mempunyai dua hati yang tak bisa untuk ku tinggali
Dan aku sudah pernah bilang..
Janganlah kamu terlalu sayang..
dan bila nanti kau menghilang..ku masih punya lelaki cadangan*
This song..Super kurang ajar..Buut I like..Haha...The title of the song "lelaki cadangan..Sung by T2..hEHE..
Can I say something..I ngah takde mood to study..No mood for fb..No mood for niting..I only wanna do one thing now..And that is singing..I want to sing..Is there any karaoke box or something..
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Life of Prince Sky and Princess Almas
There once live a prince Sky and a princess Almas .. The prince, he lead a very happy life and was proudly loved by another princess Milly..Both,they lead the happiest life. Princess Almas on the other hand,she has got a another lover prince Luv too,only that her life, sounds and spells complication.But still, deep down, princess Almas loves prince Luv and hope to see him in her very own future..
Well,soon, a problem arises and this causes prince Sky and princess Almas to grew closer..Despite the fact that theres gonna be more problems,they ditched the possibility and continue on seeing each other. Soon enough, without realising much, love between prince Sky and princess Almas was developed..Who thought it would happen? Well, it did. To prince Sky, it was a mistake but to princess Almas, it happened. Despite all differences and status, they defended their love and believed that one day, when truth came to light, both of them have got to make a decision that obviously will hurt either or both parties.
They lived life per normal.Meeting each other secretly.Keeping both prince Luv and princess Milly in the dark. Until one day, when finally the truth was lurked out,and the king of princess Almas got to know about it. He summoned both princes and princesses to his court and asked for truth. As all was kneeling down bowing down to the king, princess Almas said out the truth.Indeed they are having an affair. The disappointment on Princess Milly's and prince Luv's face was obviously shown.Both princess Almas and prince Sky say their apology and at that moment,as princess Almas looked up at prince Sky, he knew that the decision is now up to him to make..Looking at both the innocent faces,he looked uo to the prince and say
"Princess Almas and me shall not be meeting each other anymore and no more contacts shall be made between us and if we break that rule, we shall be responsible for the punishment that would be put on us."
With tears streaming down princess Almas's cheek, she turned to prince Luv and said her apology.With disappointment on his face, prince Luv took his leave and thats the end of their love.
With pain felt down on prince Sky's heart, he turned to face princess Milly and said his apology.With that said,princess Milly took her leave from the king and thats the end of their happiness and love.
With a last glance made by prince Sky and princess Almas to each other, they turned and princess Almas said," With the wrong we've done,we accept this punishment.As earlier said by prince Sky, after now,we shall not meet or make any contact with each other.I ask for my leave"
With that, princess Almas walked away from the court with tears running fast down her cheeks..
"I asked for my leave" said prince Sky and that was the last,she heard of him.
Well,soon, a problem arises and this causes prince Sky and princess Almas to grew closer..Despite the fact that theres gonna be more problems,they ditched the possibility and continue on seeing each other. Soon enough, without realising much, love between prince Sky and princess Almas was developed..Who thought it would happen? Well, it did. To prince Sky, it was a mistake but to princess Almas, it happened. Despite all differences and status, they defended their love and believed that one day, when truth came to light, both of them have got to make a decision that obviously will hurt either or both parties.
They lived life per normal.Meeting each other secretly.Keeping both prince Luv and princess Milly in the dark. Until one day, when finally the truth was lurked out,and the king of princess Almas got to know about it. He summoned both princes and princesses to his court and asked for truth. As all was kneeling down bowing down to the king, princess Almas said out the truth.Indeed they are having an affair. The disappointment on Princess Milly's and prince Luv's face was obviously shown.Both princess Almas and prince Sky say their apology and at that moment,as princess Almas looked up at prince Sky, he knew that the decision is now up to him to make..Looking at both the innocent faces,he looked uo to the prince and say
"Princess Almas and me shall not be meeting each other anymore and no more contacts shall be made between us and if we break that rule, we shall be responsible for the punishment that would be put on us."
With tears streaming down princess Almas's cheek, she turned to prince Luv and said her apology.With disappointment on his face, prince Luv took his leave and thats the end of their love.
With pain felt down on prince Sky's heart, he turned to face princess Milly and said his apology.With that said,princess Milly took her leave from the king and thats the end of their happiness and love.
With a last glance made by prince Sky and princess Almas to each other, they turned and princess Almas said," With the wrong we've done,we accept this punishment.As earlier said by prince Sky, after now,we shall not meet or make any contact with each other.I ask for my leave"
With that, princess Almas walked away from the court with tears running fast down her cheeks..
"I asked for my leave" said prince Sky and that was the last,she heard of him.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
New blog skin...
