Friday, December 26, 2008

My boyfriend..

I'm super tired and I dun really want to sit in front of the computer at this very moment..All I want to do is sleep..but its ok..Theres something I just feel like blogging..Its about my love life..And I know I said the 2 previous post might be the last post..

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(Dun cont..Its my love life)~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Well,currently I'm in a very wonderful relationship with a very wonderful guy..Yup,some people might only know him by name..But not talking to him in person and know what he is like..

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(Dun go own,trust me,you will get bored!)~~~

Let me just share abit about how things happen..I've known this guy for quite awhile and I find him super irritating..And I mean SUPER irritating!!!But well,as days past,I felt quite attached to him and I feel the want for someone to care and the need for an extra 1 person to love me..Hee..

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(3rd warning!!Dun go)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Now,I'm with this wonderful irritating guy..But never in our 4 months of relationship have I ever regretted making my choice to be with him..We never fight but arguments just make everything feels great..

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(Final warning!!!!)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

And for the first time at this very own blog of mine..I'm gonna say this..Sayang,I love you so much..I know putting up with all my nonsense with all the patience you have to put in might be difficult..But I love you for all those..I've never asked for anything from you but all I want is that bit of love and protection you promised to give.I know I've hurt you a few times but you put up with all that..Thank you..really..thank you for all those you have been showering me with..I've loved you always and I will always do..And I don't lie about how I feel...I want people to finally know that I'm proud of you and I'm happily in love with a very great guy..

To anyone who have been reading till the end..If you think I'm talking nonsense and its too mushy,then get lost..!But to others who feel the opposite of what I just said,then,no comments!!Because this entry is actually only for SUFYAN HADI!!!!

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