Thursday, April 30, 2009

malas btol aku!

Banyak time aku eh tukar blog skin lagi..Hhah..Memang banyak pon!

Ok..Nari aku malas sangat nak bobal English and I just wanna talk like the freaking normal way I talk..A mix of English and Malay everywhere like now..

Semalam 29/04/09 ade MCG orientation.Aku telah diarahkan untuk jadi spy kat group K..HHa..AH!ni dier identity aku smalam ye..Name saye Eliza..17 tahun..Course Nursing..Perangai sikit peh mcm mintak kene bantai je aku..Soft benar!haha..Tapi as time past,aku happy la macam the whole thing was fun la..despite the stiff neck and tiredness..The committee and OGLs were all very very good..I mean I can really see the fun and hyper side of them yesterday and it was really really good to see.And the face on my group freshies upon knowing that I'm a spy was indeed really cute..And wait,our group won the race challenge!!Woohooo!!!Zaidah,Afiq,Rini,Hilmi..You people are the best..Cool...!!

And did I say that my bertuah nyer mataer actually gave me a surprise yesterday..Ya..That liar actually said he was reaching home and in actual fact he was actually strolling to the lecture theatre..Ass!!But still,hes the best!!Hha..

Erm..Aku ngah bosan nie sebenarnyer..Tak tau nak buat ape..Chat ngan Shamin pon.otak aku mcm lembab lak tibe2..Nak buat networking,tak boleh lak sebab packet tracer kalau pakai susah,nak kene config sume balik..Nak tdo tapi mcm tak nak..Ape aku nak sebenarnyer pon aku tak tau.ISK!

Sebenarnyer sekarang nie aku rase macam nak jerit nak nangis and I'm feeling so the resah..I know exactly ape sebab yang buat aku gini tapi aku tak akan bilang la..Its something I wont be telling my readers..Hha..Macam mane aku nak hilang kan rase nie is ??????Be pissed!!Yes!!!

Da berpuluh tahun aku cakap nak gi botanic gardentapi tak pergi2..isk!btol la!Bingit tau nie!Sape yang patot disalahkn?Hha..Actually byk la prg yang aku boleh tuding jari dekat tapi aku rase aku terlalu baik untuk sebut name sorang2 kat sini kan..Hha...

Da la..Sebelum aku go deeper into being sarcastic and feel like a real bitch,I think I would just stop here..Aku da malas nak typr lagipon..Ok..People..See you people soon..

Yes!Besok tak skolah!!

ps:I hate you but I love you..HEH!

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