Thursday, March 21, 2013


What a life.

Nothing interest me anymore. Going to work is like having to drag a big rock out of the roots of a tree. Ok. Aku mepek!

Boring la gini. Pergi kerje macam a drag gitu. Kadang2 macam nak nanges kene pergi kerje. Haiz. Well, nothing there is interesting anymore. I am stripped off my responsibility as a HR and Finance person. A job I am enjoying for the most 2 years and someone just think that by denying me my job is a very wise thing to do.

Yes, Nura is efficient. No mistake and good. But hell, Nura is underpaid too? Damn ******!

Fuuh, I am super pissed. Really am pissed but I am keeping quiet. Why? Because do i have a choice? No!

Shouldn't I be asked first if I am alright with the arrangement? Don't I have a say too?

Oh well.. Hell..