Hmm hmm..I went back to check out my cerpen..read them and erm.I am still wondering how my piece can win..But still,Syukur..Maybe theres something the judges see that I dunno.:)
I have to start doing time table for myself.At least for another 2 weeks to come.I dun wan to study at the last minute anymore..No no no!Notes and basic has to be done and understood.Yeah!
I am at home on a Sunday.Urgh! Haha.. Actually quite ok.I can do alot of things today.So yeap. Roller Coaster Kingdom! HAHA...Someones not happy about something.Too bad!! ahha..
Ok..I'm trying to be a happy gerl.I have gtg now..Se you people soon and around ya..Take carez!
Hmm hmm..I went back to check out my cerpen..read them and erm.I am still wondering how my piece can win..But still,Syukur..Maybe theres something the judges see that I dunno.:)
I have to start doing time table for myself.At least for another 2 weeks to come.I dun wan to study at the last minute anymore..No no no!Notes and basic has to be done and understood.Yeah!
I am at home on a Sunday.Urgh! Haha.. Actually quite ok.I can do alot of things today.So yeap. Roller Coaster Kingdom! HAHA...Someones not happy about something.Too bad!! ahha..
Ok..I'm trying to be a happy gerl.I have gtg now..Se you people soon and around ya..Take carez!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
hmm hmm :)
I just wanna laugh..Just finished reading someones blog and hahaha...I wanna laugh je la.. Actually today started off quite wth! But only recently..when someone said something was I happy.Haha..Ok I shall stop.ANiwae,I found some cool stuffs on Fb! and haha..Ive got test tomorrow..Die2!!!
Babies..I love you too...And this is too everyone and anyone..
Babies..I love you too...And this is too everyone and anyone..
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Just a post before I go to study like mad tonite!
As I was trying to study in the afternoon,I listened to Fah's ipod's songs.I was shuffling and shuffling until I came across this particular song.
I am feeling ery very pathetic today.I know very well that anyone who make any mistake will definitely either get a punch from me or maki from me.I know what such rude and inappropriate behaviour.I was with Fah the whole afternoon and I know that she know that I am feeling so down but I am so sure she dunno the acuse to it.I laughed and smiled today,I entertain people who need entertainment despite all the pain and hurt I'm feeling inside.
All I can say is that I feel a sense of unsatisfaction today.I know I can rant to just anyone but being me,I dun want to bother people.They might not understand even.So haa..Its ok.I tried to study today but didnt get to move on to chapter 3.I am not sure myself if I could still remember what I read for the previous chapters.Lucky thing my paper is at 4 tomorrow.Till then,I have many things to rush through.Too many things.
I thought I could survive today with the laughter and all but it caught me shockingly when a streak of tear slide down my cheek.That Fah didn't realise I'm sure. Its just that time when suddenly the tears you've been wanting to come pouring down(but it just wont) came pouring down when you least expect it too.But I manage to control them before anyone could see..Kan Fah? haha.. The song.Its 'soledad' from westlife. To those who dunno what song:
I am pathetic I know.But hahaha.... I am containing all too much!You will never expect how much I'm limiting myself and just when I could vomit all out.. But all in all..Still at the end of the day..All I do is smile bcoz despite telling myself I have noone,I still do have those people whom eventhough they dunno what's happening,who care to ask about my well-beings. For that, I thank my sincerest thanks.
As I was trying to study in the afternoon,I listened to Fah's ipod's songs.I was shuffling and shuffling until I came across this particular song.
I am feeling ery very pathetic today.I know very well that anyone who make any mistake will definitely either get a punch from me or maki from me.I know what such rude and inappropriate behaviour.I was with Fah the whole afternoon and I know that she know that I am feeling so down but I am so sure she dunno the acuse to it.I laughed and smiled today,I entertain people who need entertainment despite all the pain and hurt I'm feeling inside.
All I can say is that I feel a sense of unsatisfaction today.I know I can rant to just anyone but being me,I dun want to bother people.They might not understand even.So haa..Its ok.I tried to study today but didnt get to move on to chapter 3.I am not sure myself if I could still remember what I read for the previous chapters.Lucky thing my paper is at 4 tomorrow.Till then,I have many things to rush through.Too many things.
I thought I could survive today with the laughter and all but it caught me shockingly when a streak of tear slide down my cheek.That Fah didn't realise I'm sure. Its just that time when suddenly the tears you've been wanting to come pouring down(but it just wont) came pouring down when you least expect it too.But I manage to control them before anyone could see..Kan Fah? haha.. The song.Its 'soledad' from westlife. To those who dunno what song:
I am pathetic I know.But hahaha.... I am containing all too much!You will never expect how much I'm limiting myself and just when I could vomit all out.. But all in all..Still at the end of the day..All I do is smile bcoz despite telling myself I have noone,I still do have those people whom eventhough they dunno what's happening,who care to ask about my well-beings. For that, I thank my sincerest thanks.
I'm smiling because of you people around me! :)
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