Sunday, May 3, 2009

I love you

Lets put it this way..The weekend was kinda hard!But I refused to let it overtake me..So,smile!!And,instead of talking about it,I think I shall just talk about my bf!

Well,8 month has past and I sure am looking forward for our 9th 10th 11th and maybe forever..Insyaallah!Erm..I've always ask myself and can't stop wondering how many times ever during this relationship have I ever made this guy angry or pissed.Eventhough he would say that I've never,I doubt that..He's just too forgiving and forget about such things so easily that he never want to come back to throw those things I've done to my face!Good?Well,thats just him!Erm..What would I do if I never have him by me now?Ahh...??I'll still be the very same me!Only difference is that,I will not be too emotional than I already am and that I will still continue to go around and goo2 gaa2 over such cute guys..Hhaa..I dun do those anymore.Basically because I have this respect for him..

These 8 such wonderful months,I've been happy with him.He make me smile when I can't..He gave me his shoulder to cry on..He gave me advises eventhough after knowing very well that I don't listen to them.He gave me 8 months of such happy moments.What else can I ever ask for?I just want him and the whole life with him..

Me?All I've been giving this wonderful guy is problem..(He would never say I have).I can't rremember how many times I've make him angry..I remember a time when he was kinda pissed at me but still he managed to talk nicely eventhough coldly to me..The next morning,he called and acted like nothing happen.I can't act like nothing happen.Because it did happen and I've been making this wonderful guy angry but still he manages to just forgive me like that..Now you know why I love him so much?

I dun deny that sometime I feel like killing him with my bare hands but I think I love him too much to do so.Hhaa..How can I do without him!8 months of wonderful relationship..Those,I will definitely treasure..Sometimes,listening to him blabber and talk with such excitement about something I do not have any knowledge about or something that would bore me to death,I could only smile and listen..He might not know how much he bore me but still,despite all that,I love hearing him talk..Trust me,I can be with him all day and be quiet ad just hear him bla bla bla..Hehe..So,you see,I dun really do all the talking!

Seeing him at the doorstep,came in and having him to wait for me get ready for more than 15 minutes eventhough I say i would be ready in 5,makes me so happy..Because,he is the very first guy to do that..Although he complain about it when we're out from the house,I love that teasing and the look on his face..I know I have someone who can wait for me.Listening to him give me stupid lame jokes and sometimes make me do stupid things,just excite me more..Because I never want to do them and then the 'membebel' he does,is so cute that sometimes I just feel like giggling.

I love the look he have whenever I start my nonsense and how he either kept quiet and listen or play along.The look when we've finally met since the past 2 weeks..The look when he ask "Are you ok?"..

I love him..I truly do!And I am very very grateful I have him in my life..And those compliments he have always been showering me with,I can only say thank you.I'm a normal girl.I'm just like every other people.Only that I may have diiferent personal qualities.I haven't been giving you any compliment..And now I'm giving it in my blog..!!You're the best boyfriend ever and I'd never want anyone else other than you...

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