Monday, December 31, 2012


Today is 31st December 2012 and it marks the last day of the year. 2012 has passed by so fast I am afraid I could not catch up.

Lets just sit and reminisce all the wondeful things I have gained to accomplish this year:

I have learned to bake. Cakes, muffins, cookies. I didn't know I have such big passion for baking. Though sometimes my end product don't turn out that fantastic( of which it is very rare), I am truly happy and proud of myself for being able to make something edible out of butter, sugar and flour. Getting the Delice Oven and Bosch Mixer was a huge investment but its definitely worth it.

I finally got enrolled into school. I am a happy girl and I hope everything will be smooth sailing in studies. I have my target and I really want to achieve it.

Finally, I have picked up the courage to teach tuition. My teaching was not that fantastic but I am happy to learn that the kids enjoy the lesson and they are happy to continue with me. I have promised to bring only the best for them and will definitely continue to do so for as long as I teach.

I cannot thing of anything much that I have achieved throughout the year but I believe it is one that I will ahve fond memories off.

2013 is starting tomorrow and also, the start of my busy period in the month of January.

I have resolutions of which is always much the same every year but lets just list down a few.

* I want to be a better person for my family, boyfriend and friends
* I need to study hard and achieve good scores for my degree
* Be fine to changes because I really need to adapt well to it.

Those are a few I could think of.

Right now everyone. Lets get ready to close the books for 2012 and open a fresh new journal for 2013.

I am definitely going to embrace the last day of 2012 and welcome the 2013 with much excitement. A new year means a new beginning.

I am truly grateful for all the faces who have been with me fom the very start. I love everyone and I love everyone greatly.



Hey. Hie.. Ho..

Was on leave on Friday and 3 days of off was fun.. Haha.. Not working.. Who would complain. So well, a few things happened during the weekend. Will elaborate more:

Did nothing on Friday. Basically, we went out to Northpoint. Brought the twinnies out and most of the time, just sitting at home.

Saturday was out to Shikin's engagement. Such a beau she is.. She looks happy. Looks excited but also nervous. Well, I am happy for her. In Shaa Allah everything will be fine towards the day of their wedding. Perkare baik tak patut dilambat2 kan. So yeap, went to venue with two handsome guys.. Hahha.. My npcc friends. We kinda got abit lost but we found the place with noones help. YAY!! Reached and saw the familiar faces of my npcc friends. We laugh, we had fun. I had fun. Tremendous loads of it.  I miss being around them. Talking and joking but unfortunately because I have to leave early, I missed out the other activity they did.

Sunday.. Woke up early to Couz's wedding. Mak oi!!! Penat and ngantok but overall ok. Reached and everything was beginning to be so kecoh.. First time being sebelah lelaki. Got the chance to dgr akad nikah dilafazkan. Got to iring pengantin.. That was much fun. Saw some of my small small couz.. Da besar da semue..:) It was an intinate ceremony for the bride and groom and it made me decide something.. I dun exactly mind where my wedding will be and how much money I would need to spend on it, all I know is that I want it to be the happiest day of my life.

Life is so unpredictable. It changes course every moment. I am only human.. I cannot decide when something will happen. I just hope my plannings will be made smooth to execute. I know with the blessings from my parents, things will be made slightly more easier.

Yeap. I will stop now.. Will continue on a new post about new year later on.. Got to go lovebirds..:)

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Dooms-day.. Not!

So well, we are do survive from dooms-day.* wth

Never for a second have I ever thought that would be right. Scientists based on science and observations. They might have the strongest belief but then again, they are not GOD and noone knows better.

So, on 21st Dec, while surfing the net, I saw something. Someone has declared that he has made a mistake about the date of dooms-day. It wasn't 2012. It was suppose to be somewhere in September 2015. So whoopee!! 2 more extra years to live in.. Not. Seriously, if it should happen before 2015, It will happen before 2015. Why is it that people are trying so hard to find when dooms-day is gonna be.

So well.

I am very much happy to announce that I will be starting school somewhere in January, next year. I know life will be much more hectic than it is now but well. If there are other people who are capable of doing it, why not me? I am no much different right?

So, next year will be a year where I would have to juggle between school, work and tuition and maybe finding job for a few while. And am hoping I get lucky with that.

Christmas was great I guess. I mean this Christmas, at work I have gotten the opportunity to plan out the exchange, lunch and party. It was awesome having to do all this cause it has really been quite a long time since I last organized something. This was smaller compared to what I did back then but it was very rewarding and having to see smiles and laughters on everybody's face, now.. Thats SATISFACTION. Syukur.

So, 2013 is coming and what can I say. Happy? 2012 passed by so fast and it is so very sad to say that I cannot think of any achievements I have grasped for this year. Maybe I will do another post for that next time.

I am just hoping that 2013 will be easier and better for me. I hope so.

For now.. Bye Lovelies..

Monday, December 17, 2012

A spinning world

From buangkok to serangoon to tai Seng. All for what? I am über disappointed at what happened..

"Banyak NYer pimple." That's how you greeted your girlfriend?

I cannot stop my sensitivity but at lease put a little effort to understand the dos and donts towards your girlfriend. I made a decision. Though my world is spinning at every single point of the day. I tried to be strong so I can make this trip. At about now, my mood is already killed. I hoped for excitement, happiness but what?

I am upset. But then. Who cares?

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Boring boring aje

Current addiction: Demi Lovato's 'Give your heart a break'

Well well.. Life was never predictable. One minute you acn have a smooth standard plan and the next minute, with just a twist of words can make your whole lifeplan jumbled around taking a whole twist of turn.

Obviously what I have been feeling this past week. It seems like my time here is ending quite soon. I am excited for a new challenge, a new set of life but then again, typical of Tqah, she is never that good in adapting to changes. I dun really like something to change after I have grown a bit too attached to the current situation.

But then, sape kite untuk tentukan. Sesungguhnye jalan hidup saye da ditentukan. As for now, I am just following a path that has been created for me. I just hope with support, time and endurance, I can achieve my dreams and In shaa Allah can be a better person for everybody.

Now lets change the topic abit.

Talked to mum about wedding during the weekend. Interesting topic to discuss. The dos and donts. The planning. I sound like I really can't wait to plan my own wedding but then again, I will maybe have to wait for the next 4 to 5 years. Why? Simply because I still too many things to achieve first. Marriage can wait. I think..

I have been thinking about changing my blog skin.. But am a little too lazy to start doing it.. Hehe.. Macam malas aje.. Lets see.. If I can find something for the next hour or so..

Bye sygs..