Sunday, August 2, 2020

My life in 2020

I haven't been here in my cave for as long as I can remember. And oh my, have life been so different from the last time I checked.

Was contemplating if I should write today but I guess the K-drama, lovely horribly, that I have been watching plus the intense thought of trying to write a drama script made me finally logged into Blogger. 

Blogger has changed alot and so have my life.

1 year. Equal to 12 months. 12 months of roller coasters, 12 months of learning about myself, 12 months of constant learning. Self, business, people. And I am pretty sure when I look back at my life in the next 12 months, it will again be a huge difference. 

I can say I am still the same person I used to be. I've always believed the world could be a better place. If anything changed, it would be my perspective on so many things, ie life. 

Since 10 years ago, when I started my career, I have always tried my best at everything that was thrown to me. I believe that I can learn anything and my skills and experiences could always use an upgrade. I never complain. I actually like being good at my job.

Plans changed. Fast forward 10 years later, my experiences do come in handy. I am in a good place. Life hasn't always been easy. But I enjoy every second of it. Am I done learning? Not even close.

I am still learning everyday. Be it in my field or something new. I guess that's what makes a good employee/employer, right?

It's not easy and learning is tiring. I have always liked the idea of business. I was just too naive and oblivious. Didn't know it was possible. I started late, as a result.

Looking back, if I have 1 regret, it is not knowing who T. Harv Eker, Tony Robbins, Bob Proctor were. Just naming a few..

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