Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Aku rase diri ni kadang2 macam bodoh..
Mungkin betol la diorang cakap... maybe betol aku ni bodoh..

Sakit tau.. sakit sgt.. Tapi sape tau? Sape kesah?

Everyone feels that they need to have control over me.. Over what I do and what i feel.
Then when do I live for myself?

Sayang aku? Mereke yang sayang tu la yang menyakitkan dan menjatuhkan semangat aku. Hati ni sedih sgt. Tapi aku nak bilang sape? Sape yang boleh dgr and then not judge me?Sape yang will side with me and tell me everythings fine?

I know people are slammng me down for what i aspire to do. But to expect that from my loved ones, sakit sangat2..

Kenape feelings ni keep haunting me? I dun like.. I am supposed to be happy. I shouldn't be fighting or arguing.. Bcoz that affects everything. It changes everything.

My feelings? I am not one to give up on what I have or what I want. So I tak pernah akan sacrifice my feelings untuk anything.

Dreams are meant to be reached for. Its meant to come true. My dreams are not difficult. It just needs work and effort. I am only human.. where do I get strength and motivation from? How do I conquer my dreams if I have no strength and power to do so.. You know, the feeling of seeinng your dreams crumbling down right before your eyes. Its heartbreaking. Thats how I am feeling right now.

My heart is breaking. And noone gives a crap about it. Everyone feels that their opinions matter the most. What about mine? When can people stop running my life and let me run it myself?

Gitu senang i dipersalahkan when it goes wrong. And gitu mudah orang lain buat keputusan for me.

People, I am tired. I need people who would be by me through everything. Bukannyer I buat bende yang tak bagus. I  understand that I am very ambitious. Tapi my ambition is possible, Something that ppl will never take me seriously for. Dun think it doesnt hurt me. It does. But I just choose to laugh and smile it out.

Satu hari, dgn berkat Allah and kerje keras I sendiri, I will be where I dream of being. Cume I ingin kan support dari them, yang kate they sayang me.

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