Monday, December 31, 2012


Hey. Hie.. Ho..

Was on leave on Friday and 3 days of off was fun.. Haha.. Not working.. Who would complain. So well, a few things happened during the weekend. Will elaborate more:

Did nothing on Friday. Basically, we went out to Northpoint. Brought the twinnies out and most of the time, just sitting at home.

Saturday was out to Shikin's engagement. Such a beau she is.. She looks happy. Looks excited but also nervous. Well, I am happy for her. In Shaa Allah everything will be fine towards the day of their wedding. Perkare baik tak patut dilambat2 kan. So yeap, went to venue with two handsome guys.. Hahha.. My npcc friends. We kinda got abit lost but we found the place with noones help. YAY!! Reached and saw the familiar faces of my npcc friends. We laugh, we had fun. I had fun. Tremendous loads of it.  I miss being around them. Talking and joking but unfortunately because I have to leave early, I missed out the other activity they did.

Sunday.. Woke up early to Couz's wedding. Mak oi!!! Penat and ngantok but overall ok. Reached and everything was beginning to be so kecoh.. First time being sebelah lelaki. Got the chance to dgr akad nikah dilafazkan. Got to iring pengantin.. That was much fun. Saw some of my small small couz.. Da besar da semue..:) It was an intinate ceremony for the bride and groom and it made me decide something.. I dun exactly mind where my wedding will be and how much money I would need to spend on it, all I know is that I want it to be the happiest day of my life.

Life is so unpredictable. It changes course every moment. I am only human.. I cannot decide when something will happen. I just hope my plannings will be made smooth to execute. I know with the blessings from my parents, things will be made slightly more easier.

Yeap. I will stop now.. Will continue on a new post about new year later on.. Got to go lovebirds..:)

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