Thursday, May 1, 2008

MCG orientation

It was MCG Orientation yesterday and I went with a happy smile plastered on my face.Trust me..I was sooooo happy to be there and meeting my juniors.I was hyped up already when Iman gave us the briefing for the day.I was feeling so WoW!!!!!To add up to the excitement, a few people whom have disappear from my life,came back and greet me with those sweetest smiles.Thanks to Hasbi who came back to help us out.And I went crazy when I saw him outside the room.Sorry for the hitting..Hee..

Thanks so much for the 7 freshies in Group E.Thanks for coming.It's all worth my extra handphone bill..You guys came.Jokes and crapping in the lecture room and there wasn't time for icebreaking and wer going straight to the race.I was afraid that you guys can't communicate coz you dont know each other.Race started but you guys prove me wrong.The motivation and bonding I'm seeing in you guys were so great eventhough I know you guys were so tired running from places to places!!Aku sayang korang sangat2...Please do stay in MCG k..?

Faizal lagi was so sweet.Getting me a drink when I was briefing the freshies.Eventhough you told me not to drink up all coz you want them..Haha..And ya..You did some of the jobs k..I was joking when I said I did most of it..You bonded with them.That's what important.

This will be in Malay..And I am gonna get a bit nasty in here.Jadi untuk org yang rase dier akan terase baik jangan bace..Just close the window.

Tengok.Aku gembire kan smalam.Memang,aku gembire sangat.Terime kasih pade 8 bdk2 nie.Termasuk Katrina sekali la.Kerana dorang jugak,aku bertahan.Aku lari walaupon aku da rase lain macam kat kaki aku.Sebab aku tengok dorang berkobar2 sangat.Bagus2..Kerana dorang jugak la,aku tak meletop semalam..Nasib baik aku tak..Dan kerana dorang jugak aku tak menangis semalam.Terime kasih.Pade 2 orang kawan aku yang mendengar aku merintih dan merapuh sepanjang perjalanan balik tu..Terime kasih byk2.

Aku benci kau!!!Aku betol2 rase macam alat yang kau gunekan.Bile nak kau carik biler tak kau buang,Terime kasih la eh..Aku benci kau tau tak..?Kau tak tau nak menilai perasaan orang.Bodoh kan..??Suke la sangat kan dapat buat sesuke hati kau kan..Buat la depan budak2 tu semue..Biar dorang tengok abeh tu nanti heboh satu dunia..Please la..

Kau...Terime kasih eh sebab tolong aku..Tapi aku rasekan..Aku boleh hidup lagi la..Kau ambil hak aku macam tu kau punyer gitu..Abeh tu kau tak endah kan ,then kau kutip balik lepas aku yang jage..Eh tolong la..Semue da besar panjang..Pikir la pakai kepale otak yang ade tu..Aku yang lebih tahu.biar la aku yang buat kerje..Kenape mesti kau ganggu?Kau pon suker agaknyer kan..dA LA...aku sakit hati la biler pikir kan korang..Memang aku rase betol arh cakap orang ramai..Orang Melayu nie banyak sangat berdrama..Bukan niat aku untuk menghina tapi aku rase ape aku bebual nie ade betolnyer..Pikir kan la eh..Aku da malas nak pikirkan perasaan orang..Sebab tiade sape yang pertimbangkan perasaan aku..Jadi lain kali baik2.Kalau aku maki depan muke krg nanti.jgn salahkan aku.Sebab aku rase tahap kesabaran aku da hilang..

Untok sape2 yang da bace gini jauh.Terime kasih.Aku TIDAK AKAN dan TIDAK PERNAH AKAN meminta maaf atas ape yang aku cakap tadi.Kalau sape2 yang terase,tu korang punyer pasal.Kalau korang rasse ianyer tepat kene pade korang dan lepas tu nak benci aku..Dipersilakan..AKu da tak heran da...Memang mulut manusia..Suke bebual kan!!

To Zura,Fah,Ros and Syimah..If you girls understand..Then thanks for the effort..Sometimes we dun have to know a friend for years to understand them..Because someone who claim to know me for years is still clueless about my life.

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