Wednesday, March 28, 2012


My current situation right now is what I hate to feel the most: PAIN!

Haiz.. My head is pounding.. My feet terase2 nak simpul biawak.. Soon I would think.. My legs are as weak as jelly.. My tummy is full of wind..Burp burp.. Doesnt make things any better when I decide to massgae daddy.. More burp burp.. Hey, I'm not complaining alright.

I truly do not know what happened to my body today. ts super uncomfy. And as I blog, panadol is running through my body taking effect.. I truly hope its taking effect coz at this moment, I so need the effect to happen. Coz really.. Feeling like a walking dead is no fun at all.

Mood for today was not that wonderful either.. But ironically, unlike other days, I dun let it take over me.. I smiled to my staffs.. I did my work.. Never with a frown but a smile.. A sincere one at it though seriously, cume Allah je tahu macam mane terok nyer I feel.. I mean my body condition. Cume Allah je tahu brape lemah and tak bermaye I rase.. Syukur Alhamdulillah.. Because when I couldn't describe a feeling or situation into words, I still know that all the unspoken are still understood and heard by Allah.

Though I penat and lemah, I maseh nak blog. I have no idea why the rush to blog. I just feel like I need to blog.. thats the reason for the blog this late at night. And I truly am grateful for having all the right words to describe my feelings, situation or whatsoever. That may be a sign that I should start writing again. Like finally. Please do Tqah.. Its a promise I made to myself. Because I dun want to believe that winning Projek Cerpen was just a mere luck. I know I have what it takes to be a writer. I know I have that talent, Just that I do not have enough exposure and the opportunity to do this.

Before I end today's post, I just wanna say a sudden thank to people who have given me reaosn to smile and live each day.

Thank you Allah for giving me yet another chance to live, see the goodness and badness of what the world has become and most importantly the chance to repent
Thank you mama baba for loving me and equipping me with every moral support and support in every other way so that I grow up to be a very respectable young woman
Thank you to my adek2 for adding spices to my everyday life. Their laughter, their concern and their smiles mean the world to me and having them taught the snese of responsibility
Thank you Suhaimi for being by me day in day out and hearing me rant and complain about almost everything, Letting me see life in a more positive and beautiful way
And lastly, thank you to every single human being whom I have once had fond memories with. My memories of you all have made me who I have become today. Good or bad, I am grateful for lessons learnt.

Good night lovelies.. I am me because of you all.

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