Friday, February 20, 2009

KE BA BOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today is Friday and I am seriously impatient for night to come when my phone is gonna ring and the moment I say 'Hello',I will hear the voice of a guy..Ya,a guy..My bf.. Let's hope...I think a week of torture is enough already..Hhehe..

OK...I wanna talk malay today..So bear..
Semalam Tqah watch tv ngan mummy and daddy..Sebenarnye Tqah nak duduk je kat luar temankan mereka sebab tak minat sangat dengan crite yang daddy tonton kat Star movies..Dah disebabkan Tqah dekat luar,Tqah tonton lah sekali crite tu sebab pelakon utame nyer tu,laki tu macam sakit jiwe gitu..Hahha..Tonton punye tonton,termelekat pulak kat tv tu..Hahh...Lepas crite tu abes,Tqah bilang mummy,crite tu bagus sangat..Macam kalau tonton kat wayang,mesti berbaloi nyer..Tqah tak tau macam mane nak cakao sal crite tu tapi crite dier bagus sekali...Kalau nak tahu crite ape Tqah tonton,Tqah tonton crite 'Perfume:Story of a murderer'!!

Hari nie Tqah gune mase satu ari dari pagi sampai ke petang untuk abeskan satu crite kat buku Nightshade Nightsmoke...Tqah abes bace Nightshade..Best tau crite dier..HAHA....Nora Roberts nyer buku mmg semue bagus..HAha...Tqah sukeeeee banget buku nie...Best...Tapi Tqah rase Tqah tak kan bace dule la buku nyer sebab Tqha kene blajar untuk OOAD paper Isnin nie..

Ok....Skarang I would wanna be a good girl and wait patiently for dear bf to call..If he is going too...Kalau hes not going tu,then takpe...Tqah paham dier penat..

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