Tuesday, March 31, 2009

I miss you friend..

A few days back I was reading my MSN chat log..I deleted those chats with people I dun think I have anything to keep..But I do keep some of them..And I went back to read this particular chat log with a someone..Hha..It was really nice to go back and read our nonsense..There were a few things I can't remember him saying it or me saying it but its there..So its proved that we do talk about those things..And haha..I can't stop myself from smiling and laughing..And after that and till now,everytime I'm online,I wonder where this guy is..He hadn't been online for so long and his blog hadn't been updated..I didn't hear anything from him..And I dunno how he is even..Message him??No..I dun think so..And people..no..He's just a friend ok?So dun think anything..Just having a friend whom was once I'm closed to and tease and disturb a few months back disappear?I just miss him,that friend..

Ok..So,,Stop all that..Earlier today,I watched a movie at Star Movies.."Initiation of Sarah"A freaking cool movie..Man!!!I love it so much..I wanted to be a vampire some time back.then a witch and soon I might want to be 'bomoh'(creep.I forgot wats bomoh in English..Wats it?)Its very very cool.....Hahah..

And now..I'm chatting with a friend and I wanna go off from blogging now...SHAH is asleep...

But first,beore I go..I finally met my BF.............YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!HAHAHAHAHAH....I love you awak!


Nazura says Bonjour said...

kak iqah, wat is izzati's blog url?

Nuratiqah Hafiz said...

kak iqah pon tak tau.
izzati ckp blog dier ngah construction klaau tak salah..