Thursday, April 28, 2016

The beauty of it all

Hey Bloggy
Just a few things:

Hehe.. Just 4 things but they all also happen to be the 4 big things in my life right now. 

I am still finding a job. Sending in my resumes.. But on off ah. Kadang-kadang tu mcm malas da nak carik keje lagi..Hahaha.. Asek no calls aje..

My exams are coming tapi like every other semester, I am not really very confident. YET! But it is going to be fine I hope. In Shaa Allah.

My house.. Hmm.. We wait for June for selection and then we see how it goes from there. I macam hoping that we successful.

Wedding..!!! Hahaha... This one is taking up most of the space in my head. The tunang will say ' I pikir banyak2 mcm ade byk sgt bende nak kene buat gitu'
Well darling, theres alot to do..  Orang laki kan. They ingat senang je la kot. -.-
I am in the midst of planning everything out. Thinking of a few places or vendors, pikir kan backups incase yang I want sume takde. I have yet to pikir exactly how and what I want my wedding to look like. I have a rough idea tapi belom fully confirm la.. Skali nyer wedding kan, so I nak everything to be perfect. Walaupon my wedding takde la grand mane.. Biase biase je kot. But it has to run smoothly.
Things to take note on:
-Photographer and cinematography
-Catering and Decoration
-Wedding Car
-Baju for my family
-My bridesmaids and what they wearing
-A few other small small things but super important( sirih2 thingy, pulut)

I think orang tak pernah ade problem thinking about their bridesmaid tapi for me.. Thats one of my problem before everything started. Haha.. Macam takot je ape yang I nak sume tak dapat.. Soon nanti I go propose la. Hahaha..

Ok.. Got to go now sayang.. Lets hope that everything is going fine and smooothly ook..:)