Sunday, October 11, 2015

10.10.2015 WV launch party!

Alright bloggy syg..

Actually I am very very tired and a little bit sleepy. But as I lie down on bed, I have this naggy feeling to get up and blog about my life.

First up, today was a really awessssooommmmeeee day. I cant begin to explain how happy I was.. Sure did not make the wrong choice. Its great to know and see for yourself the foundation that are shun by others grow so big and so well. And like a friend said, WE ARE EXPLODING! Its a great feeling. I do not know everyone but after today, I at least made 2 new friends, reunited with some old friends and became closer with my already new friend. It was a great exposure. A great day all in all. It was nice being able to be mingle around and be who you are with this people. Not fearing that they will not like you.

I am especially excited because the fiance is also there to spend and celebrate the launch of our Asia's headquarters. This is EPIC! and getting to spend time with him is the bonus.
I hope that our business, our dream for our future will come true. For everything that happens, is within His plans.

Well next, as you may well see and know syg, I am ENGAGED! Ok ok.. I know I am about 2 months late..  But it always feels that it was seconds ago.(NOt sure if thats a god thing). I am happy. Alhamdulillah. Sure, I feel like strangling him with my own bare hands sometimes but I guess thats the small test in life and in this new phase of life we both share. He is a pain. But at least He is my pain. And I believe that if I am right, If I only had the best of intention in his life and relationship, then Allah will help to make it easier and smooth sailing for me. A few bumps are fine,When I sabr, thats when blesssings are countless, In Shaa Allah.

Well, life isnt always gonna be flowery. There are thorns. There are problems, there are issues. But I believe, Allah tau niat kite and HE also knows whats right and whats wrong for us. Pin pointing and blaming someone is not a great thing to do.

I guess thats all I have got to say. It was a nice day and I feel good having someplace to rant my happiness and sorrows. Thank you.. my faithful bloggy.

Alright! Right now, I am tired.. But my dear beloved is still outside there blowing onto his lover.(I mean the trombone ya). How do I sleep exactly while knowing he is still outside and not yet home.?

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