Saturday, September 27, 2008


Went to MCG iftar yesterday and man..I had tons of fun..Hahaha...Really2..I had lots of fun sey..Hhee...Actually i was expecting the whole E308 to be full of people but apparently the room was less than half full..Hha..But nonetheless,I had lots and lots of fun.Hmm..Thanks to those who came and made my day so wonderful....Ya2?

Ermm...Well,going to the iftar yesterday wasn't a mistake at all..Those people were so funny and I miss them all la.. Unfortunately, I didn't take any pic but if you really2 need the pic you can go to Rya's blog kies??Hhaha...(See Rya,I promoting your blog)

And meeting that someone was nice.But.....the teasing part from my fellow deary Mcgians was not a nice one ok??I know I didn't blush..That I know but I was sooo the freaking shy ok???Hish!!!

But dear,It was nice seeing you yesterday eventhough it was nothing much.But you know just meeting you means alot already..And I'm sorry if at the later part I seem distracted.You know what was on my mind right but seriously I've got no idea why I let it be such a big thing to think about..Hhaa..Weird right?I know I know..

Before I end...NORAZURA RAZALI and HALIFAH HAMZAH....I MISS YOU TWO LOTS LOTS OK...LOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That classmate of mine..I know you still have got lots to tell me kan??And I miss listening to all the stories..Fill me up with those stories soon ya..When I've got the time to go online again ya..

ps:I am curious and want to really2 know who this bff of urs is...

-I'm missing Lavender-

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