Monday, December 3, 2007

Time to think!

I've realized that I have got no power and that my energy is limited.
I've realized that love concerns 2 party not 1.
I've realized that life is for once and not for subsequent times
I've realized that when things go wrong,the first person you will find is your mum(i did).
I've finally realized that no matter how irritated you are with your family,you will still go back home

When things go wrong,all I want to do is curl up and cry.
When problem arises,I would only want to push everything aside.

*I want to but I can't because I live my life and if I neglect them,who is gonna finish them?


zura.zali said...

Tqah, hope everything is fine. ok? take care.

Halifah said...

yea babe please share with us. thank u.

zura.zali said...

BTOL!!! BAIK HALIFAH! wei , taknak uat public ke?