Saturday, January 23, 2010

Friendship in the bus..

Friendship in the bus..

Ever had such things ever happen to you? If there are such thing as 'being able to sms or chat like good friends on the phone but act like complete strangers when meet.Well,I have one of my own too..But..for my case,it is not the phone..It is the bus! We talk like old good friend in the bus but when we're not in the bus,we are complete strangers..Hahha..

You know..Sometimes I wonder if I really really is invisible..Hahha..Dumb! I know..But its like you know,I always thought if I really were..Its something like when you are in the forest and then those forest ppl kidnap you..Then you can see other people but they cant see you..You know that kinda thing?Hahha..

Well,not that I am so much bothered by it all that much.But yea,I was just thinking..Why is it that such a thing can even exist.Mcm hypocrite gitu kan?Why cant we just act the way we really are..And I really mean the good thing about what we are..Not the bad one! haha..

Me?So far,I think I am good enough to act the same way whether its on the phone or real life.Except..If the other party want to act otherwise with me..Then I follow suit lor..But,seriosly,I dun like it..Haha..

okok...Thats just the actual purpose why I updated..And also,for the fact that I have long not touched conditionofmyheart.Just did and now Im gone..:)

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