Monday, January 9, 2012

I just wanna be happy..

Have you ever feel the need to want something but knowing that the only thing blocking your way or stopping you is the fact that you are so afraid to face other people?

No matter how much I tell myself I lead my own life and I shouldn't worry about what other people think, I can't stop thinking and feeling that what I do may hurt or let down some people. Damn! Its not like this is the first time this is happening to me! I think about people too much that at the end of it, it sometimes doesn't pay.

Daddy has always said that I should be happy with what I do. When I am not feeling the satisfaction and happiness in what I am doing then stop! Sometimes I wish I can just stop and move on but it gets soo difficult when it involves people and their feelings.. Or better yet, mine!

Life has so much to offer and thats where the problem comes in. At least for me! It has too much that the next step to it is choosing.. How do I ever know that choosing something over the other is always the right choice? Because usually, the right choice, it doesnt come to me at all. Blurg!

Oh my.. Why does love always have to play a big part in someone's life? Or maybe being all goody-goody nicey nice is not always good.. Urgh! Play with decision. Play with choices!! Eat yourself up!

May I have and get guidance for all this complication and may I HAVE THE ANSWER FOR IT WHEN THE TIME COMES..

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